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I look at you and I think: where do these people get to anyway?

No, I know, of course, where you all come from. I don't need to tell you this. I saw him myself, I know... But still!

I look at you and I think: where did this huge number of good young people come from? And not just any good ones. No, that's not the word! Not just good ones, but rather amazing!

Yes, amazing! That's amazing! Another word here and not like it!

You're amazing!

And you know why I think that?

Right! I think so because you're the salt of the Earth!

Get me right. I've seen many people in my life. And that's why I can say exactly: You are the best people I've ever met.

And nothing can make me go away with this!

So now I'm absolutely certain that the Communist idea will necessarily win.

Of course, I know that she won't win, regardless of who supports or supports her. She's gonna win just because it has to be. Our Communist idea is the strong thing that she doesn't need supporters to win. Even if the entire planet doesn't have a single person to support her, she s still gonna win. Wins no matter what.

And you know, let's say that all I said about the inevitability of our victory is a total bullshit. Let's say.

But the Communist idea is still preventing!

It will prevail at least because it supports such smart, brave, truly amazing young people!

I remember the old times when the heart of the whole ogrome Russia wasn't beating anywhere, but in a collapsed French village. In Longjumeau.

Propaganda we have a lot of hardship about traditional values. All the interception of yes is compressing all the lades of these most traditional values!

You give, Tsar, God, and smell the abomination!

Our bourgeois only know that the French bullet is to dream of resurrecting an old empire.

And our own rulers are making every effort to make old days return soon. And they're coming back!

The pension system has already been fired!

Medicine is almost destroyed!

Education, of course, is still holding. But it's small. Not long to stay. He'll be getting soon! Doggy! Like the wrongsickicki's wrongholes have been doable!

Word is just a little bit, and the old days are coming back!

And you know, it's not bad at all. That's good. It's good to have old times come back!