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There are other exercises that force you to control your thoughts and protect against obsessive bourgeois thoughts. My favorite one is the breathing exercise. The essence of it is that it is necessary to tie the frequency of breaths and exhalations to the frequency of steps. Simply put, it means that you need to take one breath in three steps, and for the next three steps Ц one exhalation. Over time, you should increase the number of steps for one breath and one exhalation. This exercise very much prevents bourgeois thoughtsfrom getting into your heads. If you do it while walking, then all bourgeois thoughts will soon take off as a hand.

There is still a certain amount of exercise created specifically for willpower training. Willpower is exactly the quality you will need during interrogation and in prison. And do not even think to make yourself a sweet illusion that personally you will never get there! Train better willpower!

The simplest exercise created to train willpower is a dark room exercise. It's as simple as that. First, you need to find a completely dark room. It could be a bathroom or a pantry. You carry a chair into this room, sit on it, turn off the light in the room and sit. You should just sit on a chair in the darkness! You may think it's too easy, but try sitting in the darkness for four to five hours. At the same time, it is necessary to somehow manage not to fall asleep, which further complicates the exercise. Believe me Цit is quite difficult to do it correctly from the first time. It should also be noted that from long sitting in the dark you can experience the so-called лGanzfeld effect╗. This remarkable effect can be considered a worthy reward for long hours of sitting in a dark and stuffy closet.

There is another exercise. You take your comrade and sit down with him in front of each other. You're starting to look each other directly into the eye. You'll find it very simple again, but you will consider that you do this exercise at least three hours a row. Otherwise, it won't work. Since the first time to execute such a complex exercise is very difficult, you can just sit down and look at each other at first and look at your comrade, but not in the eyes of him. It's just for warm. And then go to the fulfilment of what I described above.

There's another exercise to practice the willpower. You must do it. Just mandatory! Without him, nowhere! This exercise will help you very much during questioning. It's actually devoting an interrogation. You sit on a chair at the table. Your comrade is sitting across from you, playing an investigator. This depictive investigator comrade scolds you with a gruesome expression, yelling at you, raises and humiliating. You are duty Ц bound to remain calm and remain silent as a partisan. It is desirable not to express any emotion, except for the emotion of complete indifference.

There's also a drill exercise to practice the willpower. You sit at the table, and you're in front of your comrade.Comrade asks you a question, and you answer him. Comrade is again asking the same question. You answer back to him again the same way you answered the first time. All the way from the beginning. The exercise should last for about an hour or so. Willpower trains on ur. Implement it follows a course method. It means that you have for a month every day performs such exercise. When you accustom to such exercise, you can make it more difficult. In a more difficult version you are no longer answering the question, but are doing some action. I need to, for example, take a book from the table, hand over her comrade, then return to the place, and then stand up from the chair and approach the window and so on. I must warn you that this exercise is incredibly difficult.

There's another exercise. You have to do the account. You can go outside and count all the cars you've ever seen in the eye. You can count the houses of the houses. You can count the passes encountered. If you're lazy, you can just buy a package of circles and consider the grain contained in it. This exercise should continue for four hours without interruption.

From exercises to willpower training, that's all. Now I have to talk about other kinds of classes. I don't remember if I talked about it in the rhetoric section,even if I did, I will repeat. The revolutionary must eliminate any sense of shame from his life. Yes, that's all. In general, I will say more: conscience and revolution are incompatible things. If your mother is not Ulrike Meinhof, you must betray her and throw her away as an unnecessary thing. Let's be honest: all the mothers present here hold reactionary views. Usually they are crammed and religious women who hold extremely reactionary views. Of course, it is not necessary to protect the feelings of such. They are our ideological enemies, and therefore each of you is required at the first opportunity to trample his mother with her feet. Kill and trample! That is why I have always said that the first duty of a real communist is to betray his parents, the second is to betray the state! Let's get back to business, however.

You have to win in yourself shame. You should stop being ashamed. The best exercise to deal with shame and awareness is what I'm about to give you. Dress up in rags and drive through the city center. You can put a colander on your head. You can also sit right in the middle of the street right in the same rags and with a colander on your head and squatting begin to throat prison songs. That's going to be great. The main thing here is that you should be ashamed. It's a shame that at least they've passed through the ground. This exercise will instantly knock out all the bourgeois out of your heads. Okay, I won't stop there for a long time. Everything is clear.