I shall exert pressure upon the admiral but, I beg you my dear Madoc, to go and cruise northwards with your brig. Even now Blankett snores upon my divan but I propose to wake him to his duty. I know his ships have yet still to water and anticipate he will yet delay. If you regard this Santhonax as dangerous, now is the time to locate him.
[The letter was signed] Strangford W.
Drinkwater looked up at Griffiths. 'I warned them both, damn them.' Griffiths beckoned Drinkwater over to the chart. The long sleeve of the Red Sea ran almost north to south. At its head in a gesture of vulgar contempt as if refusing to link up with the Mediterranean at the last minute, the two fingers of the Gulfs of Aqaba and Suez were divided by the mountains of Sinai.
Griffiths moved his finger up to the Gulf of Aqaba. 'These two numbskulls scoured the Egyptian coast while Santhonax hid round the corner and snapped up potential transports like a fox does chickens. Duw bach, what fools these Englishmen are…'
Drinkwater smiled ruefully. 'Not quite all, sir. Nelson's an Englishman, he could see clearly enough.'
Drinkwater put down the letter, seeing the postscript.
Take Yusufand his dhow with you. I have instructed him to go as your eyes and ears. Though he does not speak English he understands the situation.
'Send that Arab down and pass word to get the spring off the cable. We'll slip an hour after dark. Send Lestock to me and have the water casks topped off.'
'With the greatest of pleasure, sir.' Drinkwater left the cabin eagerly.
Chapter Ten
Winging the Eagle
The favourable southerly breeze left them in the region of sixteen degrees north and they worked patiently through the belt of variables for a hundred miles before picking up the northern wind. Their passage became a long beat to windward with Yusuf ben Ibrahim laughing at their clumsy progress from his graceful and weatherly sambuk. But the wind, though foul, was fresh and cooling while the spray that swept over the weather bow sparkled in the sunshine and gave the occasion a yachting atmosphere. North of Jeddah they encountered several large dhows which Yusuf investigated, shepherding them alongside the brig. They were seen to be full of green-turbanned 'Meccans' who waved enthusiastically, having proclaimed a jihad against the infidel army of Desaix and Moallem Jacob.
'They say,' said Griffiths watching them through his glass, 'that Murad Bey deploys them in front of his Mameluke cavalry as a breastwork. Have the men give the poor devils three cheers.'
Sheepishly the Hellebores on deck raised a cheer for their expendable allies. The warlike enthusiasm of the 'Meccans' left an indelible impression of great events taking place over the horizon to the west; of the strength of Islam that could summon up such zealous cannon fodder and of the energy of French republicanism that it could raise such a ferment in this remote corner of the world.
They beat on to the north, passing the reef discovered for the Royal Navy by the frigate Daedalus, but they saw no sign of the tricolour of France. Griffiths declined to put into Kosseir until their southward passage, assuming Santhonax and his frigate might be there in overwhelming force.
'No, Mr Drinkwater, first we will reconnoitre the Gulf of Aqaba then cross from Ras Muhammad to the west coast and pass Kosseir with a favourable wind. I have no desire to meet our friend at anything but an advantage.'
Both of them wondered what would be the outcome if Santhonax was elsewhere.
Two days later they were off Ras Muhammad at the southern extremity of the Sinai peninsula. The land closed in upon them, the dun coloured landscape rising in row upon row of peaks that lay impassive under the blue skies and sunshine of noon and were transferred at sunrise and sunset into ruddy spines and deep purple gullies. Between this forbidding barrier the Gulf opened up, a deep blue channel of white-capped sea over which the wind funnelled with gale force.
Regarding this cradle of religions, Appleby observed wonderingly. 'You can imagine Moses striking those rocks and Almighty God handing down the commandments from such a place…' Robbed of his usual pomposity Appleby seemed reduced to a state of awe.
But if this grim landscape failed to impress the majority of Hellebore's people, daylight the following morning had a different impact. From the masthead the news of several ships to windward included the intelligence that one was the square sail of a European vessel. There was no doubt that there was a French warship in the offing, though of what force they had yet to discover.
'Get aloft Nathaniel,' growled Griffiths anxiously and Drinkwater went forward and swung himself into the foremast shrouds. Around him Hellebore's deck swarmed with activity as the men prepared for action.
At the topgallant doubling the wind was distinctly chilly. Stokeley was the lookout and he pointed the newcomers out. Settling himself against the exaggerated motion of the brig Drinkwater levelled his glass to larboard and caught the image of a dhow in the lens. There were five such craft being convoyed south by the warship. He searched the latter for details to determine her size. He counted her mastheads: there were three. A ship rigged corvette or a frigate? He transferred his attention to the hull. At this angle it was difficult to say as the enemy approached them, yawing slightly, a bone of white water in her teeth, but there was simplicity about her bow that inclined Drinkwater to dismiss his worst fears. He descended to the deck.
'I believe her to be a ship-sloop, sir, say about twenty guns.'
'Very well.' Griffiths paused and studied the approaching dhows. 'D'you think they're fitted with teeth or are they under convoy for Kosseir or Suez?' He did not wait for an answer, glancing astern at the supporting sambuk of Ben Ibrahim. 'We'll engage, Mr Drinkwater, take the topgallants off her and hoist French colours.' Drinkwater acknowledged the order and turned away while Griffiths bellowed forward for all to hear. 'Mr Rogers! Load canister on ball, run your larboard guns to the sills and secure them! Keep your ports closed and all the larbowlines to cheer as we pass the Frenchman, all except the gun captains who are to lay their pieces at the horizon and fire on command.' He lowered his voice. 'Mr Lestock, have a quartermaster ready to hoist British colours the moment I say, and men at the braces below the bulwarks. I shall wear to starboard then cross his stern.' Griffiths stood beside the men at the wheel. Drinkwater returned from amidships, casting his eyes aloft where the topgallants flogged impotently in their bunt-lines. The topmen were spreading out along the yards. Already Hellebore began her deception, peacefully clewing up her topgallants as she waited for her 'friend' to approach. 'Duw', Nathaniel, tell them not to be so damned fast aloft.'
Drinkwater grinned and raised the speaking trumpet.
'Fore t'gallant there, take your time, you are supposed to be Frenchmen!' He could see from the attitudes of the men aloft who shouted remarks to their mates on the main topgallant that the business amused them. The obvious high spirits and exaggerated pantomime that followed this order spoke of a soaring morale amongst the hands at the prospect of action. Battle, conducted in such a spirit in such a breeze and in such brilliant sunshine could not fail to be exhilarating.