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In conclusion, I can only tell you that the Communists have a duty to strengthen the musculature. Gunthers, weights, rods are inseparable attributes of the dwelling of every real communist. Each of you should do exercises with dumbbells and weights for one or two hours each day. Once again: one or two hours every day. You have to be strong and well prepared for the fight. Revolutionaries often have to fight...

Now a few words about the shooting. Shooting is not that difficult. Do you remember what I said about a clearing in the woods?! The one you have to fight for?! If you remember, I won't repeat myself. In this very clearing you have to put a target. Usually, guerrillas use a portrait of the head of state as a target. In our case, it is a portrait of Vladimir Putin. The target is usually pinned on a tree, on a stump or in some stone so that it stood well and did not fall. Then you take a gun, a gun or something, and you shoot at the target. You shoot from a reclining position, from a sitting position, from a standing position, and so on. There's nothing complicated here. First, you need to take a position, that is, to lie down comfortably, sit down or get up. After that, we have to take the weapon. Then take aim. You need to aim so that the eyes are open. And then some fools have seen American films, and squint one eyepiece. Once again, when you aim, both eyes must be open. It is forbidden to squint even one eye! Two - even more so! After you need to take a deep breath, stop breathing for five or six seconds. This is followed by a shot. When the projectile flew to the enemy, you can exhale. You shoot from all the weapons you have, from all possible positions of the body. At first you will fall badly into the head of state, but if you train in shooting properly, very soon learn even from the most uncomfortable pose from the first attempt to beat Putin in the eye. In short, train, train and train again! Learn to shoot a shotgun, pistol, bow, crossbow and even a slingshot. Don't neglect any weapons.

Now that we have described the roughest physical skills required for every communist, we will move on to describing the skills of much more refined.

Of course, the guerrilla life, even in the mild way, has a bad influence on the psychiatrist of the human being. Depression, insomnia, and other mental disorders, and consequently are permanent satellites of partisan. All these occupational diseases can substantially undermine the health of young revolutionaries. Of course, we cannot tolerate this situation, because all these illnesses have seriously impeded the realization of the socialist revolution in Russia. It is for this reason that I have developed special exercises to combat mental illness among the personnel of our guerrilla army.

First of all, you have to learn to perform one very simple exercise. It is usually performed in the bedroom. You need to draw a black dot on the ceiling of your bedroom. It is important to remember that the point is the point, not the spot left by the ghost of Canterville. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that this point was quite well visible from all corners of the room, but especially well it should be visible from the bed. It is advisable to draw it directly above your bed. That's it, the point was drawn. Let's move on. It is necessary to create a pleasant twilight in the bed. When the specified twilight is created, you can start doing the exercise. You lie down on your couch or, if you are so bourgeois, Ц a bed. Lie on your back and point your eyes to the ceiling. Hands at this time either pull along your well-fed torso, or lay on the chest. Alclass="underline" now you have settled down and are lying like a dead man in a coffin. That's nice. Now you need to relax your muscles. Your body should become sluggish and soft. In short, most of you always have it. So you've relaxed your muscles and now you're lying still on the bed. It's cool. Now the most important thing: you have to stare at the same black dot on the ceiling, which you have previously drawn there. You have to look very carefully exclusively at it, not descending from this point of view. Once again: you have to look at it very carefully and look away from her. Don't let go, I say! After a while you get tired of looking at the black dot and you will begin to tend to sleep. This is very good, so don't resist coming to sleep. In five to ten minutes, you'll be sleeping like a dead man. In his coffin. Do this exercise every day before you go to bed. In about a month you will be knocked out by the only look at the black dot. Exercise is normalizing sleep, and generally very useful for your nervous system. And since any guerilliero inevitably disturbs sleep and slackens due to constant stress nervous system, for you all this exerciseis made mandatory to perform. Understand?! This is an exercise you should do necessarily! Preferably Ц every time before going to bed.

Now I will describe another exercise, which is very easy to perform, but at the same time helps the doubters well. Doubtful in our ranks are always. I'm going to tell you where they come from. That comes to our community of a young fighter. A real fanatic! Incorrigible and hardened Marxist! Of course, he has no doubts. But he still does not know what he will face! The life of a professional revolutionary is extremely difficult. It is constant stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, incredible mental and physical activity. Of course, faith quickly begins to pass away from all these burdens. After a few months of guerrilla life, a young man may become depressed. In doing so, he will have terrible doubts about the correctness of what he is doing. It was to fight such phenomenon and I developed special exercises. That's what I'm going to teach you.

The first exercise, as I said, is very simple. It should be done before going to bed, when you have already gone to bed and fall asleep. You're almost in a dream, but you're still keeping the remnants of consciousness. At this very moment, when you seem not to sleep, but you are not awake, do this simple exercise. Just repeat the twenty-thirty times: лI believe in communism! I believe in guerrilla warfare! I have no doubt!╗. I something like that. When you repeat such a sentiment mentioned twenty-thirty times, you can safely fall asleep with a calm conscience. The next day, you'll feel much better.