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There are also special exercises to develop trust in the party. My favorite exercise among these is exercise with a caterpillar. The essence of it is this: all of you blindfold, and then line you up one after another, like the links of a caterpillar. There is one comrade ahead, who has no blindfolds. This one leads you forward and you have to trust him. In the role of this man, of course, should visit all of you. This exercise is very conducive to building trust. There are a couple more exercises for the development of trust. To do this, you will need to be reminded that every revolutionary is obliged to keep a diary, where he must record all his daily motives and actions. If you eat, write. Onanism was engaged Ц write. Write it down. Up to their sexual fantasies. Then we'll read your diaryaloud at the general meeting. We shouldn't have secrets from our comrades. As Mao Zedong used to say: лNot only the rice, but also the sticks we eat will be common.╗. That means we shouldn't have any secret thoughts from each other. We trust each other completely. Therefore, two or three times a month it is necessary to hold a general meeting, at which the diaries of comrades will be read aloud. It's just a must. You can improve this exercise as follows. If one of our comrades works well and writes well in the diary too well, let's all praise him together. Let's tell him he's a good and fit guy. If someone does not work well and, as Pol Pot said, лto lose it is not a loss, to find it is not an acquisition╗, then we will scold this person just as amicably. Here's what you can add to all this. We all line up. We take turns calling people to the center of the circle. When a comrade goes to the center, we all take turns to express to him right in the face everything, absolutely everything we think about him. Then he leaves, and in his place comes another. Very good exercise. It will help you develop the right relationship in your organization.

There's another one, which I'm also very fond of. It is, however, difficult to carry out. You find some not too fond and not too conceited comrade from your organization. For the next 24 hours you will be completely obeying it... Yes, now you understand why a friend should not be too carried away. But jokes aside! Now the fun part. You must behave like small children or other beings that are not spoiled by the mind at all. I was very asked: лWhy do we need this exercise?! We are so smart and educated that we are so clear!╗. Yes, indeed: you are all smart and educated. Internal discipline, however, is sometimes lacking. Your education sometimes leads to the knowledge that for our business is very, very bad. This exercise will help you get rid of arrogance and the very self-knowledge behind which there is actually a lack of knowledge, not deep education. Bourgeois society teaches you to be smart and at any opportunity to demonstrate that you are all so smart that just die Ц do not stand up. This is not surprising: after all, selfishness is cultivated in a capitalist society, and it is so selfish to show your mind all the time. You are, however, socialists and revolutionaries, and therefore you need to resist the aspirations of bourgeois society. That's why you need to learn not to be smart! And it is easiest to learn it through such an exercise. So, once again. You've been behaving like small children for 24 hours. You must, however, obey a comrade who was you in advance and has been chosen for the role of лeducator╗. At first, you will be somewhat unpleasant to do this exercise. Your self-love will be infringed, and the bourgeois person does not tolerate it. Over time, however, you will get in and enjoy doing this wonderful exercise.

Not only trust, however, we need to develop, but still morale. And for that there are so beloved five minutes of hatred. Described in Orwell's famous novel, they do have a truly extraordinary effect on all our comrades. Some of you have a certain prejudice before these very five minutes, but after the first session all these doubts will leave you forever. And you'll be beautiful. Now, I'm going to describe to you how five minutes of hate is done correctly. Sit back. Now start thinking. Think of something that causes you all hate. It could be a phenomenon, an organization or a particular person. You must summon yourself to such a seizure of hatred to this object, so that you are afraid itself. Trust me, it's easy. It's about giving emotion to emotions and completely to repay your hatred. In a few minutes, you will be with the anger of the face banging on the table of fists of all forces. I would even say that the five minute hate is an artificially induced hysterical. Some of these five minutes can even smell the pogrom in their own apartment, and then wonder how they managed to do it. By the way, we must say that the five minute hate can continue on the clock and more. So prepare for Long Delight. Yes, yes, it is. The five minute hate is capable of delivering true pleasure.

There is, however, also love besides hatred. That's the thing I love. We all love love. Especially same-sex. Okay, you've been joking, that's enough. Loveshould not last five minutes. Even an hour is not enough for her. For love you will need a period of time of two hours minimum. That's the first one! Second, you have to do this exercise either somewhere in the woods or in a very well-ventilated room. You have to have excellent oxygen access. If you have secured such a place for yourself, you can talk further. You all have to stand in a circle and then turn on the music. Now it is possible to adjust the equipment so that it alternately loses a hundred or two hundred songs without human intervention. That's a good thing, Ц i used to need someone who changed these compositions. Start with лInternational╗ and then move on to something more refined. лLa Marseillaise de la commune╗, for example, or лAu mur╗. You can add fascist and Nazi marches, you can Ц rock and roll. In short, the music program depends on your own wishes. The main thing is that the music should be rhythmic and brisk. Preferably still loud. Not the kind of sleep I wanted to sleep. Otherwise, it won't work. When the music starts to play, you hold each other's hands and start swaying. Yes, you hold each other's hands and you start to sway, just like the Germans did under Hitler. He was a good man after all. So: you hold hands and swing from side to side to rhythmic and bravura music. At the same time, you just have to think about the good: revolution, for example, or socialism. You have to vividly imagine how you hang the bourgeois, unearth the rich and storm the Kremlin. You can't think of anything bad! This is very important! At first you sway slowly, but gradually everything accelerates. You yourself will not notice how your swings will gradually turn into some slurp dance. After a while the dance will grow into a frantic dance. When fatigue takes it's toll, turn off the music and stop the exercise. Now go to bed. You just needto get some sleep after that. During this exercise, you will experience a pleasure that you have never experienced before. It's even better than sex!