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Now I have to tell you about another great exercise. It's about creating a tulpa. Since not everyone here knows that there is a tulpa, I am obliged to fill these gaps left in your brains by the bourgeois school. The easiest way to explain it is, as usual, by example. Imagine you see Leon Trotsky. It's not just that you see: he accompanies you everywhere, has discussions with you, you sleep in the same bed, and so on. At the same time, Leon Davidovich looks so realistic that you yourself do not stop to be amazed. That's what it's called a tulpa. Tulpa is something like an imaginary friend, although you can't call them. Now, of course, there will be some non-learning among those present, who will tell me that the very existence of tulpa contradicts dialectical materialism. I, however, speaking only against these non-teachers and mechanics, I will postulate the opposite. I must also warn the entire esoteric-minded public that I consider this wonderful phenomenon purely materialistically, that is, I interpret the tulpa as a phenomenon of the human psyche, a product of the highest nervous activity of the human mind. In addition, I must say that I teach you how to create a tulpa not because I want to see your sex with her. Some create a mulpa just to engage in depraved actions with it. You need it for someone else! Remember that!

Creating a tulpa is not difficult if you have motivation, which each of you, of course, is at the highest level. The success of the entire enterprise requires at least two hours of hard work a day. If you don't slack off, you'll be able to finish it in three months. Now, actually, about what exactly you need to do. First, take the notebook and write there everything you want to get. Character traits, features of appearance and similar things. You can just take a biography of Trotsky or another famous revolutionary and write it all off. That was the first. Now the second is to talk to the tulpa. Talk to her both out loud and to yourself, that is in your mind. Talk to her at any opportunity. You go to the subway, you say with a tulpa. You're on a walk, talking to a tulpa. You run, and you talk to the tulpa. If there's no one around and no one can hear you, talk out loud. If pigs disguised as people graze nearby, speak to yourself, that is in your mind. First, it will be boring to talk to the tulpa: it will seem to you that you are talking to yourself. Actually, that's the way it is. Over time, however, during the dialogues (or all monologues) you will begin to come лoutsider╗ thoughts, which are kind of born in your head, but still feel completely not yours. Such thoughts are a very good sign. Their appearance suggests that you are close to success. And if you're diligent enough, you'll be talking to you soon. Talking to a tulpa is a very strange thing. Her thoughts (or his) are born in your brain, but they don't belong to you. There's a feeling that you have two personalities in your head. That's the way it is. That is why dialogue with tulpa is like communicating with the proverbial лinner voice╗. And here this voice can sometimes not only cross you yourself, but also very harshly criticize you. Tulpa is still an independent person, even if it lives in your head. The next method of creating our charm is visual representation. You have to imagine seeing a tulpa. You go to the subway, Ц imagine that the tulpa is in front of you. You run, imagine she's running around. You sit at your desk at school, imagine she's sitting with you. Imagine that the tulpa always, absolutely always accompanies you. Even in the shower, even in bed. You have to feel her presence all the time. Feel it! Now about meditation. Meditations will help you perfectly. Sit on the bed or on the chair. Relax and close your eyes. Now start swaying slowly and slowly back and forth. After a while, you'll be in a trance. In a trance state, you can turn around properly. There you can imagine every button on the clothes of your tulpa. You can talk to her properly. And if you're quite tense, you can even walk her through the gardens of paradise. Imaginary, of course, but in the moment of trance looking so realistic that you can even be afraid of this realism. There is also a special method associated with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is easy to trigger. Go to bed at about twelve in the morning, and set the alarm for four o'clock in the morning. When the alarm goes off, get up. Don't sleep for about thirty or forty minutes, and then go back to bed and fall asleep. When you feel that you are falling into sleep, start imagining the tulpa. Imagine it well, Ц not a. If you do everything right, in a few minutes you will be in a beautiful and completely controlled dream with your tulpa. Together you can unearth the bourgeois and execute the police, perform feats and have clever discussions about Marxism. That's why I appreciate lucid dreaming. And if you do everything right and in general as it should, in a few months you will see your mulpa constantly. She will accompany you at home, on walks, in the shower, and in bed. You can talk to her just like you're talking to a living person, that is, with your vocal cords, but if you want, you can communicate mentally, silently. It will be so realistic that you will not be able to distinguish it from people alive and ordinary. At the same time, I will remind you that there is nothing magical about this phenomenon. Tulpa exists only in your head, being the greatest proof of the power of the human mind.

Now it must be said about how the tulpa can help you, camrad. Some conservative leftists (I sometimes wonder if it's an oxymoron Ц the лconservative left╗) believe that all these lucid dreaming tulps are nonsense. Let these obscurantisers think so! We are the people of the new century, and therefore we will think differently. First, the tulpa will help you avoid the many temptations of bourgeois society. Here, for example, is such a case. You walk down the street and you see a bar. You want to go into that bar and have some absinthe. And your hand reached for the door, as you heard from behind a familiar voice: лDarling, don't drink today. Let's go home. You will read to me лCapital╗ in the original... And your hand comes back. You calmly go home and read лCapital╗ in German.╗. That's the kind of beneficial effect that a tulpa can have on you. It can keep you from wanting to eat in лMcDuck╗ from the pernicious thought of getting drunk to the pigish squealing, as well as from many other bourgeois thoughts and passions. And if you go to prison, the tulpa is made irreplaceable. Moreover, the conditions of detention are very favorable for the creation of a tulpa. In prison, you're in a calm environment sitting in a concrete chamber and nothing you do. You can also create tulpa, and book books, and exercises. Some inmates from idleness and boredom are managed to grow and put in their head to a dozen tulpa! A whole Politburo! In a tulpa prison, the thing is completely indispensable. In the walls, it's tulpa will be for each of you the best and probably the only interlocutor for the enduring number of years.

So, we discussed tulpa: now is the time to move on to what I love so much. Then we will talk about the so-called лeternal communist fast╗.