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Kent Crain was the senior manager of Dawson Management. It was now part of Holistic Wealth Management, but he still thought of it by the old name.

“Is that allowed?” David asked.

Kent was technically her boss.

“We had to disclose it to HR, and they approved it.”

In some ways, they were moving backward. In David’s management class, his professor brought in an employee handbook from the 1950s. Men were required to wear suits, ties, and hats to work, and women had to ask their boss’s permission to get pregnant or married. Now you had to go to HR to get the okay to date.

“I hope he’s treating you well,” David said.

Scarlet smiled.

“I can count on you to look out for me. Sometimes I forget you’re still a kid in college.”

Somehow that was supposed to be a compliment, so he just took her words in the spirit they were intended.

“Mom told me it looks like everyone’s going to go to your parent’s place for Christmas,” David said.

“It’ll be the first time I’ve seen them since they came up that Thanksgiving before your state championship football game. My dad wants to show off his hunting and fishing camp.”

“What about that guy you were going to marry?

Whatever happened to him?”

“Clay? Last I heard, he was still living with his parents,”

Scarlet said. “I shudder when I think about moving into a trailer with my mother-in-law watching my every move.”

“Sort of like your baby daddy’s momma living in the big house,” David teased.

“Carol is nothing like Clay’s mother, trust me.”

David’s mom treated the three girls better than she did him. She’d, in effect, adopted them as the daughters she’d never had. He always said that Tami earned that distinction, but grandbabies trumped even Tami.

“I’m looking forward to spending time with your family.

I’ve actually never been to a hunting camp,” David said.

“Dad tells me they’ve got a whole new flock of turkey, quail, and pheasant ready for this fall. He’s also stocked the lakes with catfish, trout, and bass. I used to love to go camping with my dad, and we’d go crappie fishing with cane poles and bobbers. Mom says he loves running the camp.

“They plan to block out a couple of weeks just for family,” Scarlet said. “Are Greg and his crew coming?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll ask. It would be nice to have everybody there. I’m assuming that Ashley and her family will also come.”

“They may not be the type that enjoys the outdoors. But I’m sure they’ll be there for Christmas Day at least, if for no other reason than to see their grandkids,” Scarlet said.

They’d finished cleaning up, so the two of them headed downstairs and found the kids doing an art project. With Scarlet and Peggy having them in hand, Ashley asked him to go outside with her for a minute.

When they were alone, she said, “I’m thinking about playing poker full-time. If I do, it’ll mean I have to leave the boys here while I travel.”

“Have you talked to my mom about this?” David asked.

“Yes, I did. She said it was fine as long as you agreed. I would need to give her and Rob power of attorney to handle anything that might come up. It would be like the agreement you have with them for Coby.”

“How long would it last?” David asked.

“Until I come back or you finish college. Then you would take over their care full-time.”

“When would you start this?”

“In two weeks, I’m booked for a tournament in London.”

“Will you be back for Christmas at Scarlet’s parents’


“I’m planning on it. My parents will be there because they want to see Dawson and Allen,” Ashley said.

“If you ever need anything …”

“I’ll call,” Ashley promised.


David was directed to his favorite coffee place. Doreen was busy handing out free drinks to everyone when he walked in.

“Welcome, Sugar. Your tea will be ready in a minute.”

David smiled and nodded as he went to find the director.

Abigail and Moira were huddled at a back table, going over the storyboard.

“Any changes I need to be aware of?” David asked.

Moira handed him a couple sheets of paper.

“We had a rewrite,” Abigail said. “The back room has been turned into a dressing and makeup area. Go get ready, and we’ll film the scene.”

As David walked back to the counter, he noted some students he recognized from his film classes mixed in with the older paid crew. Doreen had left his tea on the counter as she was busy serving others. He picked it up and went to the back, where he found Professor Blum talking to several students.

“I understand that you have ‘ideas,’ but today is about doing what you’re told and watching. After they’re done filming, the director has agreed to spend some time with us as part of their agreement with the university.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I have to change,” David said.

“Don’t mind us,” Colleen said.

“Yeah, no,” David responded and then herded them out.

They’d given him military desert camouflage fatigues to wear and a matching duffle. David suspected that wasn’t the gear people in the army wore when returning home, but it wasn’t his show. His character, Mick, was supposed to be returning from a war zone and surprising his ex, Nikki, played by Callie Mays-Leary.

The hair and makeup people came in and gave him a short haircut. When he was done, Moira took him out the back door.

“We haven’t told Callie who won the role of Mick. When you walk in, we want to catch her by surprise. Abigail hopes it will mimic what would happen if this were real.”

“So should we ad-lib and get naked?” David teased.

“That’s later,” Moira said, playing along.

They’d set it up so his partner in the scene was facing away from the door when David walked in. He looked at the menu and then glanced over. David did a double-take, and his whole face lit up because his costar was smoking hot.

Sitting not five feet from him, she wore a long gray shirt that scarcely touched her thighs. She looked like something out of a magazine. Her long blond hair, slightly tousled, fell softly over her ample breasts, which were just visible through the fabric. He couldn’t help but let his gaze drop to her thin legs—they looked so soft, David longed to just reach out and stroke them.

“Nikki?” David’s deep baritone voice asked.

She turned in her seat, and a shock showed across her face.

“But—How—Do—Why?” she babbled.

“I just got my release. I’ve been traveling all night to get home and wanted a coffee before I came to call on you,”

Mick, David’s character, said.

“Ever the gentleman.”

“It’s getting harder by the minute.”

A surprisingly honest grin greeted his awkward words.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Mick said, acting embarrassed.

“It’s so good to see you, too,” Nikki said as she stood and gave him a hug.

David found his hands wanted to run up her thighs, and

… he shook himself.

“I should leave.”

“Why? You just got here,” Nikki complained.

“If I don’t, I’ll want to take you home with me,” David said as he grabbed his duffle and left Nikki longing after him.

“Cut!” Abigail called out.

David came back inside.

“Playback. I want to make sure we got it.”

Abigail confirmed the scene, and David was done for the day.


David went and got his Monday morning MRI. He’d sent Tami a message asking who he should contact about a second opinion, and she’d suggested Dr. Ohara. David arranged to have his files and recent scans emailed so that he could take a quick look.