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There's, of course, special gymnastics for prisoners. Details now about her won't be, but the separate receptions are going to pin.

Yeah, a word about breathing gymnastics.

For the inmate breathing gymnastics, it's very important.

The cells in the jail are usually done badly. It's always stuffy in there. And the anatal of the smokers of smokers is still caught, it's actually a pipe. Word is, it's very likely that in the jailhouse you will experience a lack of fresh air.

That's very bad. Without oxygen and the brain, it works worse. A man starts to be silly. And that's not allowed to happen! So I recommend you breathing exercises that do not go to jailhouse.

Making them best for a walk in a prison yard. But you can, of course, in a cell, and the coli there are not nailed and air relatively fresh.

First, you gotta wash your nozzle. So, dragging water and retracting ourselves. You will consider, from these Launders, it can be creepy ill. There's nothing wrong with it. Just toss a little bit of a drink. But then the consciousness will be cleared up. So, when all this is done, we can move on to the exercise itself. It's nothing complicated. First a sharp deep breath, then a sharp breath. You can still use your hands to wave. It's even better this way. This exercise is also capable of triggering a headache. And here we have to endure! Pain is nothing. She'll pass, and the head will be better. Making such a gymnastics at least one hour a day. And think it will be much easier.

Okay, the gymnastics are done.

As for theory, I think it's clear: Sit down, read the books.

However, the theory is without practice.

Remember, any Communist is an agitator. Even in prison. That's why you have to carry out socialist propaganda in prisons, colonies and prisons. If one communist goes to prison, a hundred must go out. And if you're going to be in jail very badly, go on a hunger strike. Not like Nadezhda Savchenko, please! The hunger strike should be real. And if you're going to starve, try to die. If you die during a hunger strike, there will be such a scandal that the prison authorities in life will not be justified. And grateful comrades will put you a monument! So if you decide to go on a hunger strike, bring it to the end. And you'll be a hero! Like those Irish Republican Army soldiers who died in an English prison. They starved themselves. One hundred thousand fans came to their funeral. It's possible that you'll be the one who will repeat their success.

Now as for the comrades. I say to you all very seriously: if your colleague has gone to prison, it means that he needs help. Your communist duty is to hand over products and books to him. At the same time, books are especially important. Without books, the communist will withit. If the prisoner has written some literary work, you must organize it's publication. Here's another thing to say. As soon as you know that one of your comrades has been arrested, raise the noise immediately. Write to all liberal foundations, to all opposition publications, write to the International Court of Human Rights, the UN, and the American president. Everywhere spread the information that yourcomrade unfairly want to put. Hit all the bells! The more attention the press can attract, the less your friend's prison term will be.

All this I have told you in order to arm in case of danger. But it's better not to go to prison, of course. And if you do not want to get there, you should study the science of conspiracy (not to be confused with conspiracy).

The first methods, which I am obliged to teach you, are typical methods of work of special services. First of all, you need to remember that these bastards will be watching you. In the second place, remember about the snitch and police provocateurs. It is not difficult to fight with all this: it is necessary to observe precautions Ц nothing supernatural. First of all, you should remind you of the sacred commandment of every real communist: do not talk! The chatter is a godsend for a spy. So I can advise you not to talk once again about the fact that you are left-wing terrorists. At the same time, not only do not talk on the streets, but also on social networks about it not to write. Accordingly, it would be desirable for us to talk to our enemies right and left. They are not fools either,and therefore usually silent. However, it is not difficult to find out the information we need. This is done by listening to other people's conversations. The wiretap can be conducted by some high-tech method, and by the old method. We will begin, perhaps, with archaic methods. Some of them have now been forgotten on the grounds that, they say, times are different. Of course, now their role has fallen, but they are still significant. In short, like some weapons branded by pedants as лobsolete╗. You can imagine that some of our comrades were just laughing in my face when I suggested that an official be inundated with homemade hunting bow. And in vain laughed: our French comrades from лL'enfants de France╗ already as many as two officials from the bow for sports shooting failed. One of those bureaucrats was a policeman, and the other Ц the mayor! Idea?! They've ruined the whole mayor! For a revolutionary, the mayor is like a moose hunter! But modern hunters with bows usually go to moose. So I'm telling you, don't be shy about archaic methods. Believe me, even in our time the official can be dunked with a brick or pierced with an arrow. Old-fashioned methods of surveillance can't be abandoned either. Moreover, it is easy to implement them. For example, you're keeping an eye on some official. He came out of the entrance Ц and our agent tied after him and weaves about ten or twenty meters from the victim. In five hundred meters, this agent leaves, and he is replaced by the next one. So that the bureaucrat did not suspect anything. The agent does not require anything speciaclass="underline" weave yourself from behind, but listen. If an official speaks on the phone, he can say a lot of interesting things. If the rank has brains that tell him not to talk on the phone on the street, you can at least find out where the person went. It's possible that he was going to an underground brothel. If it's really in a brothel or other evil place, it would be nice to take a picture of our hero. Then we'll blackmail him with this photo. If we are talking about brothels, I will say that it is simply necessary to take note of those institutions where the object of surveillance appears regularly. Cafes, restaurants, clubs, brothels... First, you can get yourself into such places and discreetly place there eavesdropping bugs. Secondly, we will be able to sit down at the next table and listen to the conversations we need. Thirdly, if you settle down to work in these places, the chance to poison the life of the surveillance object will grow significantly. Literally and figuratively. If, for example, one of our girls get a job as a waitress in a favorite restaurant of interest to us official, she can easily sprinkle poison on his food. There are poisons of long action, which from once can not kill. But we're not in a hurry. Our agent will gradually poison the official, pouring arsenic into his food, and he will be more and more sick and lose strength. In two years our surveillance facility will die, but it will not cause suspicion. A long illness and all that... In short, if you constantly in this way spy on your victim, then very quickly learn about her life very much. If your victim is a big boss who does not walk, then things change a little. This means that our own spike should also get behind the wheel of the car. Then everything repeats according to the known scenario. There is, however, one problem: conversations even on the street are often not heard, and even in the car Ц and even more so. That's why I advise you to use special equipment. There are special sound amplifiers with which you will be able to eavesdrop on other people's conversations at a very long distance. Small sound amplifiers are not visible during surveillance of pedestrians, and large and powerful when spying on cars and buildings. In addition, there are special flying drones equipped with portable CCTV cameras. These things on the radio are inexpensive, and the benefits are huge. They can be easily extracted information even from a closed object. By the way, we have to say about the buildings. If you need to install surveillance of the apartment of the official, you need to rent an apartment in the next house. At the rented apartment windows you should be located so that they can be able to see well the windows of your victim's home. Sometimes it happens luck to rent an apartment with windows located directly in front of the windows of the surveillance object. Once the comrades even managed to settle next door to the official. We were separated by a very flimsy and not soundproofing wall at all. If you happen to be so lucky, then rejoice, blissful! For wiretapping you will need only a glass: the dontz it should be attached to the ear, and the throat to put to the wall. I guarantee you will hear everything that happens in the next room. But such gifts fate stings us infrequently. Usually you have to hire some bad room in the house next door. That's exactly what I'm going to talk about. There is nothing speciaclass="underline" you take powerful binoculars and with their help carefully study the life of the bureaucratic family. I advise to follow not only the servant of the state, but also his wife, children, as well as all the closest relatives. There is never any extra knowledge in this matter. You, for example, found out that your victim had no one at home from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. What will you do with such knowledge?! That's right: get into his apartment and rob her. And then you'll get on fire. If you find out that his son is in the sports section in the evenings, coming home through the dark yards, what will you do? That's right: you will attack his son in a gloomy gate and kill him. Or kidnap for blackmail. When you study the life of the family properly, it will be possible to make a lot of all sorts of big and small tricks in it's attitude. Some of our officials, for example, like to jog in parks. And they do not run either at six in the morning or at ten in the evening. That is, at a time when there is almost no one in the park. Except for us and our victims, of course. And all that means no strangers will hear a shot of a shotgun or a moonlit of help. We had one of those. A large businessman closely connected to the state. Running around the Kuntsevsky Park from five to six a day every day. This is a deaf Park, unhooked, wild. Sniper was in the bushes. No one, as you can see, is not found. These are common methods of surveillance. Methods, so to speak, antique, but not obsolete. If we talk about something more modern, we have methods of computer. In our wonderful time when programming has reached such high altitudes, it is not the labor that will be obtained from the necessary data from the other archive. Hackers'services in our time are cheap, and perhaps, among you, will be the meaning of such things. We will not, however, obsess on the said things. I'm in the middle of it, I don't really understand.