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It is no less important to fight against doubts than to fight against the bourgeoisie. You should always remember that. Lack of doubt leads to unity, while unity leads to victory. At the same time, our own doubts are not the only obstacle to the revolution. Bourgeois thoughts are no less a threat to the revolutionary cause! The origin of bourgeois thoughts, which sometimes come to your heads, is easy to explain. The fact is that we all live in a bourgeois society. And since public being determines the public consciousness, we all grow up at least a little bourgeois. The bourgeoisie has been molesting people since infancy. As soon as the child has time to be born, - as he immediately begins to irradiate the shock doses of bourgeois propaganda. First, this propaganda is delivered to his brain through his own family, toys and cartoons. Then the school, church, Internet, television are connected. Then there is the university and the beer. You're laughing right now. You laugh because I said лuniversity and beer╗. This laughter arises because you think the university is the complete opposite of a pub. This view of you is a typical example of bourgeois thinking. In reality, it doesn't matter to the capital whether you'll listen to academic professors at the university or whip a beer behind the bar. If you pay for your studies (or beer), then you are interested in capital. If you don't pay, you'll go to hell. Moreover, bourgeois propaganda will find both. When you stand in the temple on a Sunday morning and listen to the cursed churchman's false sermon, you are exposed to bourgeois propaganda. When you watch stripper dancing, sipping whiskey with cokefrom crystal glasses, you too are exposed to bourgeois propaganda. Pop at the church pulpit is about the fact that all power is from God. Professor at the Department of University discusses the advantages of the free market. A prostitute in a brothel is talking nonsense about лbasic instinct╗, and a drunken man in a bar tells you, that all women are fools. All the examples I have mentioned are links in the same chain. Bourgeois propaganda can take many forms, but the essence of it is always the same. She tells you: лIt's useless to fight! A revolution is impossible! So end up with your rebellion and consume! Consume! Consume! Consume! Consume and die! And then at least the grass does not grow!╗. Of course, the intellectual bourgeoisie seduces through the books of Ayn Rand, and the cashier Ц through the works of Daria Dontsova. But don't think Ayn Rand is a little better than Daria Dontsova. No, it's still the same Dontsova, but for intellectuals. You have no idea how bourgeois you are.

In short, it is possible to fight successfully against one's own bourgeoisness. That's why I developed this mental exercise. You need to do this exercise all the time. You can never relax. Even in a dream! As soon as you notice that a bourgeois thought has crept into your head, so immediately de do this exercise. In short, I will show the essence of this exercise now on a concrete example. Here, for example, you walk down the street. Go to yourself, Ц go to the terrorist attack hurry. And all of a sudden you saw the sign of the лMcDuck╗ restaurant. But it's all fine if you just saw it. In a capitalist state, we constantly have to contemplate all sorts of horrors. But all of a sudden you wanted to eat at the лMcDuck╗ restaurant! That's a real disaster! After all, not only that the restaurant лMcDuck╗ is an American large corporation, because it also serves extremely harmful to human health food. In other words, if you go to лMcDuck╗, you will not only become sponsors of the war in Iraq, but also get atherosclerosis! So the desire to eat in the лMcDonald's╗ is a very bourgeois thought. Very, very. So at the very moment when you realized you just desired, you must immediately proceed to exercise the exercise. You mentally repeat about ten twenty times the senence: лFood in the лMcDonaldТs╗ is evil!╗. When You say this once twenty times, you're mentioning yourself: лthis is the end!╗. In the same way you must do whenever you fill a bourgeois thought. If You can perform this exercise hard, then after a few months bourgeois thinkers will visit you much less often.

This exercise is good, but with it's help you can deal only with small bourgeois thoughts. There are, however, so-called лresidual bourgeois thoughts╗. Residual bourgeois thoughts are much more dangerous, weeks of small thoughts. You can just brush off these latter with a simple exercise. You can't get rid of the residual bourgeois thoughts! First of all, I want to explain what these residual thoughts are. These thoughts are born out of the torment of conscience that she experiences in those moments when we behave bourgeoisly. Here, for example, you have done some particularly vile bourgeois act a long time ago. Then you realized what you've done. As a result of this awareness, you began to experience the torments of conscience. Many years have passed, and you still can not forget this long-standing bourgeois act. You all go on and keep remembering him again. And in doing so, you continue to experience the torments of conscience. These are the residual bourgeois thoughts. Now I will explain on a concrete example. I had one comrade. He was a man who was completely unconscious: he was drunk and smoked cannabis, had promiscuous sex, rude and rude to honest people and did a lot of bad things. On top of all this, he was also a terrible anti-communist. Then, however, this man embarked on the path of correction. He eventually became a remarkable revolutionary, a loyal and fearless communist. However, even after a few years, he continued to experience the torment of conscience for all the abominations he had once committed. I felt sorry for him, so I invented a special exercise for him.

This exercise consists of so-called лself-criticism╗. Chinese Maoists were also aware of the useful properties of such exercises. These nice guys established so-called лre-education camps╗ in China. There they re-educated all sorts of unconscious citizens by pedagogical methods. Of course, the main pedagogical method used there is a method of self-criticism. But I still have to talk about the re-education camps today, so now I will return to our original case.

It is easy to do such an exercise. I'd even say it's very simple. First of all, you need to set aside an hour for it'sexecution of two or three. I know that a good revolutionary laziness is painted in minutes, and therefore it will not be so easy. When you do find yourself a free three hours, start. Lie down on the couch and relax. And now we begin to remember. Let's say you beat up ahomeless man a long time ago. Then, of course, you have corrected, but the torments of conscience continue to haunt you now. And now you are lying on the couch in a relaxed state. You have to remember everything one by one. Remember exactly how the whole situation with the homeless happened: what exactly you did that day, whether you were drunk or not, what you thought at the time of the commission of his vile act and so on. You have to remember everything in great detaiclass="underline" what shoes were on you that day, what clothes you drank and ate, and much more. Doing it to one is quite difficult. That's why I suggest you call home some loyal comrade who can help. The help of this comrade is to put suggestive questions. Of course, if you called a friend, the whole operation changes a bit. Here the role of this very comrade is that he must ask you the leading questions to which you answer. So it helps you remember everything. That's how you should personally or together with a friend properly disassemble the problem situation, and then forget about it forever. This exercise has always shown it's high effectiveness even in the most difficult conditions. Do it with all your zeal!