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We often like to say that the province is dying of poverty. They like to complain about the squalor of provincial schools and hospitals, the poor quality of roads and the like. But tell me, what are the residents of the province doing to correct their situation a little bit? We all know the right answer: they don't do anything. Unless, of course, you count the periodic whining. Although we have more Muscovites than the provincials themselves. These are more often prefer to simply tolerate. But I can tell you what, comrades: if our provincials had taken out the grandfather's nagans left over from the old days, and applied them as intended, the province would have been better off. Better, and there is no doubt about it!

You're going to ask, that I going to call for terrorism? Of course, that's what I dare to do! Yes, I appeal to all citizens of Russia, saying: become terrorists! Most of all, of course, I appeal to our youth, although older generations do not forget or put a cross on them. Young people, our guys and girls, are terrorists, be guerrillas, be oppositionists! And radicals! But not those in chemistry, but those in politics!

You, of course, are told: make a career, enrich yourself, become businessmen, become officials. All the flaky fat aunts with bulging eyes, dressed in all sorts of rags from the Chinese market and having hairstyles like those worn by American prostitutes of the eighties, Ц these aunts, called лteachers╗, tell you what you need, they say, to make a career. They say that the days of heroes have passed, that the days of great struggle have passed, that now you have only one way in life: from school to institute, from institute to office, from office to coffin. Someone may like this life trajectory. I don't judge these people. Moreover, they could become prototypes for the characters of Leopold von Saher-Masoch. Oh, it's a pity this beautiful writer doesn't live in our time.

I'll tell you: all this talk about career is complete nonsense. Bullshit, as Americans say. Here, of course, some will object to me in the spirit that everyone, they say, can become a millionaire. They will give me examples of Steve Jobs and... No, they're going to be Steve Jobs. Of course, it is not difficult to challenge their arguments. Of course, anyone can become a millionaire, but they become only a few. Everyone can not be millionaires, if only because every millionaire needs a personal driver, needs a personal cook, needs a butler and a lot of similar people. A millionaire needs a big company where people are obliged to work. These people, of course, should be poorer than a millionaire, because otherwise he will not get profit. At the same time, I must remind you that the poorer the country, the better the millionaires live there. Of course, if people are on the verge of starvation, the millionaire can tell them: лI will give you one crust of bread in fourteen hours of work. No days off, vacations and sick leave!╗. And people will agree, for otherwise they will starve to death. But this trick will take place only in Senegal or Congo. But in Germany it will not work like this: no one will work there for a crust of bread. Millionaires therefore like to place their factories in poor countries, but they themselves live in the countries of the rich. In other words, for Mr. Millionaire to become rich it takes all the other people to make a little poorer. Well, or not too much. For Mr. Steve Jobs to become a billionaire, it took millions of people around the world to be poor. Don't forget that the metal from which tablets are made is mined by child slaves in The Mines of the Congo, where they die of disease and hard work. Do not forget that these tablets are collected by child slaves from China, where they also die from hard work and diseases related to the harmfulness of production. Don't forget that in America itself, thousands of people work for Jobs from the last forces. And finally, you and your parents sometimes save on food in order to buy a cherished tablet. As a result, to enrich Jobs alone requires ruining millions of people around the world! Isn't the fee high? In short, you won't all become millionaires. Perhaps one of you will become rich, but it will certainly not be a joy to everyone else: because for his enrichment he will have to ruin all of you a little (or a lot of it). The devastation of others is not, however, the only condition of enrichment. There is one more thing:the creation of a new market. Jobs became a billionaire because he created a whole new industry. He did not create it, or rather, Ц it was created by Soviet scientists, but successfully privatized. Domestic oligarchs in this case went even further than Jobs. But now there is nothing to privatize (in Russia in any case), and it is not so easy to create a new industry. Moreover, it is not enough just to come up with something breakthrough. We need someone to invest in this breakthrough. Now the world economy is in crisis: since 2008 it has stagnated and sick. In our country, economic growth is so low that it is ridiculous to even talk about it. If the economy stagnates and does not grow, then no one will invest in your new projects. All this kind of tells you: the probability that you will become millionaires is very small, while the probability of impoverishment you are huge. It is no secret that the population of Russia is impoverished. Of course, the population of Europe and the population of America, but there people were inherently richer than us, and therefore their impoverishment is not so noticeable. Calm down: soon they will feel all the delights of poverty, so well known to our provincials and pensioners.

Is there no alternative? There is, of course, and I pointed it out to you.

In Italy of the seventies there were so-called лRed brigades╗. They killed corrupt officials, fascists, pro-American journalists, stupid лstars╗ of mass culture and right-wing intellectuals. Just imagine that! People did not whine about the fact that some Director made a bad movie, did not scold him, but just killed him. If Nikita Mikhalkov had lived in Italy in the seventies, he would have been killed after the first anti-Communist film! Just go to his house and stab him! In Italy at that time, such issues were solved by simple and clear methods: if you made an anti-Communist film, the Communists would kill you; if you published an article in a right-wing magazine about how you hated the Communist terrorists from the лRed brigades╗, these same Communists would kill you. Slaughtered as pigs are slaughtered. You will scream, but no one will help you, because the police are afraid, and ordinary citizens support your murderers. A right-wing journalist in 1974 dared to write his dirty lampoon against the Communists, Ц so a few days later his mutilated corpse was found in the forest. The terrorists tortured him for several days and then killed him. Death occurred as a result of many days of torture. The body was mutilated so that it was difficult to identify it later. Of course, then every politician and journalist was responsible for their words. You call the Communists losers and get shot in the head; you call the factory workers pigs and you'll be burned alive. One factory owner dared to call his workers pigs. So what?! Offended workers ambushed him as he got into his Ferrari. They grabbed him, tied him up, and locked him in their own car. Then the car was doused with kerosene and set on fire, watching the capitalist burn alive. The police didn't dare arrest any of them. If residents in a town were dissatisfied with the quality of infrastructure, they simply raised an armed uprising. People simply seized administrative buildings, mercilessly killed officials and policemen, and then called the Prime Minister and demanded to fix the situation. And none of them were punished, because the government was then afraid of the people, and the people were absolutely not afraid of the government. When Italian universities raised tuition fees or cut budget places, students rebelled in earnest. Molotov Cocktails?! No, these are children's toys. Rioting Italian students of that time shot at the police with homemade automatic firearms, threw grenades, tar bombs and even Napalm at the лguardians of the law╗. In the лguardians of the law╗, long tied to corrupt ties with the mafia. Not a day went by then that an official wasn't killed. Sometimes the лRed brigades╗ murdered a thousand police officers in a week. If a police officer was captured by the Communists, then hell was waiting for him. Police officers had their eyes gouged out, all their teeth knocked out, fingernails pulled out, tendons cut. Even terrorists often tied up a live policeman and fried his feet on a slow fire. They could have skinned a man. Italian rich people of that time surrounded their estates with ten-meter fences. лWhy such high fences?╗ Ц you may ask. The answer is simple: so as not to throw a grenade. In short, then the terrorists had powerful grenade launchers, and no fences could save them from them. And what they did with the Italian traffic police... Then, in the seventies, terrorists drove their cars on the night roads of Italy and beat the police with rifles. Then the corpses of traffic policemen were hung on some roadside post. That's why the traffic police there and polite now! The Italians have trained them to treat drivers like citizens, not like cattle. As it turned out, you can only train them to do this with the help of a Nagan. Or the Beretta.