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So, the first and main method of guerrilla mail is a system of fake addresses. Now I'll explain to you by example that this is. Let's say you want to send a letter to your comrades in New York. But we're not sending our message to New York, but to someabandoned farm in Appalachia. The courier or postman takes your message to the designated farm and puts it in the mailbox there. Then your American friends come to the farm and take out from the box all the mail addressed tothem. Including your letter. Very simple, as you can see, nothing complicated. This method is very good for international communication. But if you need to send a letter to the other end of Moscow, it is better to use the cache.

Sending written messages and small items through a cache is a classic ofespionage. It's very simple. Chooses a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes. Usually it is a distant part of some large forest park, a vast wasteland or a forest strip. Then a small hole is dug under a bush or tree. An airtight bottle or jar falls into this pit. All this on top a little sprinkled with earth, covered with branches and leaves. That's it, the stash is ready. Then everything is elementary. You and your comrades from South Butovo, for example, know about the cache. If you need to send a message to your colleagues, just put the letter in your secret inbox. Then the recipients will find it at the time of checking the mail. As you can see, it's not complicated.

In addition, of course, there are computer systems for transmitting information. They are very diverse, and some of them are even reliable. In short, you need to use them with great care.

So we talked about how to communicate. Now let's say a few words about the art of cryptography, that is, compiling hidden messages. Frankly, good underground do encrypt not only the messages sent, but also internal documents. That is why it is very important for you to master the art of cryptography. It is a matter of life and death for our entire company. That's why I'm going to move on to directizing encryption methods.

The simplest and most reliable method is the numerical method. The essence of it is this. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned an individual number. Let the letter лB╗, for example, be marked by twenty-one and the letter лM╗ by the number forty-nine. All the letters in the text are then replaced by the numbers they correspond to. As a result, the message becomes a form of sequence of numbers. Then it remains only to pass such an encrypted message to your comrades. The latter, of course, need to know which letter which number corresponds. In other words, they should have a special table of matches, which will indicate that the letter лB╗ is marked as twenty-one, and лM╗ Ц as forty-nine and so on. This table in cryptography is called the encryption key. Please note that the cipher I have described is not the most reliable. That's why you need to change yourencryption keys all the time. Some of the most vigilant underground are guided by the rule: one key is one message. That is, with each new transmission, they use a new cryptographic table! For example, our French comrades from лL'enfants de France╗ do so.

If you need to send an encrypted message over short-wave radio, then in any case do not read the text yourself! Use one of the computer programs of speech synthesis better. Such programs themselves recognize the typed on the computer and read it aloud.

If you write a letter, write it sympathetic, that is, invisible ink. As such, a huge number of different substances are used. To write a letter you will need a piece of paper and a small pointy stick. It's as simple as that. Take the stick in hand, lower the tip of it in our ink, and then gently remove our improvised letter pen on a piece of paper. After that, we put a sheet of paper on the table, and on top cover it with a weighty book, brick or heavy board. After a while the sheet will dry up and smooth out. After that, we write something harmless on it in the most ordinary ink.

Now, actually, about the ink itself, as well as how to read what is written. Milk is most often used as ink. If you want to read the text written by this white substance, you just need to evenly heat the paper. An iron is usually used for this. This method was known to the people, and therefore it is very old. If you do not want to use milk, you can write a letter with apple juice, bowjuice or trouser. You can also use the aquatic alum's rastra. Made in such ways it is easy to manifest through the same uniform heating of paper. You can try to write with a water solution of starch, but here to read the inscription will have to lower a sheet of paper in the alcoholic solution of iodine. You can also write a not very strong solution of citric acid. To read such a message will have to lower a sheet of paper in a solution of methylorange. Fortunately, this substance is freely sold and the government is unlikely to ban it. The fact is that it is actively used in chemical lessons at school.

So, now a couple of words about safe houses and in general the appropriate way of life. A safe house is a refuge where guerrillas rest after their attacks, terrorist attacks and other official activities. There is also stored, repaired and produced weapons, training and so on. Some large organizations hold several safe houses at once. In one of them, for example, an arsenal is stored, and in the other there is a small factory for the manufacture of explosives. лWhat is a safe house?╗ you ask. Most often it is an ordinary city apartment, but for the appropriate needs you can use a rural house, and an abandoned bunker. It is not difficult to arrange a good guerrilla lair. To do this, you need to find a secluded place. Then it all depends on the nature of your activities. If you are urban guerrillas, then you need an apartment and an urban one. If you are a rural guerrilla, then you will have a rural apartment. Let's start with the city. You just need to rent an ordinary apartment. You rent it, of course, unofficially. That is, without presentation of documents and drawing up a contract. Preferably Ц in general on condition of anonymity. In other words, the less the landlord knows about you, the better. Ideally, he should have no idea about you at all. If you can not achieve complete incognito, you need to come up with some tale about it's origin. Tell us, for example, that you are poor students who have come to the city to study. All of the above also applies to rural guerrillas. The only difference is that you will rent a country house, not an apartment. The rest is the same. Rent on condition of maximum anonymity, no contract and presentation of documents. That's understandable. Some, however, may doubt such safe houses. Like, it's all unreliable, unreliable. And expensive besides. In short, such apartments are not suitable for us, Ц give others. Well, you can arrange a lair and cheaper, and more reliable. It's simple: you just need to find some good abandoned building, and check in there. Of course, you do not really want to go to the empty and cold place, but if you need security, then be patient. On the other hand, you are given a good choice. As long as there is capitalism, abandoned buildings will not be rebuilt. That is why you can settle, for example, on the plant left by the owners, and you can enter the abandoned bunker. This also applies to rural guerrillas. The fact is that in the countryside there are whole depopulated villages, where you can get a good living. There are also abandoned children's health camps, tourist bases and sanatoriums. Such institutions are usually located in remote and inaccessible places. And one more piece of advice! If you are urban guerrillas, then settle in urban slums. If you are a village guerrilla, arrange a base in the most depressed rural area. Remember that the guerrilla feeds poverty. Our main allies in the city are the slum dwellers. Our main assistants in the countryside are the poor inhabitants of provincial villages. And in generaclass="underline" be closer to the people! In conclusion, I will say: periodically it is necessary to change the location of it's location. Partisans cannot live in the same place for years. It is advisable to move from one safe house to another every two or three months. Otherwise, the police will track down your location. Then the shelter will cease to be secret, and therefore safe. Remember: the more often you change your lair, the more secure you are.