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We discussed the theoretical development of the Marxist. Now we need to talk about moral and physical development. Why are you all sad again?! Like at the funeral, to god! No, it's no good at all! We have to get ready! Get ready, I said! Now I want to ask you the most important question: what should be done in order to make a socialist revolution? I will add Ц in moral terms. No one can give an answer, so I answer myself. Of course, you need to knock out all the bourgeois! I have to explain it to you. Is that why, for example, the Soviet Union collapsed? The answer is simple: it was ruined by fat officials who wanted to privatize the entire national treasure. But it's not just the bureaucrats. It's also about something else. In the Soviet Union, a great mistake was initially made. The Cultural Revolution was not brought to an end there. What happenedinstead? Instead, it was so. The Bolsheviks managed to take power. They started to build socialism in our country, but they didn't really explain anything to people. That's why our citizens are so miserable. These stupid burghers did not understand anything, but they did not want to understand anything. They just wanted to live and eat without thinking of others. Moreover, no one was engaged in re-education. The Soviet authorities had to take all the children away from their parents. Children are the property of society, so it is impossible to spoil their bourgeois upbringing. But the USSR did otherwise. Children were brought up in families, and in families they assimilated the moral norms of the past. Therefore, new generations did not get better. The next generations remained generations of narrow-minded burghers who did not understand socialism. I'm going to explain this to you right now. Here, for example, is the family. His father drinks and smokes, his mother is obese. They have a child. Of course, the father of the child will be accustomed from childhood to the fact that who does not drink vodka, Ц he is not a man. The mother will teach that a real man should eat a milk pig for dinner. And what will come of this child?! It's going to come out of it, I'll tell you. Moreover, all this extends to social relations. Such a father will teach his son that the main thing is to лget a good job in life╗. Well, that is to become a parasite: not to work, but to exploit someone else's work. Of course, such mothers will teach their children only the bad. This applies, however, not only to very bad families, but also to families outwardly even decent. At first glance, everything may look very civilized and cute, but in fact everything is not as it seems. In small-bourgeois families of officials, police officers, office clerks and the like, children are also being molested. Since childhood, they have been instilled in bourgeois patriotism, selfishness, love of money and so on. That's why you need to completely eliminate the family. At some point, a faction appeared in the party, which was guided by the interests of the bourgeois. This faction led by Khrushchev won. After that, the party was filled with burghers, and the Soviet Union was increasingly degraded. It all ended with the fact that the stupid everyman sold his homeland for gum, jeans and other abominations.

That is why the government of the proletarian dictatorship is required to destroy all the bourgeois in it's citizens. But we have to start this great re-education with ourselves. That is why I say to all of you: anyone who wants to destroy the bourgeoisie, let him kill the bourgeois in himself first. That is why any real communist should abandon bourgeois superstitions and prejudices. I would like to recommend each of you to give up gum, jeans and лMcDonald's╗. All this, first, is very, very harmfuclass="underline" gum irritates the mucous, jeans make it difficult to blood flow, and лMcDonald's╗ leads to atherosclerosis. Secondly, all this causes people the necessary associations. If you don't eat at лMcDonald's╗ and listen to rock music, and play sports and listen to classical music, people will think: лCommunists are great.╗. Therefore, we must remember that each of you is the face of the communist movement. Therefore, the success of the socialist revolution depends on the quality of this person. Moreover, the revolt is to some extent everything. In the Soviet Union wearing jeans was a moveton. For that, and beat it. So Soviet rebels dressed in jeans. Now, on the contrary, everybody wearing jeans. Therefore, you all have to wear pants. And you actually need to give moral example to other people. Our opponents should not have the slightest opportunity to accuse us of anything. The Communist is a non-smoker and non-smoking young man who is involved in sports knows in the perfection of five foreign languages, reads smart books, and translates grandmothers across the street. Besides, he's also asquet. Word, right and liberals should not have the slightest cause of our own. Therefore, you will need to become unspeakable and non-smoking athletes Ц asgers who know five foreign languages.

Now to the point. I can already see your sad mines, but I won't pay attention to it. Now I'm going to talk about exercise. First it will be about the development of the brain, and then about the development of the body. You know, all our communists have some flaws, but the main drawback is one. It's a complete inability to speak in public. All of our commies are different in that they cannot give a normal speech. The reasons for this should be said separately. First of all, nothing of the rhetoric in our school is taught. There is absolutely nothing required of the students now. There is still a degrading and dying form of response in the form of a report. Although what is it now report! This is not a report, but a syllable reading. The schoolchild comes out to the board and reads the text downloaded from the Free Encyclopedia. He reads like a first-grader, although he went to university a year later. It's very, very bad at our school. Secondly, all this has to do with the dominance of the American speaker training system. The Americans prepare their speakers so badly that my hands are full of indignation. American speakers are influenced by bourgeois subjectivism. They sincerely believe that the main thing is the meaning of speech, and everything else Ц from the evil. This, of course, is wrong. The quality of speech depends directly on your diction, on gesticulation, on the presence or absence of errors in it. But Americans are lazy bastards who are lazy to put a normal diction, get rid of speech errors and teach their speakers to do everything right. No, they only explain to them that it is necessary to insinuate bawdy jokes in the speech. In these jokes and consists, in fact, all American oratory. Even if you look at the recordings of the speeches at some TED Talks, you will see that all thespeakers there are clubheads. They say very bad! Syntax is not observed! They're going to kick in! Bad speakers, in a word! Although no, not speakers, but speakers. Now we have such a fashion for Anglicanism that I just fall into horror. I recently heard the word лsmalltalk╗. It probably means лlittle conversation╗ or something. No,and why necessarily say лsmalltalk╗ if you can say лcolloquium╗. Oh, why only the wretched adverb of the English barbarians supplanted the beautiful Latin?! All this happened because of Americans who did not want to teach anything, but at the same time were happy to impose their surveillance language on the world. So here we are. Americans do not teach their speakers at all, but they have imposed their own training system on the world.