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However, it is not the Caliphate’s futuristic media wing that should set pulses racing, because the real place for hands on innovation lies more appropriately in the field of warfare. A quick glance at history shows that many of the day to day items we take for granted actually have their roots in the military, and computers are a great example of this, others include GPS technology and the microwave cooker.

As long as the Caliphate continues to wage jihad, and it has to, then the creative juices of inventors will flow and lead to bold advances. The recent deployment of a civilian truck that transforms into a rocket launcher in the Battle of Baiji proves how effective war is in stimulating innovation.

The natural progression for technology on the frontlines has to be, in my opinion, anti-aircraft artillery, and if the Caliphate is successful in producing something viable then it should be a real game changer.

The Islamic State’s deft use of media and hi-tech weaponry to further its aims also shows that Islam[16] is not an enemy to modern technology, and in many ways it has propelled the Caliphate brand into something that is stylish and cool.

Inside the Islamic State you will have access to the usual gizmos such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and of course the internet. Keep in mind that mobile networks are still in the making, but apps such as Skype, Kik, WhatsApp and Telegram, to name but a few, are great alternatives.

As far as the future is concerned, then renewable and non-renewable energy is one place where the Caliphate can move leaps and bounds. Nestled in an energy hotspot, Islamic State scientists will, no doubt, think of innovative ways to tap into the vast amount of resources locked in their surroundings including, amongst others, wind, sunlight, fossil fuels, timber, earth minerals, metal ores, and fresh water; however, this is just one idea amongst a sea of others, and I would still advise keeping your eyes firmly on the battlefields for the real movers and shakers.

People in the Caliphate

If you thought London or New York was cosmopolitan then wait until you step foot in the Islamic State, because it screams diversity. In my short time here I have met people from absolutely every walk of life, proof that the Caliphate’s pulling power is strong and tenacious.

The country has also become a magnet for talent It has been successful in recruiting skilled professionals that are crucial for state building. Scholars, judges, preachers, soldiers, doctors, data analysts, telecommunication experts, economists, mechanics, chefs, teachers, civil engineers etc. are just some examples that I can rattle off the top of my head, and are also real life examples of people I have physically met.

The Caliphate oversees the rapid influx of migrants with stunning control and successfully maintains the social order by adhering to the laws enshrined in the Quran[17] and Sunnah[18] — simple, but very effective.

I cannot see a Baltimore riot springing up here anytime soon and that is a dead cert, not because those in charge will deal with matters with an iron fist, but because there is no blur between right and wrong. What I mean by this is that citizens are not hypocritically led to believe that all cultures can coexist, and then have this belief torn apart by the bigoted reality on the ground. Everyone is judged with the right law (which is Islam), and told what is the truth (which is Islam), and the dangers and impracticalities of multiculturalism are well and truly nipped at the bud.

Another thing worth mentioning about the Islamic State community is hospitality. A muhajir carries a certain aura with him in the Caliphate, and the appreciation shown by the Muslims here for his emigration is palpable. The people of Iraq and Syria have gone through a lot, and the last thirty years have been particularly testing marred by dictatorships, crippling sanctions and brutal occupation.

Sadly, as cruel as Saddam Hussein and the Assad gang have been the violence thrashed out by America and her allies has been just as bad, if not worse, I mean who can justify sanctions that lead to the deaths of up to half a million children?

In early May 2015, a US airstrike slaughtered up to fifty women and children in the northern Syrian village of Bir Mahli in what is surely to be described as a ‘mishap’, and even if this were the case where is the compensation for the victims, and where is the international outcry for such a horrible miscalculation? And if only it were a miscalculation, but sadly my experiences of American military action in the Islamic State casts a dark shadow of doubt over this.

Rewind to 28th December 2014, and I am in the popular town of Bab, Syria talking casually to a friend outside his house. It is a cool winter night and everything seems normal. In a matter of moments the haunting shriek of a missile fills the air, and crashes into a building one hundred meters away, followed by an almighty explosion. As the ground shakes beneath our feet we see the bright light of a second missile pierce the sky and strike again. Silence.

More than forty civilians were killed in that building that day, and I can still smell the charred aftermath of that cowardly act of war, and I also remember feeling angry — very angry. That building was not a training camp or bomb factory it was a regular police station housing prisoners, and that airstrike was precise and deliberate.

Outrages like these are just the tip of the iceberg, but they help show what life has been like for ordinary people in Iraq and Syria, because prior to the entrance of the Islamic State it was considerably worse. The horrors of Bashar Assad and the Shia government, across the now demolished border, had everyone in despair and so when the Islamic State came rolling in with the justice of the shariah[19] everyone was understandably in euphoria.

As a muhajir and citizen of the Caliphate you are a symbol of liberation and change. You are loved and supported, because you are a walking reminder that tyranny now has a formidable foe. You are also a symbol of Islam, and so do not be surprised if people here seek your counsel and advice and beware of self-conceit and pride.

As for the future, then expect great things because the foundations have been set for an electrifying confrontation in which the Muslims will, ultimately, emerge victorious and that requires great minds and incredible sacrifices in the form of amazing people.

In the past year, America and her allies have gone to extraordinary lengths to convince the world that the Islamic State is nothing more than a militant organisation, but with every day that passes this is proving more and more difficult.

I vividly remember my first steps in the Caliphate and being taken back by the sheer expansiveness of the land that was wrestled away from Bashar Assad, and as we were escorted by car through the rocky plains of the province of Halab, Abu Ishaaq al Britani who also managed to make it with me exclaimed whilst smiling jubilantly, “This is our country!” and however strange it sounded to me at that time he was right — Muslims now had a homeland. It was only a few months later from that timeless statement that Abu Ishaaq attained martyrdom in battle, and I ask Allah to accept him and elevate his status in Paradise.

The point here is that the Islamic State has land — a lot of land, and it also has infrastructure with all the hallmarks of a country, and by this I mean hospitals, courts, fire brigades, an electricity grid, prisons, a working transport network, agriculture etc. which all converges to point out one extraordinary thing — a remarkable education system.



Submitting to Allah by tawheed (monotheism) and following the command of Allah by obedience and purifying yourself from shirk (polytheism) and the people of shirk (polytheism).



The actual words of Allah which were revealed to the final messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Arabic language, which is worship when recited and written in the pages of Uthman (ra) and collected by multiple transmission.



What has been attributed to the final messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) whether his sayings, actions or consent.



The totality of the divine rules mentioned or derived from the revelation (of the final messenger Muhammad (pbuh)).