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That's actually what we've been discussing. Now we need to tell you about some little things, which, however, should not be neglected. It can cost you your life...

In our high-tech time, CCTV cameras pose a particular danger to society. The treacherous лMossad╗ set up cameras around! What's the point? That's right: to interfere with the guerrillas in every way. But smug pigs in the slings will not stop us! It is known that social problems cannot be solved by technical methods. You know, right after the Russian Revolution, nine hundred and five years of Leo Tolstoy was interviewed by journalists. So, the author of лWar and Peace╗ then said that there will never be revolutions again. Even more interesting is how he argued it: you see, in European cities remove the pavement and begin to make asphalt instead of it. This means that the insurgents will no longer have material for the construction of barricades. Consequently, the revolutions will stop! Now we have every reason to laugh at this forecast of a century ago. But we will laugh at the same time over the predictions of modern talkers, claiming that CCTV cameras will save the government from any revolution. Moreover, among them there is not a single Leo Tolstoy. At best, Peter Tolstoy.

The ways to combat the camcorders are many. I'll describe them to you now.

The easiest way is to get a camera to break up the camera. It's not very easy to do, but it s possible. To do that, you'll need a slingshot. Since modern youth sometimes have no idea how this wonderful thing is being done, a word about it I must say. First, it is necessary to find a solid object in the form of horseshoes. He's done with a regular metal or a tree. Between two ends, horseshoes is a piece of elastic material. So the usual rubber. Everything is further elementary. We pull the berries and put it in the charge. The last one should be heavy enough to have rounded up forms. It's best to use metallic balls, though they ll fit in the usual stones. The stone or piece of metal will fly far and will be able to damage a vulnerable camera significantly. And Here's the defense Цno. Now, the police pigs are all cameras covered in a fat skin that protects from the gopnies, but not from the partisan. Guerrillas are not fools. They won't beat the camera closed. They'll just paint her lens. It's pretty simple. You just have to take a baby water pistol. The last one should be powerful enough to shoot far. The gun must be liquid paint. It's important! Paint must be necessarily liquid, but not the knot. If she's like butter, the gun gonna kill and not shoot. It is further simple: simply to be able to palm into the camera camera objective. We could try the camera again. To do this you will need a thick plastic bag of black black and powerful construction glue. Fool the package properly follows the glue and target the lens. If the camera is located high, then use the thick piece of metal wire. Bend one of his ends and make a hook. That Hook is gonna fix the bag. And then just get in the camera, even without touching it. You can, after all, just cut the power cable. The method albeit obsolete but effective. He, however, has the weakness: the likelihood of being captured. That's why very often our comrades do this. They dress up in the clothes of repair workers, and then boldly go to break the cameras. Tell me what people will see?! They will see that a man in the clothes of a worker fiddles with wires. Everyone's going to think he's fixing something. No one will ever think that this uncle is now committing a sabotage. As for the uniforms. Today I'll tell you more about where and how to get it. But it will be a little later, and now we will return to the cameras. If the camera transmits information to the operator through wireless channels of communication, you can use the so-called лsilencers╗. With their help, you can completely suppress the flow of the signal from the CCTV camera to the operator. These things are very necessary in the farm, and therefore they are unlikely to be banned. If they are banned, do not be discouraged. The fact is that absolutely any powerful enough source of electromagnetic radiation is able to disrupt the signal coming from the CCTV camera. Once again: absolutely any source of electromagnetic radiation! If it's powerful enough, of course. And you can always find or assemble such a device yourself. The fact is that electromagnetic radiation exudes a huge number of electrical appliances. That's why it's unlikely that you'll ever be able to ban them all. But the most high-tech method of destroying cameras is, without a doubt, the laser method. It's simple: you take a powerful laser pointer and direct it directly into the camera lens. There's one downside to this method: the camera doesn't see anything as long as you're pointing a ray of light at it. Ofcourse, now I will be asked how to provide myself with a powerful enough laser. Well, we'll get back to that, but tomorrow.

Now that I've told you how to mess up the CCTV cameras, I have to say a few words about protection. The thing is, we can't always fake CCTV cameras. That's why sometimes you have to disguise yourself. First of all, I have to dispel some of the myths surrounding this case. State propagandists (especially in this area stands out Oleg Makarenko) constantly frighten the people by the fact that the CCTV cameras, they say, have now become so smart that they are not deceived at all. It's complete nonsense. The technique is imperfect, and therefore it is even possible to deceive it. First, you can always get lost in the crowd. Despite the fact that we are diligently persuaded to the contrary, from modern cameras it is easy to hide in the crowd. But only on the condition that it is really a very crowded crowd. Here the camera has the same limitations as a person. In a huge human flow it will not be able to identify you, but if there are few people, it will be able to do it. Next. You can always make up. Here works a golden rule: with bad makeup you will be found, but with good Ц not. So try to make a good, high-quality makeup. Third, I'm going to tell you a true story. I had an acquaintance in France. He was a left-wing terrorist. Although no, I wasn't. Itis necessary to put not the past time, but the present: he is still a left-wing terrorist. That's it! This good boy decided to rob a bank. One problem: the bank had a special security system. To enter the building had to look into a special camera. The camera determined this: a bank employee in front of her or a burglar. The door was automatically opened only to honest employees. Butour comrade was not confused. In his audacity, this cunning has surpassed many. He just went to the bank's website and found pictures of some of his employees. He then printed out one of these photos on the printer, and then went to the pass bank. The brazen schoolchild just covered his face with a printed photo. And what would you think?! The system opened the door in front of him! Then he completely freely robbed the bank and went out through the same reception. Needless to say, no one found him? It was my friend for only fourteen years. I hope the sample of brave Francis will compel you to be confident. And fear not that security systems are constantly improving: We're not behind them either. Mao Zedong taught us: лIf you don't have a gun, fight with your bare hands! If you're out of your hands, keep fighting your feet! If you've lost your feet too, remember, you have teeth and teeth! If not, it's still to fight!╗. Follow his advice!