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Now that I have described the methods of surveillance to you, I must say about police provocateurs. Provocateurs will be darkness. I promise you that. Bewareof spikes you always have to. There are ways to deal with these freaks, however,and they are quite effective. The most important element of protection in this regard is the very structure of the organization. If you are very afraid of spikes, you can break your entire society into squads of five people. If you are already little, you can makedetachments and three people. Each unit has a commander. Only squad commanders interact with each other. At the same time, ordinary members of the cells can only keep in touch with members of their group, and the composition of others have no idea. This conspiracy system is very good for protection against spikes. It should also be remembered that the less ordinary members of your society know about each other, the better for conspiracy. At general events, contact your comrades in operational aliases, not by real names. Loud nicknames, like лThe Eagle╗, лThe Humpback╗, лThe Former╗, Ц invented not for the sake of pathos. They were invented in order that in case of what sent spike did not recognize the names of the people in the organization. Operational aliases should change regularly. Not every day, of course, although once a month will suffice. Call sign Ц it is, however, not all. You should remember that ordinary members of society should ideally not know anything about each other except pseudonyms. But this applies only to ordinary members. People who lead the organization are obliged to know everything about their subordinates. But more on that later. Now I'll try to explain how following my advice can help you. Imagine that a spy came to you. First, he will see that he is not open to the whole organization, but only one squad of five or even three people. Secondly, the members of this group are known to him only by pseudonyms. All this significantly limits the detective in his actions.