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So, my dear comrades! Today I can congratulate you, for now you are listening to my last lecture in this special course. Nothing else will happen. Today you will suffer, and you will be free! The lecture will soon be over. Then you'll go to some bar, getdrunk there until you squeal. And then it will be like in one song of my childhood: лI crawled on the floor among empty bottles...╗. In short, all this will be a little later. Now I ask everyone to throw out cigars, put away glasses of rum and remove other pleasant, but not useful for health substances. Only then will I start...

Well, I see it's all cleaned up. You can get down to business.

After recent lectures, all sorts of different listeners approached me. They conveyed to me their requests, comments and even reproaches, which I felt should be taken into account. Very often I was told this. Like, you tell us about agitation, about safe houses, about weapons, and in general about many interesting things. But here's one problem: it all costs money, and we don't have them. As a result, the main question is: where do honest guerrillas get money for the war? Since our movement really has serious problems with finances, I decided to cover this topic. So, лmoney, money, make money, and everything else is a slumber╗, as was sung in the Soviet film adaptation of лTreasure Island╗. First of all, you should realize that any revolutionary movement is constantly experiencing problems with the lack of money. There's nothing wrong with that. You can always get the money. I'll tell you exactly how to get them. Tobegin with, we need to recall the experience of all the guerrilla movements that preceded us. They extracted funds for the fight from three main methods. First of all, it is donations. Then there are the proceeds of all criminal and semi-legal activities. In third place is income from our own enterprises. To begin, perhaps, should be with donations. Many fools in our country say that this method is not cool and in general Ц real guerrillas do not use it. The shame, you see. So, don'tbelieve you're not like that. Real revolutionaries and guerrillas have always lived with what ordinary people gave them. Any rebel group always had the first budget item to sponsor. We are no exception in this regard. For us, as the British say, it is the most important source of income. They've dealt with it. Ideas further. лWho do we collect money from?╗ Ц you ask. The answer is as simple as a wood piece. Of course, you have to start with yourself. Let each of you donate your own savings to the fight. Puts them, so to speak, in the party cash register. So know that if you've inherited a rich inheritance, it's a good idea to share it with your brothers in arms. Do not forget that we are socialists and supporters of total equalization. And also fanatics. Who are the fanatics? Fanatics are people who live according to their conscience. That's what we're supposed to do! If you want to build socialism on the whole planet, first build it in the organization. It is always necessary to rigidly draw an equalline. If you decide to be a guerrilla, then be kind Ц give all the property to fight. If you don't want to, get out! That's right, guys! Take all your junk to the bazaar, and with the money you get, buy weapons or rent a safe house. Get rid of real estate, from parental capital, from cars and crap. All this you do not need: the presence of official property harms conspiracy, deprives mobility. And the last to lose the partisan can not. In short, here's what I'll tell you: sell all your property, and transfer the proceeds to the general cash register. Believe that if each of your friends follow my advice, the budget of your organization will grow significantly. If there is still not enough money, you will also shake the sympathizers. Collect donations from workers, peasants and revolutionary intellectuals. Keep in mind that this is about voluntary support, not extortion. We'll talk about him later. So, at first you will have to do only income from membership dues. When the organization grows up, and the guerrillain Russia will go with all it's strength, it will be possible to diversify the sources of funding. And we are talking primarily about criminal activity. Here, let's leave all the moral objections. If you're not a лrenegade Kautsky╗, then don't make a nagging about what's moral and what's not. For us, genuine revolutionaries, there can be no moral laws. We do what we do. Well, he said it all. Let's get to the point. There is a huge variety of crimes in the world. Criminal is a perennial partner of the selfish system. He looks like a house slave or a servant in an aristocratic house. They try to notice him and despise him a little. At the same time, it is always somewhere near. What crimes do partisans prefer? The answer is quite simple: the most profitable. First of all, these are, of course, all forms of forcible withdrawal of money from the rich. This includes the robbery I adored, and robbery, and extortion. Revolutionaries have historically called such acts лexpropriations╗. Now I will explain the meaning of this term. You know, when you rob a single mother with many children who barely makes ends meet, you commit a real crime. If you drag money from a banker who gets rich at the expense of someone else's work, you expropriation. And in generaclass="underline" money does not smell! Especially if they go to the world revolution. We also have a third stream of income. We are talking, of course, about our own enterprises. It can be small plants, farms, as well as all artisanal production. Remember that when we say лagriculture╗, it is necessary to represent not cows and pigs, but boundless plantations of coca bush or opium poppy. Yes, the drug trade! This activity particularly loves Colombian partisans. However, from comrades, other countries in South America are not behind. That's why, actually, Americans are called the localliberators are лdrug guerrilleros╗. There is also a slave trade, but later onЕ

Now that I've summarized everything, you can give some practical advice. Iwill not say anything more about the contributions, because there is nothing to say. I hope that everything is clear without me. I'd rather tell you how to rob a bank. There's nothing hard about that. You can rob it in two ways: with or without a weapon. In the first case, everything is quite easy. We need to first find some seedy bank. In short, it can be not a bank, and a pawnshop, a jewelry store or other institution, where all sorts of valuables are stored. The methodology here is not very different. So, we have to find a seedbank. Usually it is in some tiny provincial town or in the countryside. These places are not very securely guarded. That's why it's not hard to take away all the valuables from there. Next, you need to get used to your favorite place. It is advisable to do it late at night, when the shop closes, and there are few visitors. Several comrades with weapons in their hands go inside, and a few more remain outside. These doors on the other side are needed to cover their friends in the event of police arriving. Next, you simply threaten the employees of the unfortunate institution that you will kill out if you do not get money or other valuables. Terrified employees will give you all in a moment. Then you just need to leave the room and hide in an unknown direction. This whole operation should take no more than ten minutes. You can rob a bank without weapons. To do this, you just need to attach there to the work of some of our comrades. The main thing here is that our friend should have access to material goods. In the future, sent only to take advantage of the official position and to encircle the institution clean. Such a scheme, of course, also applies not to banks alone: you can bring shops, pawnshops, and other cereal places. It is also possible to do it in any way. Someone will simply dump the contents of the cash register in a plastic bag, which he will then take out. Another decides to transfer a couple of million rubles to his foreign bank account. It all depends on the situation.