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“You game?” David asked her.

“Uh, sure,” she bravely said.

David had planned to leave her but decided he’d better hang around and take the pictures for her.

Willy went first.

“Oh. My. Gosh,” Emily said as she checked out his package.

Willy was gifted, and it was apparent that Emily had never seen one that large. It made Willy’s day.

Once David took the photo of Emily with the last guy, she wanted her phone back so she could see the pictures.

David was caught off guard when she grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.

“What the hell? I get naked, and she kisses Dawson?”

Willy complained.

“Thanks, guys. This will give me the win for sure,” Emily beamed.

“Go show Taylor and have fun today,” David said.

After she left, David thanked his teammates, who had enjoyed the distraction. He went to see Dr. Liao.


He didn’t know if he should be concerned or not. David suspected they’d shot Matt up with painkillers so he could play the second half of the Washington State game. Now, David had been cleared for full contact a week early because they needed him to start against Arizona next Saturday.

The result for Matt was that it looked like he would miss the Arizona game and possibly the one after that, depending on what the doctors found later today. He could potentially be done for the season. David wondered if he should get a second opinion on his own condition.

He didn’t have time to ponder his concerns because the team was gathered to watch the game film from the Washington State win. Once everyone was settled, Coach Merritt came in and addressed the team.

“We let them slip through our fingers too many times.

We’re still looking for an identity. We have too many guys

thinking they have to compensate for other guys. That doesn’t lead to very good play.”

He then began the film session. He always started by showing every penalty and calling out who got them and why.

“The next one is a delay of game, and this is just uncalled for. Most of these are my fault,” Coach Merritt said, “but this one wasn’t …”

David liked that he did this. Penalties killed drives and lost games. What Coach Merritt was doing was making everyone accountable for their mistakes. Not in a way to embarrass them, but to make them aware and hopefully avoid the same mistake next game.

“We had way too many penalties. Aggressive penalties are one thing, but dumb penalties are another.

Unsportsmanlike conduct, John Johnson, dumb … delay of game, dumb … How can this be dumb, dumb, dumb?” he asked as he pointed at his list. “We can’t have dumb, dumb, dumb. We have to be smarter than that. We’ve got to be smarter at coaching you at that,” Coach Merritt added.

Well, maybe he was trying to embarrass some people.

John had gotten penalties that killed drives in each of the games he’d played in.

After they watched the film and cheered Percy for blocking the field goal, they went out in shorts and t-shirts and worked on fixing mistakes from the previous game.

Stuff like Marcus running too wide on a particular play, causing him to lose yardage.

“Be sharp as hell … game like … game like!” Coach Merritt barked.


Emily loved the tickling feeling of the sand eroding from underneath her feet as the ocean waves continued to roll in and then back out to sea. While all the other pledges were

busy chatting up guys, she was able to enjoy her day at the beach.

What amazed her was that it wasn’t all that packed this morning. Like the nearly four million people who lived here, she rarely made her way to one of the best places in LA. Today was sunshine, a nice breeze, and temperatures in the mid-80s. Why would anyone not want to be outside at the beach?

Wren joined her.

“Are you done?” Emily asked.

“Yep. Remind me next time to use your secret weapon: David.”

“How did you know?”

“Because I recognized a few of the football players, and you live in his dorm,” Wren explained her reasoning.

“It sort of was cheating, but now I don’t have to do house duties for a while.”

“You’re also my main competition for pledge ranking.

I’m going to have to keep an eye on you,” Wren said with a smile that told Emily she was just giving her a hard time.

“Our rankings might seriously change once we have midterms. My Intro to Economics is kicking my butt.”

“You know someone who’s a business major and a straight ‘A’ student. You should ask them to tutor you,”

Wren said.


“No, David.”

“I couldn’t do that,” Emily hastily said.

“I might.”

Wren could be yanking her chain, but Emily felt the sneaky, snaking fingers of jealousy thread into her chest.

She kept getting the feeling that Wren wanted David for herself, which would be a major violation of the sorority sister code. You didn’t steal another sister’s boyfriend.

But if David was free … What? What would Emily do?

She’d never had a steady boyfriend and wouldn’t know

where to begin getting someone of his caliber. Whereas someone like Wren knew all about sex and men. Emily wouldn’t stand a chance if Wren set her eyes on David.

“And Crystal would make your life a living hell,” Emily predicted.

“Not if she helped us study,” Wren said as her face lit up with mischief.

Emily slapped her hand over her face in horror, making Wren’s day.

“My goal is to knock some of the innocent off you before we graduate,” Wren promised. “You know what would go a long way to doing that? If we get Crystal to let both of us


“NO!” Emily said and covered her ears so she couldn’t hear what Wren was saying.

Then she got the giggles because Emily suddenly imagined it. Wren was such a bad influence.


After the team film session, the quarterbacks went to their room to watch more video. Each position was currently doing the same with their respective coaches.

The topic was Arizona, next week’s opponent.

David noted that Matt’s arm was in a sling.

“Arizona’s defense has some young guns. Last year, two freshmen combined for 179 tackles, first and second most in the Pac-12 for freshmen. As a matter of fact, their whole defense was young due to a coaching change a couple of years ago,” Coach Thomas said.

“Who’ll start if Matt can’t go?” Jaden asked.

“Dawson was cleared for contact, so he’s the next man up,” Coach Thomas said to make it clear. “Guys, I need you to focus. Winning is hard, and we’re going into Arizona on Family Weekend. It usually draws a bigger crowd, plus this game will be on ESPN2. Arizona will be fired up and

wanting to protect their home turf since they’ve lost to us four straight.”

“What’s the key to winning this week?” David asked.

“Eliminating the stupid penalties, protecting the ball, and winning the time of possession by at least five minutes,” Coach Thomas shared.

In David’s mind, that meant they would run the ball.

Coach Thomas then began to run Arizona’s film, giving them an idea of what to expect.


Toward the end of their film session, Coach Merritt and USC’s recruiting coordinator, Bryant, interrupted. Bryant looked excited and glanced at their head coach, who gave him the nod to tell them his news.

“I wanted to share with David that his recruiting efforts bore fruit. Eight of them committed, but the others wanted to visit a couple of other schools before deciding. The good news is that as of right now, they all want to join us at USC,” Bryant said.