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Some, however, say: лYou told us a lot, but all this has a general character, and you say specifically: how to commit a provocation?╗. It would seem I just explained! Some still do not understand. We'll have to point to a pattern. Actions of this kind are divided into two types. The first of these is, of course, лbombing╗. The point of them is that you throw some particularly hard-core reactionary all sorts of crap. You can throw this bastard rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes and glass bottles, and you can pour paint, manure or other unpleasant liquid. Organizing such events is very simple. First, you need to know about the time of appearance of a class enemy in public. All these politicians, bloggers, journalists, businessmen and the like Ц adore the attention of the crowd. That is why they periodically are on all sorts of gatherings. It can be all sorts of conferences, rallies, festivals, as well as other mass gatherings. Journalists are always grazing there. Their goal is to document every thought of reactionary lords. And since these people are greedy to sensationalism, your actions are sure to notice. So, the goal was determined. Now you need to hide what you are going to throw at the lackeys of capitalism. Liquids are usually poured into airtight plastic bags, which are fixed under clothes. Solid objects for throwing are either hidden in pockets or attached to the inside of clothing. Then it is necessary to infiltrate the mass gathering. Then you carefully get closer to the hated enemy, and then abruptly take out the shells and throw this bastard on the most do not spoil. And one more. The most important thing is distance. Rotten eggs can be boiled from five meters, but if you decided to roll the reactionary liquid manure, you will have to come close. After such activities, it is necessary to run away from the scene as soon as possible. Another kind of direct action is the famous лoccupation╗. The point of them is that you come to some public place and roll up a scandal. To come, of course, is required not to where, but to a reactionary and nasty institution. To the Ministry of Education, for example, or to some expensive restaurant. You canat least get into parliament. Most often, such actions are organized as follows. The venue of the event is chosen. Then a suitable day is chosen. We are interested in the time of the greatest crowds in such places. Let's say you decide to show up at an expensive restaurant. It's best to do it on the day when there will be a reactionary bastard. Some important official or big businessman. Then you will not only desecrate the restaurant, but also someone else's party will tear up. When the time and place are chosen, you can get down to business. Prepare padlocks and chains. You're going to need them. Note: locks should be such that they can be locked without a key, and open without it Ц no. You can also use code locks. These latter are very reliable in situations of interest to us. In addition to the necessary chains and locks, you need to make a banner. To do this, the latter requires a fairly extensive sheet or another piece of matter. As a last resort, use a large sheet of cardboard. You should write your slogan on this piece. After the paint has dried, the banner is ready. Locks with chains should be hidden in pockets. One of you should fasten the propaganda banner on the inside of the clothes. Now it's up to the small. You're pinned to the assigned place. There you chain yourself to poles, columns and doors. In short, to everything that can not be moved in a couple of minutes. After that, you need to deploy the banner. Then you just throat slogans, irradiating those present with clumsy communist propaganda. It is possible, of course, to take much more decisive action. Okay, you don't have to chain yourself. You can break into a room filled with people, and then barricade d' from the inside. Then it is necessary to declare people inside hostages. The attention of journalists will be provided!

However, these are all tags. If anything impresses the bourgeois press, it is self-immolation. It's all very simple. First, you should find some fearless comrade. Then take a five-litre plastic canister with napalm. I will tell you more about the methods of production of the substance. You put this canister in your backpack. A reliable gas lighter should also be put there. If anything Ц instead of it you can take hunting matches. When everything is laid down, the backpack is hoisted on the heroic back of a kamikaze comrade. The comrade himself before all this must be properly dressed up. The clothes on it should be made of highly flammable materials. In addition, the future hero is recommended to take a little pervitin. It is best to do it an hour before the feat is accomplished. For bravery, so to speak. When everything is ready, Ц the comrade can only get out into a crowded place, get the cherished canister of napalm, pour it's contents on his clothes, and then this very clothes ignite. Now it all depends on whether your friend is saved or not. If he dies, the press will be provided with the attention of the press. For a week, for sure, or even a month. If your kamikaze stays alive, the press, of course, will pay attention to you too. But it won't be what you need. So, he'll buzz himself, he'll buzz, and then he'll calm down. So your efforts will be wasted! Do everything possible to make sure that your kamikaze friendship dies. Believe me, it's better this way. For everyone.