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Why the guerrilleros are winning.

So, if you and I decide to embark on the path of war, that is, on the path of deceit, violence and murder, then we must be able to move on it correctly. If we follow it carefully and correctly, it will lead us to incredible wealth and unlimited power. If we're careless and stumble on this slippery slope, it'll only take us to jailhouse. In prison, as said Kungurov and Udaltsov, who had been sitting there for a while, are bad. In short, I suppose you know it without them. This speech will therefore focus on how to wage a revolutionary war, engage in terrorism and the like. Of course, here I will not even close to illuminate all the features and intricacies of this process, and therefore in our first speech we will only note the general contours. Here I will say only about some aspects of the strategy of the future revolutionary war, which we will soon lead on the banks of the Moscow River and Neva.

First of all, it should be noted that our revolutionary war will be asymmetrical in any case. What is asymmetric warfare? This is a war where the enemies are completely incomparable in force. When two armies of a million men each fight, it is a symmetrical war. When a guerrilla group fights against a million army, it is already a war asymmetrical. We are, of course, at peace with the Russian government. Of course, there is no question of an honest and equal battle. The state has an army, police, special services and something else, while we ourselves Ц a collection of schoolgirls, armed with something and somehow. Don't, however, be discouraged. Very often good people defeated even many times superior to their own enemy in guerrilla warfare. Itwas, for example, in Albania. In this small mountainous country there was no marshal of his own, who could command the fronts. There the whole war against the Italians and Germans fought guerrillas. The guerrillas had no help, no protection, no cover, but they still won this war against an incredibly strong enemy. We have to be like Albanian guerrilleros. And I tell each of you: victory depends solely on external factors. But your belief in winning is also a factor. That's why I'm leading you all to believe in our victory. This makes it more likely.

The essence of asymmetric warfare is that this is an unpredictable war, built on constant deception and meanness, and therefore very heavy. For the government, not for us. We can't respond to government tanks with our own. We don't have any tanks yet. But we can invent and improve the means of fighting tanks.

This, however, is not the whole point of the war we will have to wage against Vladimir Putin and his government. First of all, we should remember that this is a people's war, that is, it is for the interests of the people. By the people we mean our proletariat and the revolutionary petty bourgeoisie. You have to learn everything very welclass="underline" the guerrillas will die without popular support. Yes, it's a truism, that is some kind of satiated and very general statement, but it's true. Yes, banal and very harsh truth. All the guerrilla movements that suffered defeats (and there were a huge number of them) did so solely because they did not rely on the people. The лRed Army Faction╗ in Germany intimidated the inhabitants to such an extent with it's proclamations that no one was able to stand up for it. The result is sad, but I will not voice it, because it can upset our morale. Now we are taught by all sorts of especially лprogressive╗ journalists, like the same Oleg Makarenko. They say that soon around will be installed CCTV cameras, then will be put in control of all your purchases, and then you are all chipped, like dogs or cats, and you will be completely under the control of the government. They're lying to you, of course. They lie to you because they get paid for it. It is advantageous for them to inflame the horror and bring you into a state of trepidation in front of a mighty state. In fact, it will be much more interesting. First of all, I must say that in the old days, control over every member of society was almost tougher than it has become now. I'll explain it to you now. As early as the nineteenth century, most of our citizens lived in villages. You probably don't know what a village is. In the village, it is absolutely impossible to hide something from prying eyes. Whatever measuresof conspiracy you do not take, Ц still completely transparent for his fellow villagers. Therefore, if they suspect you of something, they will at best send you to the police, and at worst Ц will sue you. Therefore, in fact, the villages have always had a very low crime rate. If you steal a shovel or something in your neighbor, you'll be identified immediately. The killer will also be found in two accounts. Therefore, killings in villages do not happen very often. And if they do, it's almost always under a drunken bench. Moreover, you couldn't buy anything in the old days either. The dealer would have handed over the suspicious buyer to the authorities at one point. The movements were not free at the time either, so it was necessary to report to the local authorities about their arrival. Moreover, it should be understood that in the then county town, where the population of half a thousand people, the arrival of any stranger Ц it is a big event, and therefore to do something without attracting excessive attention is absolutely impossible. In short, the revolutionaries lived badly in the old days. We're better now, of course. But here's what you need to remember. No oversight, no discipline will save from popular anger. In the Sobibor concentration camp there was just a wonderful discipline. The prisoners were under strict supervision there, but they still managed to rise up. In the era of Stalin's repression, there were whole secret political societies in labor camps. In short, modern riots taking place in various prisons around the world can also be proof that repression and control over every step of the citizen can achieve nothing. That's why I have an optimistic forecast for you. Moreover, we must remember that we are not standing still now, that we too will acquire the latest technologies for war. Now let's go back to the question of popular support.

We are very often told that our people are not what they should be. Wrong people are here. That's what fools say, but I'll try to challenge this thesis. These bastards claim that if we now stand up against our government, the people of the country will not support us. This is, of course, pure speculation: no one knows what will happen in this case. Moreover, we have few statistics on this issue in Russia. Here we, as you know, not South America, where the people are going to the guerrillas en masse, Ц we do not have any guerrilla movement, but we want it'sappearance. There were only a couple of cases of violent resistance to the authorities in our country. I'm talking primarily about seaside guerrillas. They killed a lot of people, but then they were captured. So, social polls showed that they were supported by quite a large number of citizens of our country. Twenty-two per cent of the inhabitants sympathized with them, thirty-four per cent justified them, and thirteen per cent considered them to be the people's avengers. In the second place, I need to mark colonel Kvachkov. This man was preparing to overthrow the Russian government, but his plot was uncovered anddefeated. What do you think? Kvachkov became a favorite of the people, and among patriots and did become a hero. In short, both of these examples show people's attitude very badly. The fact is that we are talking only about some individual examples, but we do not have a general picture, because there is no guerrilla movement. In Ukraine, too, long thought that people they are inert, amorphous, far from politics and the like, but as soon as began what began there, Ц so everyone learned that the people there are not so inert, and to politics is inclined quite strongly. Even though we can't say for sure, I'll make my guess. The people of Russia are not so inert and fooled by government propaganda, as the opposition likes to broadcast about it. These people, most often coming from the liberal camp, justify their own failures and defeats. In reality, people are not very deeply imbued with government propaganda, and therefore it is not difficult to convince them. I've always noticed this from my own experience. You personally are also part of this experience, which I cherish and brag to foreigners. The population easily succumbs to conviction, and therefore I sincerely believe that our citizens will support theguerrilleros. Especially if these guerrillas are cute boys and girls.