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Our own periodicals are of particular importance to us. Many fighting revolutionary parties were formed around a magazine. RSDLP Ц around лThe Sparks╗, NBP Ц on the basis of лLimonka╗. We also need to start our own periodical. Since this is the age of information technology, it should be on the Internet. You can still additionally make a paper version for the old-fashioned. But this is secondary. The quality of the texts you will publish is much more important. These latter should be written so that you can be read by university professors and factory workers. And not only read, but also imbued with the ideas of the revolution. The party will be formed on the basis of the printed edition. Activists will be recruited from their own subscribers.

We should not forget about wall agitation. Of course, in the age of the Internet, many people think that graffiti is the last century. That will punish fate for contempt! I tell you: graffiti is still effective! Moreover, it is very easy to make them. First, you'll need paint. It can be bought, and you can make yourself. The second we're preferred. Naturally, the politicians can take, yes and ban the trade of the paint! So write down the prescription. We need to take the linseed oil and the ordinary sajo. Since the first is used in cooking, it is likely not to be forbidden. To speak to soot, it can be obtained by itself. This requires a burning of charcoal. What's left after his combustion is the sword. Very little black dust. So, in the linen, the oil add the plant. Then it will only be a mixer. Alclass="underline" paint is ready. Now we need to describe the paint methods. The easiest is to take a large painted brush, put it in paint, and then write this brush all you want. You can use the way more progressive. It's gonna need to buy a cylinder where paint is in the shape of aerosol. These are not currently selling everyone in a row. That's why I suggest you do something similar to itself. You're gonna need to get a big garden spray. These are usually applied in agriculture to combat pest control. Next, you need to pour paint into the sprayer cylinder. Now everything is elementary. You take the sprayer, you point it at the wall, and then you turn it on! The paint instantly falls on the surface. You can also use a stencil. To do this, you need to take a thin sheet of cardboard. In short, it is permissible to use a piece of tarpaulin or a plastic sheet to make a stencil. The surface of the selected material is covered with holes. In shape, these holes should resemble letters. Together they form a single inscription. For example: лDown with bourgeois elections! Long live the people's war!╗. When everything is ready, you can get down to business. We have to take the stencil and put it against the wall. After smearing with paint holes that have the shape of letters and form an inscription. Then remove the stencil. All! On the wall remains a smooth and neat inscription. In this way you can get very beautiful graffiti. Another of it's charm is that it can be used to act very quickly. And saving time for us is a great thing. Now it is necessary to say about where the graffiti is placed. On the walls, of course! Just remember: only the walls located in the places of congestion of our potential friends are suitable. That is, near the objects of industry, as well as in the quarters of the cluster of the poor. That's where our campaigning should be placed. This is also explained by the fact that the police in the slums look infrequently. That is, no one will prevent you from spreading agitation... In short, it is better to act at night anyway. If you can't work in the dark, choose a moment when strangers can't see.

A couple of words should be given to proclamations. That is, all sorts of leaflets. You can print them on an ancient rotator, as well as on a modern printer. In short, the latter is better not to use. The fact is that such machines leave special marks on the documents. They can easily point to the owner of this device. If you apply the specified technique, it is only with great care. The printer must be either stolen or bought illegally. In short, it is better to use a rotator. As a last resort Ц make with a stencil. There's nothing complicated here. All you have to do is cut out the thin holes in the form you're used. It is required to apply it to a piece of paper. Put a stencil on top, applied paint, removed. Now we have to wait. The oil paint hardens slowly. When it dries, you can glue! Now about spreading. Proclamations are usually hung in crowded places, where people are constantly crowding. Most often it is information boards of posters, doors of state institutions, entrances of residential buildings. You need to glue leaflets very diligently. Otherwise, your campaigning will be disrupted in vain. It is best to apply for this purpose a special glue of it's own making. First, you'll need a solvent. Appropriate acetone, gasoline, toluene or something similar. Then take linoleum, polystyrene or rubber. These solids need to be cut to small pieces. The latter are lowered into a pre-prepared solvent. Next, you should close the vessel with future glue. After one day, all abandoned pruning will dissolve. The contents of the jar will turn into a stringy homogeneous mass. That's glue and ready! Now everything is elementary: smear the back of the leaflet with this substance, and sculpt to the door of any ministry. Be careful! You shouldn't be noticed while you're unmracing. It should be said that if you do not want to mess around, you can use the purchased glue. Technically, we've described everything. Now let's go back to the general problems.

The second organizational issue is centralization and decentralization. Here we will again have to choose something in between. A fully centralized organization is good because it can do a lot because of the discipline that reigns there. All it's resources are concentrated in the head center. At the same time, however, if the police manage to dismantle this very center, the party will be left without a head and will die. In a decentralized organization, this is not possible. There's a lot of cells waging war against the government, but they're all autonomous. In the present day, anarchists refer to such structures as лaffinity groups╗. Such communities are usually informal. Most often they grow on the basis of friendly companies. This is their strength: such groups are completely invulnerable to police agents. Their main weakness is informal. Informal, that is optional. Of course, it is very difficult to establish order in such structures, and an undisciplined army is a weak army. That's why I'm a supporter of the compromise. We need an organization centralized enough to coordinate joint action, but the center should not get involved in the internal affairs of the cells. If these cases are certainly not dangerous for the whole organization. So we talked about the main strategic issues of the organization, and now let's talk about tactics.