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Every terrorist is an athlete!

So, comrades! Put aside your cigars and cigarettes, then smoke. Now I will talk about the physical development of the communist. This thing is very important, because without it you can not do well at all. Long introductions are not required here, because everything is already clear, and therefore I start.

The Communist must be physically developed. It should be developed because every communist is a revolutionary, and the revolutionary needs to be very physically developed. After all, the revolutionary will have to fight with a whole horde of terrible creatures: gendarmes, prosecutors, police, military and othertrash. That is why the revolutionary needs iron health, which will help him win this difficult battle. Or at least not lose. Although i see a terrible longing on your faces, similar to the one that Dante observed on the faces of the inhabitants of hell, it will not prevent me from continuing the stated theme to develop and deepen. That is why I have to describe first of all the exercise that every communist is obliged to perform. It's about running, of course.

Yes, comrades! It was, is and will be the main physical exercise of guerrillas and other revolutionaries. The ability to run for a revolutionary is simply necessary. This is due to the fact that we have to get away from the police regularly. Here, of course, you have to remember Mao's words about the fact that when the enemy comes, we retreat. To perfection of execution this principle brought the sapatists: they at the sight of the police run open. In this, of course, there is nothing shamefuclass="underline" the police have the upper hand both numerically and technically. That's why we don't have to be heroic and try to fight them. The outcome of such a fight will definitely not be in our favor. Instead, we need to be able to run away. In order to learn how to run properly, we need to run regularly. This, however, is not the only reason for the must-run for you. Running not only strengthens all the muscles of the human body, but also stimulates mental activity. During the run, a huge amount of oxygen enters the brain, which increases the intensity of it's activity. That is why after a good run your consciousness clears up, there are new original thoughts, and brilliant ideas and climb into the head. More precisely, from the head. In addition, running is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. If anyone does not know, atherosclerosis is a disease in which blood vessels are clogged. Vascular siltation leads to circulatory disorders. As a result, the brain is poorly supplied with blood, and therefore it's cells begin to die. It leads to the fact that a person with incredible speed is stupid. Yes, atherosclerosis affects the brain in the first place! So, running is a very good prevention of atherosclerosis. That's why I've always said this: if you want to be strong, run! If you want to be beautiful, run! If you want to be smart, run! To deny the usefulness of running is pointless, and therefore I once again advise you all to do this pleasant and very useful for the body and mind.

You should run, of course, not in light sportswear. Only fashionistas run in such. You have to run in a different outfit. Heavy thick winter pants, no less heavy jacket, army boots or boots, Ц also heavy, of course, Ц this is your outfit. On the back you need to hang a backpack full of bricks. That's the way you should learn to run. You have to run in such a dress at least five kilometers. Pass a quick step in all the same clothes and all with the same backpack you have at least fifteen kilometers. These are, of course, the minimum allowable figures. It will be much better, for example, if you run for fifteen kilometers, and pass thirty. But this is already out of the realm of fiction... What did you want, schoolchild? The march-throw is not лMinecraft╗!

Running Is good, of course! Very good. But only a complete idiot can take all physical training to revolutionaries to run. We're not athletes, marathons, and guerrillas. And this is a different matter... Whatever it sounds like, it's sad, but you need to learn to fight and shoot. Of course, it is a bit harder to be here than to run, but to learn from these boundaries.

East uniformity I'm not recommending you. Eventually, you will fight not with Japanese samurai, but with ordinary police officers. And fight them must be different. I'll explain.

You must find somewhere in some woods distant meadow. In this glade, you'll be training. The essence of training is very simple. You come to this very glade and dubait each other before the confession. You must dump each other in different ways. The first is that you are divided into two groups, one of which portrays the politicians and the other revolutionaries. Next you fight Wall on the wall. In the second place it is possible as: you all portray the police, and one of your comrades Ц the enemy of the state. You, accordingly, attack all on one, and he fights you off. Last but not one thing, one person is portraying a policeman and the other is a demonstrator. Allthese methods of battle need to be practiced in two forms: first with weapons, and then without weapons. I advise you during training not to feel sorry for yourself and fight properly. This will help you avoid injury in this fight. Of course, you don't need to knock out all your teeth and make open fractures. The blows, however, must be real. A person should be beaten where he is most ill. That is, it is necessary to beat the police on the ribs, on the collarbone, on intimate places, on the face. Of all the places on the face it is best to beat on the eyes and teeth. If the riot police man managed to knock you to the ground, don't worry. You better get a knife out of your pocket and stick it in the leg. Yes, break the leather berets and stick the knife right into his thick foot. It's going to make him feel so much pain that he'll probably let you go. If you're agile and strong, pull out the knife and start cutting your offender's tendons. The same tendons that are located in the knee area. If you cut them properly, the policeman will become disabled. I forgot to say something else. In training it is better to bash each other with wooden or rubber batons and knives. Leave the iron scan with the police.