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We also have a myth that nothing can be achieved by partisanship, but moderate reforms can be achieved. This, of course, is also nonsense. Never before have great social transformations been made through reform. In Europe, until recently there were many reformist лsocial-democratic╗ parties, which all said: лWe, they say, against terror, against revolutions! We are for very, very moderate progress!╗. Of course, these parties did not achieve anything in the end. Well, socially, they didn't. But in the sense of personal enrichment very much even achieved: the leaders of these parties now drive cars with personal drivers, have villas on the Cote d'Azur and bank accounts somewhere in the Cayman Islands. French socialists and so-called лEurocommunists╗ promised to build socialism in France with the help of reforms. The socialists in Italy and the German Social Democrats said the same. And whathave they achieved with their лmoderate reforms╗? Is socialism built in France? And in Italy? And in Germany? You all know that there is no socialism there. Moreover, no steps in the direction to it are also not visible. In Europe, spending on education and medicine is being cut everywhere, university budgetplaces are being cut, unemployment benefits are being abolished, social housing is being demolished, trade unions are being banned, working hours are being increased and wages are being cut. But the leaders of the Social Democrats have enriched themselves to glory!Each of them is now a multi-billionaire! Europe has already tried to bring about change through reforms. They didn't succeed. People have seen the failures of the reformists.People have seen the enrichment of their pathetic leaders. And then people became disillusioned with them and started voting for the right, like Thatcher and Berlusconi. The result was even worse. But the saddest example of the failure of reformism is Chile.Socialist President Salvador Allende won the election there. He began to immediately carry out nationalizations and in every way to cut the bourgeois rights. It would seem, Ц all is well! But then there was an army putsch organized by large Chilean latifundists with the support of the CIA. Pinochet came to power. First he killed all the socialists and communists in the country, and then began to ruin the state. The country has only recently recovered from the effects of the Pinochet dictatorship. But it must be remembered that it was the Chilean reformists who paved the way for this executioner to power. In short, we should finish, because there is almost no time left.

Now you already understand that only terrorism and guerrilla warfare can bring about meaningful changes in society. That's why I suggest you dream a little now. Just think how well our social life will improve if we have at least one communist terrorist organization in our country. Imagine: Nikita Mikhalkov made another film, denouncing the Soviet Union and watering it with slurs. He spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the film, which was seized from taxpayers.The day after the premiere, Nikita Mikhalkov was kidnapped by communists from the illegal group Communists of Russia. They tortured and maimed him for a week and then killed him. The corpse was found in the Moscow forest and hardly identified. Tell me, will other directors dare to make anti-communist and Russophobic films? Let's go further: let's imagine that Yarovaya has submitted her package of laws to the Duma. On the same day, she was kidnapped by communist guerrillas.They cut off her ears, nose, fingers on her hands and feet, lips and eyebrows. Her tongue is ripped out, and then her legs are torn off and the bloodied corpse is thrown away in the Moscow River. After that, the Communists announce that the same fate awaits all deputies who dare to vote for the adoption of the package Yarovaya. Tell me, will a package of anti-people laws be adopted then? Let's go further in our fantasies: imagine that Yulia Latynina wrote an article about the genetic inferiority of the Russian people. The next day, her severed head finds Venediktov at the doorstep of her home. A note is attached to Latina's head: лYou are next.╗. I see you're smiling, which means you like the world I'm describing. Let's expand our imagination more broadly: imagine that Milonov, Mizulina, Poklonskaya, Posner, Chubais, Gorbachev, Kudrin and another regiment of moral freaks have already died in incredible agony. Imagine that all those that your parents and you hate are all of them who have either died in agony or are dying right now. Imagine that Russophobia and anti-Sovietism simply disappeared from public life. Imagine that there are no anti-people laws in the country. Imagine that now all journalists think about their words, because they know that if people do not like their words, they will be killed. Imagine what mPs in the Duma are thinking about whether the people will approve their laws. Imagine that directors seek to make films that people will like. Imagine that judges and police officers protect the interests of ordinary people, not oligarchs. Presented? It's great to have it presented. But remember that only people's supervision of the authorities can provide all this. Judges, deputies and journalists will think a little about the people only when there is power that will force them to do so. He will, for if they do not think about their people, this latter will deprive them not only of power, but also of life. Remember that the people of Northern Ireland have achieved autonomy only through years of guerrilla warfare and brutal terror.

Sometimes schoolchildren who took part in Mr. Navalny's rallies come up to me and ask me: лWhy are the cops hitting us?╗. Do you know what I say to them? I've always told them before, and I'll say: лDon't ask why the cops are hitting you. I'd rather answer, why don't you hit the cops?╗. Our young rebels need to learn from South American schoolchildren. A Brazilian student protester's hand won't flinch to run a Molotov cocktail or cobblestone in the police, while ours compared to the Brazilians, Ц just shy and untouched. It is not their fault: our unhappy children, since childhood, are pushing thought that today's order will exist and rebellion against him at best, meaningless, and in worst Ц criminal. To overcome those points, they've been punched in the head of another day in kindergarten, our rebel schoolchildren will need a lot more time. We have a difficult way to go, but I believe that someday in Russia, there will be a лRed Army Faction╗ and their Red Brigades. And you may be taking active participation in their activities.

Will be are extremists, terrorists, will be are guerrilleros! I Believe in you! Russia belongs to us!