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The first question of tactics is how we get the personnel for the revolution. Naturally, there is no universal answer to it and there can be no one-size-fits-all answer. First of all, you should pay attention to your friends and your immediate surroundings. Think about whether there are some notorious лnot like everyone else╗ among them. If you find such people among your surroundings, then start processing their propaganda. I will say even less about propaganda below, and for now I will continue to talk about the sources of young revolutionaries. If you see that your friend is interested in politics, then it's just fine. This very fact makes him a potential candidate for the party. If your friend is just dissatisfied with the modern reality, the government and the school administration, it is not so good, but also very good. If he just reads some smart books, it's a little worse, but still good. All three of these categories can easily get to our organization. But it's just about your friends. We're not. We need to expand and capture the masses. They won't take themselves. So, where do we find a new contingent of the revolutionary party? The answer is obvious: in the family parties. First of all, I'm talking about communist and generally left-wing parties. You can find them in large numbers online. There's a lot of good in this very Internet. There, for example, there are numerous left-wing sites. The certain group of people has been formed around each of these sites. I love the people grouping around the left-wing sites of Runet. They, as a rule, do not need special propaganda: they have already washed their brains. In fact, all the work has already been done. These people sometimes have a good idea of Marxism. They are just waiting for the moment when the agitator will approach them. An agitator who whispers in their ear in a sexual voice: лDo you want to be a terrorist?╗. The easiest way to find such people is through social networks, of course. The fact here is that all these left-wing sites have their own groups on social networks, and in these groups sits a huge number of people. People who are fully prepared for the revolution. All they're waiting for you to do is come and call them to war. This contingent is certainly the most reliable. Even if a fellow refuses to join the party, he's not going to complain. Most of the time, it's not gonna go. You can turn around properly, but I'm caution to remember.

Groups of potential revolutionaries do not end there. Next, I'll tell you more about them. We need to expand our ranks. This explains my desire to increase the party population at the expense of what Americans call the politically incorrect word queer. Back in the fifties and sixties, the French Marxists came up with the fact that the revolutionary class is not so much a proletariat as a naked one. To be more precise, the Marxists knew about it before, but still gave more importance to the proletariat. I will say quite honestly: our class is a bull, a naked, a lumpen-proletariat. Some may be offended here, but they will be unintelligent people. The government treats all of us worse than a farmer treats his cattle. Even if you are fed, you should remember that for the government you are like a fat turkey, which is fat fat before the New Year. If the state treats us as a bull (i.e. cattle), then we should call ourselves. Don't be shy: we are a bull! I'm a bull! And I'm proud of it! S, I advise you to focus on the people close to us. Fascists, Nazis, Scientologists, homosexuals, football fans, Ц they are all your friends and brothers. All these people are united by their opposition to the government and the Russian state. Go to the sectarians, go to the Nazis! Agitate in the shadons and gates, at and parties! You must remember that no contingent should be missed. Do we need the guys from MGIMO?! Yes, we need no doubt! Do we need the AUE? Yes, without them Ц nowhere! Any enemy of the state automatically becomes our friend and ally. Trotskyists and dogmatics will begin to reproach me for the fact that I call to unite with the most reactionary forces for victory. This is, of course, a mere lie and slander. First, we need to remember that all these movements are reactionary only in their form. They arise because of ignorance. Imagine that a person has already imbued with hatred for the state and Putin. He's ready to go kill fat officials. His revolutionary fervor has reached the limit. But where is he going? He joins a Nazi gang, an AUE cell, a football hooligans' club. And all his revolutionary fervor is dissipated in vain. That is why I say that such organizations are in nature progressive and reactionary in form. People want to protest, they want to fight the government, but they have no ideology. Moreover, ignorance prevents them from creating the right ideology. Therefore, their protest took a reactionary form. Form, but not the essence! You are the ones who give them ideology. It is you who must clear their brains from reactive delays. So I encourage you to adjust in their midst. Here, for example, students of mgimo. So many of them have the money and connections we need. And some people have even the brains. Word, missing these students from the sight can't be done. And these are the guys from AUE. They're real thugs for killing a man Ц a trick case. Moreover, they have weapons. So the people from the au need us. And we also need Scientologists, Nazis, fascists and all the people who oppress Putin'sreactionary regime. So I say, agitate in orgies, get in the dentons, agitate in companies. Agitate wherever possible. But careful not to forget. Word, you understand my thoughts. I hope so.

Now that we're identified with the contingent, we need to think about propaganda. But first, I'm gonna have a little liquid. We now have a great pile of books about propaganda, PR, advertising and similar disciplines. Most of them are almost completely useless for us. You can read them just for the introduction. This will be very good as it will broaden your horizons. For us, however, these books are not suitable. They speak either of bourgeois propaganda or commercial advertising. These phenomenon are completely alien and hostile to us, and those who offer us to use PR methods do not understand the difference between bourgeois and revolutionary propaganda. The purpose of bourgeois propaganda is to deceive people. Bourgeois propagandists, who we now call the disgusting word лPR╗, deceive the people, mislead them, encourage the wildest superstitions in them. Revolutionary propaganda for it'spurposes is the opposite of the propaganda of the bourgeois. Revolutionary propaganda enlightens the people, relieves them of illusions and superstitions, encourages them to live creativity. That is why proletarian propaganda cannot act by bourgeois methods. In all these books on marketing and PR tells about how to deceive a person, as if to slip him a bad product at a high price, as if to mislead him. Our goal is to rid people of misconceptions. However, you just need to know the bourgeois methods of propaganda. You have to understand how our enemy works. This is the only way you can effectively resist it. Therefore, I encourage you to read bourgeois propaganda books, but God forbid you use the techniques from there in practice. This can only discredit our movement.