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But you understand that people will not look silently at how they are cut. That's why the petty bourgeoisie rebels. Boris Kagarlitsky predicted her upcoming performances in the third year. He called them лthe revolt of the middle class╗. You can read about all this in the relevant books. However, it must beremembered that because of it's intermediate position, the petty bourgeoisie cannot oppose capitalism consistently. Therefore, all it's uprisings are reduced to the fight against corruption and other completely secondary phenomena. The petty bourgeois says: лCorruption isremoved, and лMcDuck╗ is saved!╗. This slogan, of course, is completely impossible. Capitalism (especially peripheral as we have) inevitably breeds corruption. If we want to remove corruption, capitalism must be removed, and capitalism must be destroyed, it means to destroy лMcDuck╗. The petty bourgeoisie is prone to populism in the spirit of Navalny. That is why large capital constantly uses it as cannon fodder during it's political games.

The proletariat in modern Russia already exists. It is, however, still in the formative phase. That is, some small bourgeois went bankrupt and became proletarians. Their consciousness, however, remains petty bourgeois. They do not consider themselves to be a proletariat. They sincerely think thattheir situation is temporary. That is why such people strive to escape poverty at all costs. They dream not of freedom, but of their own slaves. They do not want to fight for their rights, let alone make a revolution. Such comrades themselves want to be millionaires. Dreaming, as they say, is not harmful. And remember, it will be a long time before these people regain class consciousness.

All the above and determines the nature of the future Russian revolution. But since we are talking about the events of the supposed, it is all somewhat complicated. The fact is that if the revolution happens this year, it will no doubt be a typical лcolored╗ or лorange╗ If the revolution happens in ten years, it will be significantly different. First, the proletariat will not only grow in numbers by that time, but will also gain class consciousness. Secondly, by that time we will be able to establish a large network of clandestine organizations and launch a full-scale guerrilla war. If the revolution happens now, the proletariat in it will act as the tail of the petty bourgeoisie. Our own activity will not be noticeable at all. Ukraine can again become a good example here. In the two thousandth year of the fourth year there was the first лcolor╗ revolution. The then Ukrainian proletariat was still very undeveloped. That is why the petty bourgeoisie was uptonos at the time. In the fourteenth year (that is, ten years later) the revolution began again in Ukraine. By that time, the Ukrainian proletariat had not only increased in number, but also became much more conscious. That is why the revolution of the fourteenth year ended with the uprising in the Donbass. Therefore, I very much hope that the revolution will not happen now. Holy God, if only it happened not now, but ten years later! I wish not now!

You, as I see it, are sad. This despondency is understandable. But there is no need to despair! The fact is that if the лcolor╗ revolution starts on time, it will open up new opportunities for us. Then we will easily be able to capture and withdraw entire regions from the country. In short, everything is like in Ukraine. You must understand that the Donetsk Republic was not formed from scratch. First, it should be recalled that the southeastern regions of Ukraine were among the most depressed. The decomposition of the petty bourgeoisie there went very quickly. There was a proletarianization and even lumpening of the local population! There, however, were many important industrial enterprises. That is why a typical proletariat was formed in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Exactly what Marx was talking about. That is why in the spring of the fourteenth year these people rebelled. They are tired of putting up with the status of residents of the internal colony. They are tired of putting up with disenfranchisement, corruption and other things like that. But this is an objective factor, and was still subjective. Since the 1990th, various separatist organizations have operated throughout eastern Ukraine. Members of these societies were engaged in martial arts, learned survival and gun ownership. Sometimes they practiced terrorism, killing local officials and blowing up various administrative buildings. Seriously, of course, no one considered them. Ukrainian security forces thought that these cells of ten people each are completely non-dangerous for them. They thought they were thugs, extremists and political marginals. Until a certain time it really was so. But what happened in the spring of the fourteenth year? In the spring of the fourteenth all these secret societies rebelled. They took advantage of the situation in the country and easily took political power into their own hands. And then they created the republics of Donbass known to us.