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After the game, everyone went to Our House to eat and enjoy some good music. Tonight, Eve ‘Country Girl’ Holiday was playing. She was prepping for a new tour to launch her second album.

David was a few minutes late because he had to put down his five little ones. They’d loved all the dancing and crowd yelling. But they were in agreement that cowbells made their ears hurt.

He spotted his brother, Phil, talking to USC’s Coach Thomas when he walked in.

“Who’s your main receiver?” Coach Thomas asked.

“Rockefeller Pearson, but we call him Roc. He’s given his verbal to State. As have I,” Phil said.

“I’d like to sit down with the two of you before I leave tomorrow. Maybe you would consider playing for USC,”

Coach Thomas floated.

“It never hurts to listen,” David said to interrupt. “But tonight, we celebrate.”

“You boys have fun. Maybe I can come over after breakfast to talk,” Coach Thomas pressed.

“Sure. And I’ll get Roc and his family there,” Phil said.

“I’ll talk to him and work out the logistics, and we’ll let you know.”

When Coach Thomas took his leave, Phil turned to his big brother.

“Did you have something to do with that?”

“I’ll just say … cellar-dweller,” David said as he put his left hand out. “Or national champs.” He raised his right

hand much higher. “What sounds like more fun?”

“But …”

“I’ll add one more thing … no, two,” David said. “You have a record to beat with the jock bunnies … and … stay with me … I’d love to have you on my team again.”

“What about Roc and Yuri?”

“I’m betting Roc plans to live at home and help his father with the farm,” David guessed.

“I think he is.”

“Getting away would do him some good, keep his parents from marrying him off like they did Zoe,” David joked.

“I’ll be sure to tell him that.”

“And Yuri? I don’t know if he’s good enough,” David said, being brutally honest.

His Russian hitman had been good enough to receive a Division I offer, but he didn’t have the measurables to be a USC linebacker. He’d had the same issue with Tim when looking for schools. The problem was that Phil didn’t have enough pull to have a better program take a flyer on Yuri.

“You’re a jerk, sometimes.”

“I totally get wanting to keep the band together, so to speak. But the sooner you realize that you need to do what’s best for you, the sooner making the decision will become easy. I love Tim and Wolf, but I am doing fine not seeing them every day. That doesn’t mean that we aren’t still best friends. Does that make sense?”

“I understand; I need someone to tell me stuff straight.

But you could deliver the message differently,” Phil complained.

“Noted,” David said and then cocked his head. “Let me ask you, though. Would my message have gotten through if I’d played nice guy?”

It was Phil’s turn to consider.

“You know I won’t say ‘no’ because that’ll just give you permission to be a dick to me all the time,” Phil said.

“I like you too much to be a dick all the time. I mean, even I can admit that you played your butt off today. I’m proud of you,” David said as he pulled his little brother into a bro hug.

“You mean that?” Phil finally asked.

“Look around. Why would half the Big Ten send someone tonight if you weren’t good? You’re good and deserve to go to a good school, or so I’ve been trying to tell you,” David said.


He could see what he said meant a lot to Phil.

Then Phil added, “When I asked my mom to move here so I could get to know you, I didn’t know what to expect. I’d hoped to get to know you, but this is more. It’s …”

Phil looked at his feet and was at a loss for words.

“Like we’re brothers?” David asked.

Phil looked up and smiled.

“Exactly,” Phil said. “Now, let’s go enjoy our victory over Eastside. I have a young lady who’s waiting for me.”

“Now, look who is the wise one. I completely agree. Let’s go party.”


Before he could reach the crowd, David ran into Bo Harrington.

“David! Congratulations! Those accolades are well deserved,” Bo said.

“Thanks, Coach. You know that you were a major part of that. No way would I have gotten any of those were it not for your help.”

“Well, you’re welcome, though I think you’re selling yourself short. Anyway, it looks like you’ve more than paid me back with the guys you’ve sent my way, especially Travis Barry. He’s doing well. Oh, and that VR equipment is a big help. Thanks for that.”

The two of them chatted a bit about the other players who’d transferred from USC to Western Michigan, then Bo took his leave.


David made his way through the crowd. There was a list of former teammates he wanted to have a few words of greeting with. That list included the Bauer brothers, Ty Wilson, Ed Pine, the Callahan brothers, Yuri Antakov, and Kevin Goode, to name some of the main ones.

Kevin had graduated and was working as a grad assistant on the State staff. He’d been a senior when David first arrived at Lincoln High. David had been lucky that Kevin took him under his wing because Kevin hated players who played offense. David’s ferocious hits when he ran the ball had won Kevin over.

David was catching up with him when the music started.

“Dance with me,” Pam said to him as she appeared at his side.

Kevin said it was good catching up as David was pulled onto the dance floor.

Pam stuck her tongue out at someone. David turned his head and saw Brook, Cassidy, Tracy, and Zoe all giving her dirty looks. David chuckled. Knowing that group, they’d discussed in what order they would dance with him. Pam had obviously taken matters into her own hands. Some things never changed.

“They just don’t understand that you love me best,” Pam quipped.

David stopped, reached his right hand to the middle of her back, and pulled Pam to him. Her eyes got big as he leaned forward and gave her a serious kiss. Pam fell into it, and he felt her hand on the back of his head as they made out in the middle of the dance floor.

“She has a boyfriend,” Cassidy said as she was suddenly beside them.

David broke the kiss to look at his little ninja. Pam blinked several times.

“I don’t care,” she announced.

David looked at the two of them and remembered he had a girlfriend.

“But our stupid boy does,” Cassidy said.

Pam knew she was right.

In the meantime, Mr. Happy had woken up and tried his best to escape David’s pesky pants. Pam glanced down.

“Oh my. I still have it,” she said, pleased with herself.

“Kiss me,” Cassidy said.

“What? Why?” David asked.

“Don’t look now, but Crystal’s watching,” Cassidy said.

“And I should kiss you, too?”

“Yep. Now do it,” Cassidy ordered.

David leaned down and kissed Cassidy.

“David’s kissing everybody!” Cassidy announced.

He found Tracy in his arms a moment later, followed by Zoe. After he kissed her, he came to his senses.

“What about Johan?”

“He knows it’s just a kiss,” Zoe said.

Before Brook got her turn, Crystal was in his arms.

“Enough kissing other girls. You’re mine tonight.”

David shrugged at Brook, who just smiled back. Another song started, so David danced with Crystal.


During a break, Eve found him and Crystal. David made the introductions.