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Yes, it's easy to kill an alcoholic bourgeois. But what to do if the bourgeois is a hedgehog?

Believe me, this problem is solvable!

And it can be solved with the help of caustic soda. You will need to get a forty percent solution of this wonderful compound. For all external qualities, this solution is no different from water. Liquid, transparent, odor does not emit. The specified solution should be poured into a bottle of drinking water. As for the bottle, I can repeat all that was said about the methanol bottle. A new cover, a whole label and stuff like that. Apply such a bottle can be so. Here, for example, a certain bourgeois likes to run in the mornings in the park. For a run, he usually takes a bottle of water with him. So here we are. It would be very good to replace this same loaf of water with a bottle with a solution of caustic soda. He will want to drink the bourgeois water and the caustic soda. The slack burn of the mucous is then guaranteed.

You can still use potassium chloride. There's nothing complicated here. You just buy this very potassium chloride, dissolve it in warm water, and then this warm water injects the bourgeois into the bloodstream. It causes a heart attack in the bourgeois heart attack, and this last one dies. There's only one problem. It is not so easy to inject this kind of solution into the blood of a class enemy. However, guerrilla savvy will always help. So, you can seep into some clinic for the rich, and then poison there all the drugs intended for intravenous intake. Well, anything you can reach. Imust note that it is most convenient to pour poison into bottles with medicines for intravenous drips. It's incredibly easy to do. You just need to bring a few syringes filled with potassium chloride solution. You just need to pierce the rubber cork bottle with a needle syringe, and then enter there a certain amount of solution. You don't need much! A few milliliters will be enough! And yes, I forgot to say, Ц some drugs are cloudy when they are added to the solution. And if any remedy changes it'scolor in one night, Ц it can lead doctors to certain suspicions. So be vigilant!

All of the above are good for poisoning a person. If you decide to send a guard dog , do not waste good poisons. Prepare a special dog poison! Take a few glass items. Gentlybreak them into small pieces. Then prepare the minced meat. Add these shards to it. Gently mix the resulting substance. Feed the damned dogs. They will then quickly die in cramps.

Okay, the poisons are over.

Let's just say a few words about guns.

To this I really will not speak much. The point is that the subject is absolutely inexhaustible.

Let's start with the very simple one.

Let's say a few words about the passing beam.

If you can't get a Cossack checker, and you have to fight on the barricades, don't despair. Get a better engineering lineup. Remember, you don't just need some lineup! No, not at all! For our purposes, only steel rulers of one meter long are suitable. Take one such line. And just lock it up on both sides! It's easy to do. First, take the sables. Then take the ruler. Now start gently rubbing the edges of the ruler on the surface of the donkey. At the same time, it is necessary to lightly wet the saline with water. When the edges of the ruler are sharpened, remove the sables. Then take the sandpaper. Apply a few drops of water to the surface. Now rub a ruler about this very paper in exactly the same way you just rubbed it on the settles. When the blade is quite sharp, take a piece of smooth skin. Next rub your blade about this piece of skin. When the surface of the line becomes mirrored, the work will be done. In the process of sharpening leave a small section of the metal canvas unsharpened. This site, of course, should be located at one end of the line. There will have to be a hand weld. This latter is done elementaryly. Take the usual insulation tape. And then wrap the unsharpened end of the line with this very ribbon! Here's a cold weapon ready! And even if this thing looks insolate, Ц but still people chop perfectly. Apply sharpened line as well as Cossack checker.

Now a few words about the inertial baton. It is done very simply. First, take a metal pipe about fifty centimeterslong. One end of this pipe flattens in the grip, and then bends on the side through pliers. After the tube one-third of it's volume is filled with a metal shot. Then it's second end is also flattened in the grip, and then bent on the side with pliers. That's it, the weapon's ready!

It's easier to do. Take a rubber garden hose. Cut off a piece that will be one metre long. Get inside this piece of the steel wagon. Then, in both end of the hose, it will be necessary to insert a tugitous plug.

It's easier to get. Take a fat metal prouth. Length of it will be around half meter. Obtain the title of the induced isolation tape. All right, weapons ready!