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I don't think so! We, the revolutionary communists, will remain faithful to the classical European training system. Therefore, each of you should practice the oratory every day, because if he does not study it properly, he willremain a club talking turkey. There should be no speech errors in your speech! No! You have to speak the way they write in books. That is ideal in terms of the norms of our language. Not a single hitch, not a single mistake! The speech of the agitator-communist should be perfect. What's the tedious thing to do for it to become like that? The answer is one: you have to work on yourself. You go out to themirror and you give a speech. And that's it! If you make a mistake, start over. If you falter, start over. If you know you're in too much of a hurry, start over. If you understand that the phrase is built gnarly and inethought, then start again. In short, you understand me. As soon as you notice any imperfection in your speech, start again. So practice for four hours every day. You're going to have a great speech in a couple of months. It's that simple! And no secrets.

Of course, all these stupid American psychologists from different universities like to write books in which they talk about all sorts of secret лmanipulative techniques╗. Of course, they know a lot about manipulations, because these books are read by very stupid people. These stupid people are supplying money to the old psychologists from universities. Of course, stupid people really want to be manipulators, which are subject to all elements. In fact, they themselves become objects of manipulation Ц that is, sheep, which are cut by real masters. Or they don't even cut it, they drive to slaughter, as they do in various psychics and totalitarian sects of a secular nature, like лLifesprings╗ or лChurch of Scientology╗. I read several hundred similar books written by both American and our homegrown charlatans. So I can tell you responsibly: all these NLP, UFOs and the like Ц nonsense and swindle. It took me a long time to find out. You're so lucky: you don't have to experience all this nonsense on yourself. In short, if you want to experience Ц then please! Let's return, however, to the essence of our case. You have to learn oratory. To do this, you have to work in front of the mirror for four hours a day. It's good to work in front of a mirror, but it shouldn't be limited. You have to organize your own thoughts. I'm going to explain that. Most people do not realize the simple fact that in her heads she has porridge. In our head are constantly rushing fragments of some spontaneous thoughts. Then there's a piece of thought about sausage, then a piece of thought about the president of America, then a hell of a thing knows what. Therefore, a real communist and speaker (and this is essentially the same thing) should organize their thoughts. You just have to teach yourself to think long complex proposals with de-involved and involved turnovers. At first it will seem difficult for you to constantly talk about something as if it is not your idea, but a quote from de Sade, but over time you will get so used to it that you will learn to think in scraps of phrases at all. Strain your brain, guys, think and think properly. You have to think, write and speak the same way. Equally brilliant, unmistakable and accurate. That's right and it's not like that! In the rhetoric, we communists are direct descendants of Cicero and Babef. But our enemies, Ц all these bourgeois Republicans and other nits, Ц are the offspring of the street touting. Those same touts, which in the time of Aurelius Augustine sold to naive people overdue.

All right, you can praise ourselves for a long time, and we have limited time. Marxist rhetoric has many aspects. We need to remember two iron rules. The first was that he should know perfectly well what he was going to talk about. If the speaker did not know anything on the subject, then down there was such a speaker! If the speaker knew the subject, he would find the words appropriate. Of course, he too will have to work in front of the mirror, but less. The second rule applies primarily to political speeches. It was that the speaker himself had to have a deep re-believe in what he was saying. It is well known to all that if the speaker himself believes to the core, he will be able to convince others that he will be able to convince them that he will be able to do it more easily. But he must believe not only in his words, but also in the need for his speech. If the speaker thinks that no one will listen to him and in general he reads the speech to the walls, but he will not try much. If he believes in his own words, if he believes that his speech makes sense and is needed by the listeners, then he will speak much better. All this helps to understand the link between deep conviction, great reading and good oratory qualities. To speak well you need to know a lot and be deeply convinced of your rightness. So you have to sit down for books and crave Marxist theory, ancient languages, history and other sciences. And crave, and crave, and crave. And you have to drive away all sorts of bourgeois thoughts: about alcohol, about parties, about new phones and jeans. As soon as you realize that you have thought of something bourgeois, you immediately take the mind and take such bad thoughts away! Such dialectic, my hares! This, however, is a subjective aspect. We have subjectivism not in honor, and therefore we must move to the objective sides of Marxist rhetoric.

I've covered these aspects before, but then no one understood them. They probably won't understand them now. The Marxist speaker must always remember that he speaks to a particular audience. Depending on the characteristics of this audience, he chooses the right style of performance. If he spoke to prisoners in prison, all sorts of vulgar jokes would be appropriate and permissible. If he speaks to academics, he doesn't. For each audience you need to choose a special theme and a special style of performance. This was well known by the great communist Joseph Goebbels. He prepared his speeches and planned very well. Goebbels always learned about what the audience would be in front of him and what she wanted to hear from him. Therefore, before the workers Goebbels talked about greedy and cruel capitalists, and before capitalists Ц about drunk and lazy workers. You must, however, be better and more honest than Goebbels: we will only talk about greedy and violent capitalists. The point, however, is not that. You have to keep in touch with the audience, talk about topics close to them. In front of the prisoners it is necessary to talk about corrupt police officers and brutal jailers. Scientists should talk about the closing of the scientific center and low salaries of scientists. Workers are required to talk about non-payment of wages, non-compliance with safety equipment, about the arbitrariness of factory management. Before pensioners, we talk about low pensions, and young people Ц about youth unemployment and reduction of budget places in universities. The same goes for the language itself. If your speech is addressed to young people, it would be nice to put in a few youth slang words. The words are really fashionable. We need memes, you need fun jokes spread over the Internet. In front of the prisoners, it is necessary to speak differently. It's acceptable and sebaceous jokes, and blasphemy words. But the ideal would be this option. You go out in front of the prisoners and begin to give your speech on the purest Fenya! In pure and undimbed prison jargon. In short, it's hard. Prison jargon is very different from the usual Russian language. Although it would be nice... Well, if you happen to speak in front of academics, then you need a pathetic speech, sustained in a high-pitched style, filled with abstruse words. That's exactly what a genuinely classy approach to rhetoric means.