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We're going to try the same way. First, we will create our own structures. What is called paramilitares in Latin America. Then it will be necessary to recruit enough young fighters to us. When the first two paragraphs are executed, we will wage a guerrilla terrorist war against the state. Of course, we will not be able to crush Putin's regime with the help of self-attacks. But in this war we have a different goal. We need to shake up the state, weaken it and deprive people of popular support. In this way, we will bring the offensive of the лorange╗ revolution, which will be completely impoverished by our enemy. When the country knocks distemper, we will use the temporary mess and begin to raise insurgencies in remote depressed areas. In Altai, for example, or in the region. Our forces will easily seize power there and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.

лWhat's next?╗ Ц you ask. лLook at Ukraine!╗ Ц I will answer. Of course, you understood that the real revolutionary war is waiting for us. What did you want? The future лorange╗ revolution will bring to power dull liberals, Ц will change one reactionary government to another. And this latter will do everything possible to crush our future proletarian republic. And to help him in this matter will be American and Chinese imperialists. So we will have to defend the revolutionary power with weapons in our hands. In short, it has yet to be installed.

If the cursed reactionaries drown the proletarian dictatorship in blood, we will follow the example of the лUkrainian Red Army╗. The fact is that in some regions of Ukraine the proletariat was not large enough and conscious to organize a full-fledged uprising. This is primarily Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv region. Since it was not possible to separate these regions, the locals went to a guerrilla war against the fascist regime. This war is now under the leadership of the лUkrainian Red Army╗.

This is our strategy, but now we have to say about tactics. The peculiarities of our tactics are explained by our own situation. In the early stages of guerrilla warfare, we can't do anything really big. We have very few people, and weapons and ammunition are even smaller. That's why we can't go out into a clean field and say: лCome out, feds, to a fair fight!╗. Such an лhonest fight╗will be our last fight. Our tactic is: got out of the forest, Ц committed sabotage and went back into the woods. Of course, it is not necessarily sabotage and not necessarily in the forest, but the principle we will use this. We have to get out of our hideouts, strike the enemy, and then immediately dive into the darkness again. Here's an example. In the dead of night we throw a couple of Molotov cocktails at the police station. The plot, of course, lights up. But we didn't come here to see the fireworks, but for another cause. We set fire to the site and run away. After that, we hide without giving any activity. At the same time, however, we need to prepare for the next sabotage. And remember: smart guerrillas do not enter into an unplanned battle. If the enemy comes, we retreat. This needs to be explained by example. We set fire to the police station, and these freaks jumpedout of there and followed us. What do we do? That's right , run away! Guerrilla sapatists run away in bulk, barely noticing the police. That's why they've lasted more than twenty years, and no one knows how long they'll last. Running away from the police is not a shame for the guerrilla. It's a shame to get these bastards into the clutches. That's really embarrassing! We must not engage in unplanned fights. Only terrorist attacks and sabotage. They came running, did the deed, ran away, hid. Everything should be done quickly and quickly. лWhich objects to attack?╗ Ц you ask. I'm going to try to answer that. It is desirable to attack vulnerable objects, as it is easiest. We must constantly strike at two types of targets: local governments (governments) and police stations. These objects should be attacked constantly. Court buildings can be added to the list of must-have sehave. That's the most important thing, but that's not all. It is just necessary to burn the cars of officials. It would be good if the Molotov cocktail flew to some member of лUnited Russia╗ right in the window of his apartment. It is also necessary to find out where the official's dacha is located. With the cottage you can come up with a lot of thingsЕ Otherwise, I give you the freedom to think. One of you decides to throw a grenade through the window of an office building, and someone will let the train off the tracks. That the first thing that is the second is very good. Of course, in the first case Ц the death of a dozen or two office hamsters, and in the second Ц a major railway accident, but here we must remember that we in principle do not really care how many people we killed. We're not trying to beat Chikatilo in the number of murders. We are seeking public attention at this stage. There was such a terrorist organization лRote Zora╗. It translates from German as лRed Zora╗. The bottom line is this: it was a terrorist organization of German feminists. They attacked the courts, where cases of abortion ban were heard, at corporate offices that exploit edited women's labor, all kinds of shops and similar places. At the same time, they caused their enemies enormous financial damage. But what distinguishes them from other terrorists is that they have not killed anyone in their years of activity. In this respect, we can also recall our лPussy Riot╗, although these young fools can not, of course, compare with the real terrorists from лRote Zora╗. Think about it, however: the girls from лPussy Riot╗ by their actions have raised such a noise and scandal that many terrorists could envy them. They didn't kill anyone. Therefore, we need to prepare operations based on the propaganda effect. We need to do everything possible to be talked about, not only in Russia, but also abroad. We need to be written about in the newspapers, to be talked about on federal or at least local TV channels. At the moment (I emphasize: at the moment) the limit of our dreams is a separate forty-minute documentary about us, shown on the channel лNTV╗. You ask: лIf you don't have to kill, why kill at all?╗. I have to explain. First, лRed Zora╗ is an exception to the rule, not a rule. That is, there are terrorists who have not killed anyone, but who remain terrorists, and successful, but such terrorists are very, very rare. Secondly, don't forget that the girls from лRote Zora╗ also carried out terrorist attacks. They attacked the courts, the medical establishments, the offices. They were tired of arson and explosions. At the same time, they planned their attacks so that no one was killed, but the attacks themselves were. Thirdly, we must understand that the tactics of the лRed Zora╗ have a very limited effect. Feminist girls from there fought against the oppression of women, but they did not seek to seize power in Germany. That's why they could afford not to kill anyone. In thisrespect, we can recall our лPussy Riot╗. They attracted a lot of public attention to themselves, but failed to do anything more. They didn't want anything more, as they seem now. But we don't just need to draw attention to ourselves. We're not actors or clowns in the circus. For лPussy Riot╗, attracting public attention is the ultimate goal, forus it is only the first step. We don't need empty actionism. Remember: we want to take political power in the country. Ordinary citizens should see that we are not posers, but people who are leading the people's war. Corrupt officials must tremble with horror. They need to know that we can take away any of them from his miserable life. It should be remembered that capitalism is not afraid of anything but violence. I will give the Situationist International as an example. People from there were constantly holding rallies, very similar to those held by лPussy Riot╗. But here's the question: have they succeeded? No, we didn't! You see, shocking actions can shock the conservative everyman, but not capitalism. The essence of capitalism is that you can do anything, if you do not prevent capital from accumulating. Therefore, we will interfere with the capital with all our might! It is necessary to organize sabotage in factories and factories, to undermine police stations and councils, to kill officials and businessmen. Remember: that's the only thing capitalism is afraid of. Capitalism is afraid only of murder, terrorist attacks and sabotage. That is what constitutes a revolutionary war. And if you do not believe me, then turn to the story, which will confirm to you: never before the people's power was established without violence and bloodshed, never before has the socialist revolution won bloodless and peacefully.