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But why is it this way and not otherwise? Well, first of all, schoolchildren in Russia are the most oppressed class. The government contains countless people whose only task is to ruin your life. Officials of the Ministry of education, agents of juvenile justice, commissioners for juvenile affairs, лsocial pedagogues╗,child psychologists, social studies teachers and others, and others. So many freeloaders who are paid a salary for doing exceptionally harmful and destructive work! And all these rapists torment you every day! And all because you are disenfranchised. No one will argue with that. Teenagers are not allowed to vote. They even elect the members of Parliament, and themselves to be elected is even more so. This is not the end of the humiliation of school children. Our country has a shameful curfew. His statement is simply outrageous! The state considers our youth a threat! We shouldn't even talk about anything else. It is already clear that the rights of schoolchildren are violated in Russia at every step. Any of you, my dears, can easily become a victim of arbitrariness on the part of the school Director. Why, any teacher can make fun of you as he pleases. And лsocial pedagogue╗ Ц just a scourge of our society! Remember: лsocial pedagogue╗ Ц the first strangler of people's freedom! These bastards most of all cause problems to our teenagers. They're like detectives sniffing around. No small thing will go against their eyes. I demand your forgiveness for the frankness, but now you can't even have sex without fear! You seem to be doing everything right, you seem to be having fun, but you still feel as if a лsocial pedagogue╗ is going to crawl out from under the bed, grab you, and drag you to the underworld!

We know, however, that the most oppressed are not always the most revolutionary. Take a look at your parents. They are crushed by the System to the most don't mess around. But these creatures do not think of revolt! The reasons for this are clear. To become a revolutionary, you need to have a brain. In short, one brain is not enough for this. You also need willpower, courage, and a lot of other useful qualities. Without this, you are not a revolutionary. You're a piece of dung! But this does not apply to you! Our teenagers are smart and educated (unlike their parents), endowed with excellent properties of the soul. Do you know who a Russian schoolchild is? This is a man of the future who has fallen into the dark middle Ages! You have digital immortality, transhumanism, and the conquest of the universe in your head. And around Цpoverty, kvass patriotism and лsocial pedagogues╗. And you get sick of this contradiction. And what does a schoolchild turn into? That's right Ц a revolutionary! Yes, I say: every teenager is a spontaneous revolutionary! This means that the real revolutionary party is the party of school children! They will only form the core of such an organization. First the teenagers will rise up, and then everyone else will join in. Youth is a social bulldozer that paves the way for everything progressive.

I know what each of you wants. All of you are eager to see the school burn down and the лsocial pedagogue╗ die in agony!

This book will help you realize your dream. It tells you everything: how to deploy effective propaganda, how to collect explosive devices, how to conduct a guerrilla war. And most importantly: how to avoid punishment.

Vietnam is close! The guerrilla war has already begun!

Will be are terrorists!

First of all, I would like to welcome my favorite drunks and just lovers of good rum in the morning. You are all very dear to me, my favorite alcoholics. I can't live without you. Who would I have been if you hadn't listened to me?! I would have been a mere nobody then, but now I feel like a king, although this does not contradict my communism in any way, because every Communist is a king, as Alexander Tarasov said.

In recent years, all we have done is talk about terrorism. Wherever you put your ear, wherever you turn your eye, it's all about him. Yes, even if you only look at your phone or get drunk and lie under the fence, you will still hear how we talk about terrorism. But who's always talking about terrorism?