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“Please,” Eustace begged, “there is no one to defend these ladies should one attack.”

Letting out a forlorn sigh, Patrick nodded. It was his only choice. Having offered these people his protection, he couldn’t turn them away without dealing with the perceived danger. That was not a good way to get started as their lord. He turned to Daniel, standing with a gleam in his eye. At least the man kept the ear-to-ear grin from his face. “Clear the men from the castle and find rooms for the maidens,” Patrick ordered. “If any of them want to leave the castle grounds, please make sure they have an escort.”

The smile moved from his eyes to his mouth as Daniel nodded and left to carry out the orders.

Patrick turned back to the town elder. “Your ladies are safe. Daniel will sort them out.” He closed his eyes as weariness over took him. “If you'll excuse me, I'm still recovering from yesterday's activities.”

“Of course, My Lord.” Eustace bowed as Patrick retreated to the safety of his chambers.

Maidens! What was he going to do with a castle full of maidens?

* * *

Kathryn looked at the back of the retreating man. He looked awful. He was as pale as sun-bleached linen, with dark bags under his eyes. His left arm was so badly wrapped that part of the burn was exposed. The clothes he’d hastily pulled on and his sleep-rumpled hair made him look like a child. She just wanted to pull him into her arms and soothe away his pains.

Shaking this thought away, she turned to the girls around her. As the oldest among them, she would have to take care of the rest.

“Now remember,” Eustace's voice cut through the whispers that had started, “you are guests here. These men will protect you, but please do your best to make their lives easier.”

An affirmative murmur slid through the women.

“Kathryn,” he turned his attention to her, “make sure everyone is taken care of.” He looked around at the men standing uneasily along the walls of the room.

Kathryn caught the warning in his voice and nodded her head. She would make sure that the girls' virtues were defended if need be.

After a few minutes, Daniel came back into the room, followed by several men carrying armloads of personal items. “Ladies, if you'll come with me, I'll show you to your rooms.”

Gathering up their baskets, the girls followed Daniel as he led the way deeper into the castle.

Daniel held his hand out, gesturing to a hallway. “Choose whichever chambers you like.” Most of the doors were open, waiting for new occupants. “You may need to change out the linens,” Daniel warned. “The men and I will bunk in the barracks should you need us.”

“And Lord Mylan?” Kathryn couldn't help but ask. His condition rested heavily on her mind.

Daniel pointed to the one door that was shut. “He rests in the chambers at the end of the hall. If there is anything else, please let me know.” At that, he left the women to get settled into their new accommodations.

“Well, that was pleasant,” one girl said sarcastically.

Kathryn hefted up her basket and led the way down the hall. “What did you expect, Lillian? We came in here, unannounced, and ran these men out of their new home. I wouldn’t expect them to be happy to have us.”

The girls fell quiet as they followed her.

“Well, go ahead and pick your rooms,” Kathryn called, choosing the room across from Patrick’s. It was the room farthest down the hall. She tried to convince herself that her choice was due to the fact she was leading this group and had nothing to do with her desire to check on the injured man.

Kathryn’s nose wrinkled as she took in the small room. The bedding was rumpled, and there was a strange musk in the air. Setting her basket on the small chest at the foot of the bed, she quickly opened the window for some fresh air. This had definitely been the room of some man. If the rest of the rooms were as bad as this, they had a lot of work to do. These men didn’t know the first thing about cleaning.

Sighing, Kathryn pulled the linens off the bed and wadded them up. If they started now, they should be able to wash the sheets and have them dry by nightfall. Then they could start on the rest of the castle.

* * *

A knock on the door pulled Patrick from his sleep. Maybe if he ignored it, whoever was knocking would go away.

The knock sounded again.

What the hell did Daniel want now? “Come in,” Patrick growled. This had better be good.

“Forgive me, My Lord,” a sweet voice sounded as the door opened.

“Kathryn?” Patrick’s mind raced, trying to reason out what she was doing there. He pushed himself up to look over at his visitor.

Kathryn came in carrying a tray. “Yes, My Lord.” A wonderful smell hit him, making his stomach protest its empty state. “I’ve brought you dinner.” She set the tray on a table next to the dying fire.

“Dinner?” Patrick glanced towards the window to see that the light of day was starting to die out. Had he really slept that long?

“Come eat before it gets cold.” Kathryn shifted the bowl and spoon onto the table before turning to the fire. She fed a few logs onto the cooling embers, rousing the flames to light the room.

Entranced by her movement, Patrick stared as her. Backlit by firelight, she seemed more elegant than she had in the village. His breath caught as she turned back to face him. Her hair shimmered in the soft light, enhancing her already beautiful face. Even the slight furrow in her brow and purse of her lips as she looked on him with irritation did nothing to take away from her grace.

Coming over, she pulled his covers back. “Get up, My Lord.”

Patrick was grateful he had just fallen back to bed in his clothing instead of stripping out of them like he normally did.

“Daniel asked me to come check on your wounds.”

Ah, so Daniel had a hand in this. Patrick let out a deep sigh. It would have been nice if she had come to him out of her own desires. He shook that thought away and got up. “My wounds are really not that bad.” Lifting his arm up, he held it out so she could see the bandage falling off the burn. He’d put some salve on and had hastily wrapped it before going to bed.

Kathryn pursed her lips again.

Oh, how he wanted to kiss that look off her face. He took a deep breath, drawing in her sweet scent. The smell of soap and flowers hung heavy on her skin. An undertone of woman rounded the beautiful fragrance out. It made him want to bury his face in her middle and breathe her in.

She reached over and pulled his arm out to examine it, making his skin sizzle under her gentle fingers. “You really should take better care of this.” The way she poked at the burned arm made his toes curl in ecstasy. Even her touch on the sensitive injury was exquisite. He would gladly submit to her just to feel her delicate hands run over his bare skin.

Catching his thoughts before they could push him to action, Patrick shook his head and pulled his arm out of her grasp. “It’s fine.” He stepped around her and started towards the table and the meal she had brought. It was dangerous for a dragon to get too casual with a human. Even a kiss, properly given, could drive the strictest of ladies to great depths of passion. Kathryn was a maiden he was sworn to protect. He shouldn’t be having these thoughts about her, no matter how well her dress hugged her form.

Spinning around, she grabbed him by the shoulder, stopping him. “It’s not! It could sour if not properly tended.”