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The simplest self-sacrifice is done so. To begin with, a steel tube is taken. The tube should not be too wide. If it's diameter is too large, the pressure in it will be weak. This means that the range of the shot will be small. However, it is also impossible to take a very narrow blank. The tube may be too narrow to break during a shot. If you want to get a short-barrel weapon, Ц you need to pick up a short phone. It'slength should be fifteen to twenty centimeters. If you need to make a long-barreled weapon, then the tube will need a large. It's length in this case can range from eighty centimeters to one meter.

When the tube is selected, you can get down to business. One end of the blank is flattened in the grip, and then bent to the side with the help of pliers. Next, a small hole is drilled near the designated bend.

After you need to cut out of wood a gun handle or butt. One of two. The handle is cut for a short-barreled weapon. Butt, respectively, Ц for the long-barreled.

When the above parts are made, a steel tube is attached to them. It is usually fixed by metal wire. Now the self-made is ready!

This is, of course, the simplest system. The simplest of those that exist at the moment. In general, the world produces and multi-charge self-pales, and even self-palas with an automatic recharge system.

But, as you know, it is very, very difficult to manufacture such weapons.

Of course, I could tell you about it. Moreover, I'll tell you more about it. But not now. And here's why.

First of all, it takes a long time to talk about it. If I start, it will take many hours. There's no way to shove it into one lecture. In a good way for such a topic you need a whole separate course.

Secondly, there is not much to tell. You have to show it! You can't do without practical lessons. No, I could, of course, tell you something like that right now. Well, for example, how to weld a gas reloading system. But frankly, I doubt you'll understand any of my explanations. However, don't think about it. It has nothing to do with your mental abilities. It's just the case. Until you try to collect all this, do not really understand anything.

Thirdly, it is actually a young fighter's course. So I have to teach you basics right now. The basics of guerrilla science, so to speak. And the manufacture of homemade automatics is not a basket. This is for more advanced comrades.

Time comes, we and for these comrades are organizing a special course. Advanced course. So, with lectures, practical lessons, the blueprints... But it will be later. Now get back to business!

So, you've made a dump.

Now you need a bullet. These are made in the last to read. For starters, take a metal ladle. There's no one, no, it s a tin can. Now in the bottom of the elected packaging you run a minor hole. Put in the contained dishes of lead or tin. Then you'll scatter the bonfire. Wait for the moment the flames are blown properly. When this happens, put your improvise smelter in fire. Very soon, the metal will melt. The large droplets of melted metal will start falling into the fire. When it happens, take a cold water bonnet. Now make the drops of metal fall into this very cold water. They'll be instantly freezing. As a result, the bottom of the Hellcats will be settled by large metal balls. That's the homemade bullets.

I'll point out that when the bullet is fired, the bullet is softened. It's due to the heat of the temperature in the barrel. So when this remarkable shell is a hostile, the last thing is not good. Naturally, the body is blindfolded at the opulpas of liquid metal. This drop gets to him in the flesh, it gets flushed, and then it gets cold. So, actually, the wounds of the homemade bullets are pretty heavy. Treat them is quite difficult.

Now a few words about how the self-described Samoan is used. For starters, take some gunpowder. Put that gunpowder in the duo. After you take the same little piece of paper. It'll be a dust. It's being drawn into a barrel to make gunpowder undumped. The dust of the dust will place the bullet. Now take the gas lighter with the long nose. Take her to the little hellhole you did in the barrel of the dump. Now turn on the lighter. Once you do, the powder is detonating. The bullet with the whistle is out of the gun.

Don't forget that gunpowder can t be played anywhere. If he's gonna be too much, the gun gonna explode. Remember, therefore, the proportion: the mass of gunpowder shall be twice the size of the bullet bullet. If the bullet, for example, weighs two grams, you need one gram of gunpowder.