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And yes, before we went to get a hit on the war, try to try your weapons in the lab. It's very simple. First you put a dump on lafette. Then charge it. Next you connect the fuse to the hole you drilled for the charge of the charge. After the fuse, it's burning. A man in this must leave this construction.

If the shot goes well, the dudes can be used. I'll remind you that the lucky one is a shot that the gun didn t break.

Don't forget that the gun is prone to wear. A few dozen shots, and he needs to be changed. Otherwise, it could happen tragedy.

Okay, this is over.

Let's talk about the hunting bow now. You can make it like that. First, wait for winter. Choose a clear frosty day. The temperature outside the window should be somewhere ten to fifteen degrees below zero. When such a day comes, go boldly into the woods. Find a good tree there. Oaks, maples and birch trees are the most suitable for our purposes. When you find a suitable tree, cut off one branch. This last one should be ten to twelve centimeters in diameter. It should be two metres long. And yes, the cbuds and growths on this branch should be as few as possible.

Remember that you can't limit yourself to a single piece. This is due to the fact that many branches during drying are covered with cracks. And in general in this case it is incredibly easy to ruin the whole process with some small thing. Therefore, initially harvest not one, but at least five or six branches.

When the branch is cut off, the place of the log cabin should be smeared with varnish. After that, the blank should be taken to a warm and dry place. There it should be put upright. So the branch should stand for two or three months. The wood should dry.

When it's dry, take the axe. It is necessary to deprive the branch of all. Then you will need to boil water. You will need to hold this churban over the boiling hollow for ten to fifteen minutes. Then put the churban with some load. Leave him in that position for two weeks. Let it dry completely. The bark then has to fall off itself. If it doesn't happen, cut off the bark with a knife. Naked wood needs to be waxed.

Let's get back to business.

Your existing churban should be cut in half. And it should be cut along, not across. As a result, the place of one cylindrical churban, Ц you will get two half-cylinder churbans. Both named churbans must be hung over the floor. In this position, they should be held for a week or two.

After you need to take the shirt. With it, you have to give your semi-cylindricalsicans the shape of the bows. Here's what you're going to notice. When you decide your churban, Ц necessarily near both of his ends small notches. These notches will be fastened with string.

Be careful about the bitches! In places where there are cursed bitches, the tree can go cracked. The bitches therefore need to be removed with a sharp knife. Those places where there were bitches Ц you should carefully wipe first with file, and then sandpaper.

Now you need to bend your chumps so that they finally turn into weapons. Here's how it works. You take one churban and gently bend it.

Next, you'll have to focus on the structure of the wood. The tree, as you know, has so-called annual rings. Now look at the end of your blank. You will see that the tree is dark in the core. At the edges, on the contrary, Ц light. So when you make a bow, remember one thing.

The side of the bow, which is turned to the arrow during shooting, shouldconsist of darkened old wood. The flip side, when shooting aimed at the enemy, on the contrary, should consist of young wood fibers.

When the blank is bent, you need to take the string. It's being put on the same notches you've done near the ends of the blank. Now you need to leave the bow in a designated state for a while. Then you take a sharp knife. The notches are made at the ends again. This time these last should be placed a little closer to the middle of the bow. Now you're pulling the string on them. Then you wait for a while again. Then again cut through the notches, again pull on them string and so on. All this continues until the hunting bow acquires the desired bend.