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She burst into the living room to see Taylor with the pledge class, all giddy about something on TV.

Taylor saw her and bounced off the couch.

“Replay it! Crystal has to see this.”

Crystal watched the TV and saw her boyfriend on the screen. She deduced that this must be that soap he was in.

She frowned when a gorgeous woman was at his door.

Somehow, David had forgotten to clue her in about that part.

The woman was distracted sizing up the actor he was with when David ripped his shirt off.

“Oh! My! God! He is fine,” Wren called out.

“I vote we make him the pledge-class boy toy,” another spoke.

Crystal gasped and asked, “Was that her thong?”

“Wait for it!” Taylor announced.

Then all the girls squealed again when it looked like David was having sex with the bimbo.

Suddenly Crystal was mad because David hadn’t told her he’d had sex on camera.

Wren stood up.

“If you ever need any help with him, you’ll call me, right?

“Of course,” she lied.

“If he were the president of a fraternity, it would be called Phi Jama Jama,” Emily chimed in.

“On that note, I have to get to class,” Crystal said as she left.

David banging hot female actors was going to be a problem.


David was in his management class learning about supply chains when his phone began to blow up.

“Sorry,” he said as it vibrated on his desk for the third time in under a minute. “I need to check this.”

David hurried out to the hall, thinking Coby must have either finally killed himself or been arrested.

The first one was from Cassidy, so he checked the message. It was simply a link, so he clicked it, and a video appeared. He cringed when he saw it was his soap, and the scene looked all too real. David remembered that he’d intended to talk to Cassidy about the soap, but he’d

forgotten. Ah, well. He turned his phone off and went back into class.

When he sat down, suddenly everyone in the class received a message. A girl in the front row looked at her phone, and her eyes went wide. She then whipped her head around and stared at him.

‘Fuck me,’ David thought. Someone had obviously air-bombed his class, and they were all now whispering to each other as they glanced his way.

When class ended, the place erupted. David rushed to the door to make his escape. As he hurried to his next class, some people were actually brazen enough to point at him.

“Nice butt!” a girl yelled, which got people laughing and agreeing with her.

He could hardly wait for football practice to see what those buttholes had in store for him.


After watching David’s soap, Emily went back to her dorm to … pleasure herself.

‘Where had everything gone wrong?’ she wondered about her stunted sexual growth.

Hell, she hadn’t even kissed a guy yet. It probably all began when her dad flaked out, and she received her

‘Daughter of a Religious Zealot’ Girl Scout badge. She was equal parts mortified and worried that she’d waited this long to discover the joys of an orgasm, knowing that she was surely going to hell for giving herself one.

Emily had heard stories about girls in a situation similar to hers and how they went wild. She’d watched a documentary about Amish kids who go out into the world for a time, deciding whether they wanted to return to their Amish ways.

Emily was thankful her mom had encouraged her to join a sorority. She hated to think about what would happen if she didn’t have a support system around her to keep her from doing too much damage. Granted, damage would be done, and Emily was looking forward to it. The question was, with whom would she learn about sex?

In her mind’s eye, she had three candidates she wanted to consider. Lars was the best-looking fraternity boy she knew; tall, with striking Scandinavian looks. She could imagine if he’d been born several hundred years ago, Lars would be raiding villages and defiling all the women.

Chuy was a big, muscular Hispanic boy who had all the women swooning. Wren had given him high marks for his bedroom skills, and he’d had a lot of practice with many one-night stands, from all accounts.

For her, Lars and Chuy playing the field was a plus.

Neither of them was someone she wanted to have a long-term relationship with. She simply wanted to learn how to

… well, everything.

Then there was David. Every girl on campus who was into guys—and, she was sure, some who liked girls—

wanted to bed him. He checked every fantasy requirement she could think of. The only problem was that he was dating her big sister, Crystal.

Emily thought back to that night in Austin when she woke up with David spooning her. His giant hand held her breast while she felt his arousal against her butt. Add to her imagination the look on Nikki’s face as he buried his dick in her. With all that in her mind, the room filled with the sound of buzzing.

“Ah! Yessss!” she hissed as she plunged her rabbit into her already wet sex.

David was the prize. She would wait and see if she could pry him away from Crystal long enough to lose her virginity. If not, she was sure one of her other two candidates would gladly help her out.


David received a message from Lexi. She was organizing the coming weekend on top of the other tasks he’d given her.

The guest list had grown, so she chartered a big business jet. The plane David had flown to Colombia wouldn’t hold all of his traveling circus, so he wouldn’t be piloting this time. Though he did plan to get some time in the cockpit. His entire household, including the baby mamas and their significant others, was going with him.

Greg and his family, Tracy and Pam, Jim and Bill, his grandmother and Ron, and Crystal were going, too. Even Halle James was going along.

Friday night, he would have his jersey retired, and the HSAA was inducting him into the state’s football and baseball Halls of Fame. And word had slipped out that the football field would be named after him. The last part was due to his dad directing Megan to donate more money to the Booster Club.

Lexi also said that she’d leased Cassidy a car. Lexi had sent a picture of a Mercedes S-Class in graphite gray with a black interior. It had all kinds of safety features, including driver-assist technology—one of his requirements due to Cassidy’s arm. It was also big enough that she would be safe if there was another collision.

They’d sent it to Fritz, who would add his security stuff, like cameras, a medical kit, a gun safe, etc. They would drop it at the airport for pickup on Sunday.

David was finishing reading her message when he walked into the locker room.

“You’re dead to me,” Willy called out to get the ball rolling.

David gave his center a crooked smile.

“The girl I was with this afternoon saw you rip your shirt off and asked me to do it. I about broke my wrist when

mine didn’t want to tear.”

David laughed.

“Dude, they gave me a stunt shirt for that scene. I told them I wanted to mimic a TV wrestler to give the ladies a show. I can ask them where they get them if you guys want,” David offered.

“Hell, yes! Order me a dozen,” Willy said.

“Before you all get excited, let me see where they got mine,” David pushed back.

His hope was that he wouldn’t have to be the middleman. His luck, he’d be stuck with a case of shirts.