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Here's what you can do. To begin with, you should cut the mushroom into small pieces. Then the specified pieces should be folded into a jar. Remember that the bank should be sealed! After that, seventy percent alcohol is poured into the same jar. One medium sized fungus is about one hundred and fifty milliliters of alcohol. Then the jar should close tightly and leave in this state for two weeks. It should stand, of course, in a place dark and cool. The jar needs to be re-shaken. When two weeks pass, you will have to uncork the jar. I'm going to have to take the pieces of sliced mushrooms out of it. After that, the bank should stand in the same place, but already in the open state. Alcohol, of course, will evaporate. When there are only about fifty milliliters of alcohol left in the jar, clog the jar again. Now it will contain quite powerful poison. It can be easily added to food or alcoholic beverages. Ten milliliters of such a substance will be enough to send the bourgeois to the forefathers.

Keep the designated poison in the fridge. With proper saving, it will retain it's toxic properties for one year.

You can still do that. Cut tinkles on the minor parts, then squeeze the juice out of them. This mushroom juice needs to be shifted with alcohol. The proportion here is that one million alcohol must be made by 20 millimeters of juice. That's exactly what it is. The described poison can be added to food and alcoholic beverages. One milligram of this substation will be sufficient to send some particularly evil enemy of the working class to that light.

The poison is stored in the fridge, in a hermetic closing bottle. Due conditions, the toxic properties are still valid for a period of one year.

Last one is gonna bring another recipe. Cutting slippers into small pieces, and then squeezing out of those pieces of precious juice. This is the most juice in a prepared colbour. Then we must take the Iron Bowl and fill this last sand. The sand poverty puts colb in the mushroom juice. The iron bowl in turn is placed on the electrical board. Then the electric tile is activated. Remember, the contents of the bulbs cannot be overheated. The fungal juice is never in the way of nosing! It must slowly evaporate at a temperature of 60 to 75 degrees Celsius. When the Kolba stays 20 per cent of the original volume, the Kolba with the sandy Bani can be filmed. The electric tile is, obviously, shutting down. After Kolba, the semidecentizen alcohol is added. The proportion is the same as in the preceding prescription. One million alcohol must be made up of 20 millimeters of juice. Now Your Kolba is full of very powerful poison. It can be made to the enemies of food and alcoholic beverages. Half a milligram of this poison is quite enough to fail a man.

Store this poison is needed in a hermetic vial. The Vial should be kept in the fridge. With the proper storage of toxic properties, the poison will be maintained for one year.

The pale poganium is everything!

Let's talk about plants now!

Let's start with the aconite. This, if anyone does not know - the plant is so veathing.

First, you'll have to track down this very aconite. When this is done, you will have to collect poisonous plants. You can't tear them off in any case. Instead, each plant needs to be dug together with it's root. The fact that this plant the most poisonous part Ц it's root. That's what we're going to need! When the plants are collected, it is necessary to wash them under running water. Now the roots are separated from the stems. You can throw the stems out, but the roots will have to be cut into small parts. These parts are laid out on sheets of paper in some well-ventilated room. Now you need to wait for the chopped plants to dry. When this happens, the root particles should be ground into powder. It's done! The manufactured remedy is very new. At the same time it will have a barely very pleasant spicy smell. It is best to add the designated poison to spicy dishes, where there is a lot of spice. Then it is less likely that someone will notice the presence of aconite.

In addition to the powder from aconite, you can also prepare a concentrated remedy. That's how it's done. First, you need to take the fresh root of the aconite, wash it properly, and then cut into small parts. Now we need to take a glass jar. Remember that this bank should be hermetically closed. The root particles are folded into the described glass container. They have to fill it by one-third. Then seventy percent ethyl alcohol is poured there. It fills the jar by two-thirds of it's volume. Next to this mixture is added and washing alcohol. The proportion here is this: two hundred milliliters of root and ethanol mixture Ц one milliliter of washing alcohol is required. When the ashist is added, the jar should be clogged and left in a dark and cool place for two weeks. Periodically it will have to be shaken. When two weeks are over, take a iron bowl. Fill it with sand and put it on an electric tile. Then take a jar of alcohol and root parts. Put this jar on the sand in the bowl. Now turn on the electric tile. Remember that the solution should not heat up much. Sixty-seventy degrees Celsius will be enough. After a while, when the contents of the jar boil swell by two-thirds Ц you can turn off the electric tile. Remove the jar from the sand bath. Throw the root particles away and pour the solution into a porcelain cup. Put this cup on the sand bath. Now turn on the electric tile again. The solution needs to be heated to eighty, or even up to ninety degrees Celsius. At the same time, however, the liquid should never boil! After a while, the solution will begin to thicken. There's nothing wrong with that. That's the way it should be. When the solution turns into a very thick syrup, Ц you can turn off the electric tile. While this syrup is still hot, you can grease them with arrowheads. When the desired substance cools down, it can be added to food and alcoholic beverages. However, it is quite permissible to add it to soft drinks. Store this poison in an airtight seal. The bottle needs to be kept in the fridge.