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As for the string, it is usually made of a strong cord. It will also be contained by a fisherman's forester.

The arrow for bow is produced in such a way. There are several fine subtle branches. They are in warm and dry room. They are hung and then in this position is narrowed throughout the month. After the identified branches are cleared from the bark through the knife. After the bitches are removed. These last must be destroyed by the drink. Next, the arrow is closely retiring with sandpaper.

After the arrogant is made. The simplest thing is to make him nail. To do so, it is necessary to take a little nail. Further through pliers, the nail hat removed. Now you need to get a metal dragon. With this wire, the nail is neatly joining one of the hardware. The acute cure tip while it must be nearly fought from the edge of wood. I must point out that the nail culpit is the most convenient but far from the most reliable option. If you are interested in reliability, then you better make a custard of such a piece of steel.

The opera is for the arrow made out of paper. It's all elementary. First, you take four small pieces of paper. The majestic of their strong building glue. And then join the reverse from the tip of the hardware. All the way, the plug is ready!

Used bows in this way. You take your weapons into your arms, pull the tetus and lay the arrow. Next you aim. Then let the teddy go.

If you want to hit the target, then you oak the tip of the poison. Great match for such objectives of a casual and dental poison. You can also use concentrated poisons from aconite and boilhead. Remember, with cadaverne and the dental poison, they are smuggled right before the shooting. The yades from akonite and the boiler on the contrary, the arrows are matching in advance.

Maybe one of you thinks the hunting bow is outdated. Nothing like that! That's the true marvellous weapon. And if you're gonna have to incinerate the dirty bureau, the best murder weapon is not to be able to detect. Never forget it, comrades!

Okay, with the hunting bow, it's over.

We'll discuss more serious things now. Talk about the partisan artillery.

So, I'm going to tell you about the way that лQuassam╗ rocket can be produced. Take a large enough metal pipe. One end of it, click in the tysk. Now, you squeeze the pipe in the typex. One end of it will result in narrower, than another. Here we put the slope. Next, you'll need a gut iron and a welding apparatus. And also some tools for processing metal. First you have to take iron sheets and extract them with wings for rockets. Then, with the help of the machine, the bombs are identified with the pipe wings. It is necessary to weld wings in the area of the rocket nozzle. In total, four wings are welded. Then prepare a solution of potassium or sodium nitrate. Take a thin newspaper paper. Soak it with a solution and dry. After wrap in this paper some amount of gunpowder. Then put the paper fist in the pipe. Remember that it is impossible to shove paper through a nozzle. Instead, you should lower the improvised powder checker through the wide side of the pipe. Make sure that the gunpowder fist comes to the bottom of the pipe and stops where the nozzle begins. Then, through the same wide hole of the pipe, throw the necessary amount of caramel explosive on top of the bag. I have already mentioned the production of the latter earlier. Substance it should be stacked not very tightly. It is necessary that the air remains inside the rocket. This will provide better fuel combustion, and therefore a longer range. When the caramel explosiveist is covered, put a few cans of ammonium on top of it. And on top of the above-mentioned cans throw more nails and metal crushes. When all of the above is done, you can make the bow of the rocket. It is made of plastic. The shape has a cone-shaped. When the nasal part is manufactured, close with it the wide end of the pipe.

Now, about how to launch a rocket. First, we need to install all the design on lafet. This one is made of metal pruts. You're gonna need a welding machine. Remember that missile cannot be put on lafettes sometime. It should be standing by a certain angle relative to the ground. The angle in 45 degrees provides the maximum range of rocket floors.

But here лQuassam╗ on the carriage is installed. Now take the Bickford cord. Join it to the powder checker that is in the snot of the rocket. The cord itself should go out through the nozzle and stretch one or two meters away from the rocket.

Next, we set the Bickford cord on fire. As long as it burns, we should step aside. These rockets often explode at launch.

The accuracy of лQuassam╗'s hit is low. You can shoot them only in the city quarters.