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So, the progressive era is when the past is the past and the future is the future. So this is the normal course of things. But let's turn to the example, because it is the easiest way to explain the essence of things.

An example of a progressive era can be the sixties and partly the seventies of the last century, but not in our country, but in the countries of the West. Back then, the West was not what it is today. And then there were no obese aunts in power, like Angela Merkel, and there were no homosexual presidents who looked like a piece of rotten potatoes, like Hollande. What a hysterical freak he is, this Hollande! No words!

None of this happened! This is now Europe-the land of boring German burghers who are so fat on their beer and pork sausages that they have to make sausages themselves. Now the face of Europe is the glossy harem of the German bourgeois, warming his vast belly in the resorts of Spain. This shit is all red and smug from the heat and liters of cheap wine. But this, as I said, is modern Europe. This was not always the case, but the fat harya of the German burgher fills the entire space precisely in the reactionary epochs. Europe's face was marred by reaction.

But it was different in the sixties. Europe was a land of revolt, a land of discontent and dissent. I will give you an example of The civil war in Italy, as well as the partisan wars in Germany, France, and, of course, in Ireland. We do not like to remember these wars, actively committing them to silence. We generally have a very popular myth: they say that Europe before 1945 was all toothy-fanged, racist and scary, but right after 9 May, it immediately became white and fluffy, immediately began to love gays and Negroes. In fact, it wasn't even close. We think that all the anti-Semitic and racial laws, all the laws on discrimination, all the political repression-that all this just disappeared after 1945. In Europe, of course.

In reality, it was not so. In most European countries, anti-Semitic laws and laws on racial discrimination persisted throughout the fifties. In France, laws against Jews were repealed in 1954. It must be said that some countries continued to pass new laws against Jews after the World war. Norway, for example, expelled Jews from it's territory in 1950 and banned them from entering the country. The abolition of discriminatory laws began only in the sixties, and only when the public began to demand it. The fascist parties continued to operate freely in all European countries. In Italy, France, and even in Germany, these parties numbered hundreds of thousands of members after the war. Few people can imagine it now, but in the fifties, the fascists almost won the elections in Germany several times. In Austria, they even came to power several times after the War. Until the 1970s, the death penalty was universally maintained. Corporal punishment in European schools continued until the 1980s. In Germany, they were abolished only in 1983. Demonstrations were then dispersed not with rubber bullets, but with live ones. Yes, the military shot peaceful demonstrators with machine guns. This happened in France until the sixties, and in England until the eighties. This all applies to the democratic bourgeois countries of Europe at that time: France, England, Italy, and West Germany. Of course, in many European countries after the Second World war, fascists remained in power. We are talking about Spain, Portugal, and Greece. There, even in the seventies, people continued to experience all the charms of fascism: there were mass shootings, genocide, famine, and war. The Portuguese, for example, practiced mass repression until 1974. They also waged an incredibly brutal colonial war in Angola and Mozambique. The population of Portugal itself was starving, not in the sense that there was no sausage, but in the sense that there was nothing to eat. In Greece, the local totalitarian regime of лblack colonels╗ practiced punitive operations against their own population. And the thing is that in the early seventies in Greece there was a guerrilla war, which the local Communists waged against the regime. The government fought the partisans in an interesting way: an order was given to set fire to the forests where the partisans were hiding. In parallel, there was a mass extermination of peaceful peasants who helped the partisans. What else did you want from Europe? It continued to be toothy and hostile after World War II.

But now to the point. In Italy of the seventies was a real Civil War. In Germany, France, Belgium and Great Britain at this time operated guerrilla units. That's when terrorism flourished! In Italy, not a day passed, when not killed some fat official. Yes, officials in Italy were killed at the time! They killed me every day! Every day, newspapers reported that some bureaucrat was stabbed or blown up. And you know, it only made everyone feel better.

I'm being very serious right now. And no matter how fat aunts squeal about the harms of terrorism, and no matter how many лDays of tolerance╗ are spent in our schools, the truth will still be inexorable. And the truth is that terrorist organizations are improving the political climate in the country. Now I am being asked: how can they improve the political climate? And I'll tell you by example. Imagine that a member of the right-wing party (in short, in our country all the right parties) decided to introduce a law on the abolition of pensions in the parliament. And he seemed to have made the law, and i went to the Rolls-Royce in his mansion on Rublevka. And in the process of driving from the Duma to the manor in his car threw a bomb. The brains of the unfortunate (though not completely poor) deputy flew many meters, and his car can no longer be restored. After that, the radical organization лCommunists of Russia╗ announces that it will kill all mPs who dare to vote for this very law on the abolition of pensions. The law, as you know, fails to pass in the end. This example certainly tells us about the benefits of terrorist organizations. You will probably say that this is all an abstraction, as there is no organization лCommunists of Russia╗. Well, it really does not exist, but the benefits of terrorism can be seen in the real world. Here, for example, is the Mexican state of Chiapas, where until recently everything was bad. There were no roads, there were no hospitals, no schools, nothing good, in general, was not. And then there were terrorists and guerrillas who called themselves sapatists. They mercilessly killed local officials, attacked the military and police. As a result, they have ensured that the Mexican government has become a road to establish, and schools to build, and hospitals to open. Well done, right?!