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We will need to do what the Liberals can't do, of course. We have an obligation to offer a political programme to the people close to the people. Of course, this program will be very left-wing and radical. The detailed compilation of such a program, however, is not part of the plan of our speech today, and therefore let's say briefly. We need a program that would offer the aspirations of the people. Yes, we shouldn't invent a Utopia like our libertarians do. You see, each of us wants to live in some individual utopia, but no one wants to live in someone else's Utopia. Everyone wants their own Utopia. And in generaclass="underline" utopianism smells of social racism. Like, you citizens, idiots, but here we have written you a utopia, which you will implement under our control. No, it's not going to work that way. Our program should reflect the interests of real people. This is what makes it materialistic, while endowing it with enormous power. These, however, words are very common. We need to move on to the point, that is, to tactics and strategy.

It should be remembered that Nguyen Ziap divided the guerrilla war into two periods. The first period is the time when the guerrillas must hide in the forests for fear of government. In the first stage we are few, and our forces are very scarce. The second stage is when the guerrillas come down from the mountains, get out of the forests and so on. When the guerrilla forces begin to outperform the forces of the government, then the second stage begins. In the second stage, this war ceases to be both asymmetrical and fully partisan. We equalize our abilities against the opponent, and then we defeat him. This is how events developed in Vietnam, where the army of Nguyen Ziap went from a small guerrilla detachment to a huge army consisting of dozens of divisions. We, as you know, are in the first stage at the moment. Although no, we are rather at stage zero, because we have not done anything yet. This, in short, is not very important. The war, of course, can be broken down into more stages, but all this will be more interesting to military historians than amateur practitioners.

Many people before us engaged in guerrillaism, leaving us a rich book heritage in this type of activity. From the books we know that every stage of the war requires actions of a very specific nature. We are now at the very beginning of the journey, and therefore we must devote all our energies to achieving the main goal, Ц the creation of our own organization. It must be a carefully conspiratorial terrorist sect consisting of the most desperate. When I say that it should be created, I want to say that it should be created not on paper, but in real life. Second, I have to tell you all that you have to prepare. Yes, you all just have to study the military, learn the experience of other guerrillas, learn from the experience of fighting guerrillas and the like. Perhaps you think it's hard, andmaybe it's not: I don't know. It's hard, I have to say, but absolutely necessary. You have to learn from the experiences of others and read a lot of books on tactics and strategies. And youhave to prepare physically... So it's all dull?! I say the truth: even in our technological age, the ability to run well is necessary for a partisan. And if you are attacked by militants from the National Guard, what will you do with them?! Of course, modern partisans need comprehensive physical training. And not just physical, by the way. So, our first goal is to create a combat organization that will be able to lead the masses to the victory of the socialist revolution.

We have identified the first goal. Now you need to explain to you our secondimmediate goal. It consists in the deployment of a guerrilla war against the Russian authorities. Guerrilla warfare early on has certain features that I'll tell you about below. It should be noted that it makes sense to move to terror and guerrillaviolence only after the creation of a militant organization. Solitary terror is not only extremely ineffective, but very dangerous both for our reputation and for the terrorists themselves. Now I have to make a little digression. The fact is that there are left-wing evaders in our party. These people think: лThis evil uncle forbids us, but we'll do it anyway.╗. But I will not tire of repeating that there can be nothing more irresponsible than solitary terror. First of all, it is very difficult to do something serious to one person. Secondly, it will not be difficult for the police to catch such a person. Third, solitary terror can frighten the everyman. People will think we're some maniacs like Anders Breivik and won't support us. It should be remembered that we are at one time at the time of the government, not the everyman: we must, in fact, protect the everyman. Moreover, we must pursue his interests. So we don't need solitary terror. We must act consciously, collectively and in an orderly manner.