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If you need to have a good rest, then choose a well-ventilated room or a secluded place in the woods. Sit on a chair or on the ground and start breathing. Breathe deeply , fill your lungs with air to the ground, to the pain. Then exhale all the carbon dioxide accumulated in the lungs, leaving not a single part of it in them. Then dial the full lungs again. And exhale again without a trace. Very soon your limbs will start to go numb, and your head is dizzy. Keep breathing deeply as long as you can do it at all. Some can not stand and fifteen minutes of deep breathing, while others can last at least an hour. In short, sooner or later you will still begin to gradually lose consciousness. As soon as you feel that your consciousness is lost, stop breathing deeply, lie down on your side and fall asleep in a dead sleep. After this dream, you'll feel great.

Apart from all this, I advise you all to harden. Every morning pour a bucket of ice water on your naked body. Then spend the day in the usual way, and before going to bed pour on yourself another similar bucket. And you'll feel great! This will eventually become a habit and become the norm and routine for you.

On that beautiful note, I'm going tofinish today's lecture. Uh-h-h... Tired...

How to go unpunished.

Every communist is a bit of an underground. And that's unreal cool! You are all obliged to experience incredible joy on the grounds that you belong to a real underground party. You're almost like the Bolsheviks! I adore you, my little communist boys. Such young, but already fragrant rum and tobacco. Well, my little Bolsheviks, I'm going to teach you the bad. So every communist is a bit of an underground. This is due to thevery essence of our movement. The Government, as it is known, prohibits only those political movements that threaten it. That's why you're underground, and Ksenia Sobchak isn't. You're real fanatics, terrorists and thugs. That's why the government is afraid of you. Understand?! You are terrible! Be proud of yourself! And our rulers are not afraid of the old mare nicknamed Ksusha! And since we are so dangerous that we are forbidden, I just have to teach you methods of clandestine work.

First of all, I will illuminate one important question. I get asked about it all the time. It sounds like: лHow not to go to jailhouse?╗. I always answer to him: лStop letting the nurses down!╗ You are revolutionaries, after all! Our friend Ilya Romanov said: лDon't be afraid of prison, youth, go quietly to prison!╗. I advise you to heed the advice of this great revolutionary. He knew what he was saying. Now he's in prison, as you know. You may soon be in his company. Or maybe it doesn't. In any case, the fate of the revolutionary is that you will sit, sit and sit again... Louis Auguste Blanqui was a great revolutionary. And what would you think?! He spent thirty-seven years in prison! It's half a lifetime! He lived only seventy-five years. Therefore, I advise each of you to follow in the footsteps of great predecessors and not to be afraid of prison. It's easy to say: don't be afraid. This is more difficult to implement in practice. That's why I'm going to explain to you what you need to do to stop the prison from scaring.

First of all, I have to remind you about the technique of interrogation. I'm saying it bluntly: police pigs are going to torture you. No, it's not the Gestapo torture, of course, but still. Torture you will be mandatory. In short, the worst thing is not torture. You'll be under psychological pressure. It's much worse Ц from such and crazy can be. That is why we need to prepare properly. I've previously described an interrogation exercise. The essence of it, as you remember, is that one of you sits at a table (preferably in a related state), and the other depicts the investigator, that is, yells at his comrade, calls and humiliates him. The defendant should remain silent. This exercise can prepare you very well for questioning. You can still try to prepare for torture. It's pretty expensive, though it's useful. Ask a friend to try you properly. When I say try, I want to add лseriously so that it hurts╗. You can still try to make a masochist. This is achieved by reading relevant literature and designated sexual practices. But if you have not become a masochist, then my condolences to you... And now the main question is: лWhat should be done during the interrogation?╗. The answer is: лSilence!╗. Silence, as the guerrillas do. Like the Young Guards. You're going to get cut, but there's no way you're supposed to tell the pigs our secrets. Pigs for that and pigs that their lot Ц to die for the sake of sausage. They don't need to know the secrets. It's not their mind's business. Remember everyone in this room: your only goal during the interrogation is not to say anything and keep your virginity. The virginity of silence, of course. Since you won't be able to keep your virginity. Don't even expect that! But you have to keep quiet for sure. Keeping silent is not your right, but your sacred duty. I must say that if this duty is fulfilled well, fate will reward you. Remember that the less you say, the shorter the prison sentence you will be given. Don't think that if you turn them all in, they'll let you go. It's never going to happen! Here, imagine the situation. You blew up the pension fund building. You got caught by the politicians. If you immediately confess and tell them that you are the left terrorists and the followers of the RAF, you will go to jail for twenty years for terrorism. And if you keep quiet and say nothing, the politicians will think you're the regular gowipers. And they'll go to prison for two years. And maybe they'll just let it go. So, in interrogation, you need to shut up, keep quiet and keep quiet. Okay, that's the deal. You keep quiet, I hope you will. Now, a word about what should do a communist in prison and how to react to his comrades. If you went to prison, don't despair, at least you had cippulo in prison. In the prison, the Communist is obliged to be taught to all useful cases. First of all, you have to exercise exercises and stun the theory. You'll have a lot of free time in the wall, Ц that s what you do.