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Patrick spun in her grasp and snaked his good arm around her. Pulling her firmly against him, he looked down into her eyes. The fact that they widened in surprise drove him on. “Do you worry for me, my fair maiden?” he asked softly, searching her face as she stiffened in his embrace. They fit together so perfectly. Her heartbeat and breathing quickened as he watched desire and fear crawl across her features. Her mouth worked a little before she could finally find words.

“Only as much as one cares for their protector.” Sliding her hands up to his chest, she made him give her some space.

Squeezing her again, he crushed her arms between them and bent his face in close to hers. “I can think of other ways a maiden could thank her savior.” He spoke softly, almost against her lips. Both the fear and desire in her eyes deepened at his suggestive tone. He let his breath trickle over her skin.

She swallowed hard. The tip of her tongue darted out, wetting her lips.

For a moment, Patrick thought she would lean in to take his mouth. That thought stoked the fire in his soul. It was all he could do to keep from closing that gap himself and tasting her sweetness.

A blush crawled up her skin as she felt the change in his body. She pushed away from him. “Forgive me, My Lord.” Kathryn pulled from his arms and disappeared out the door in a swirl of embarrassed skirts.

Patrick let her go unchecked. He had done what he’d needed to ensure she would not be invading his space. Had he tried to send her away, she would have protested, but he couldn’t have guaranteed her virtue if he had let her stay to tend him. The events of the last two days had weakened his control, and something about her pulled at the strands still holding it together.

Sighing, Patrick sat down to the meal Kathryn had left for him—stew, with a chunk of crusty bread slathered in butter. He looked over his burn as he dug in. It would need a good cleaning and wrapping, but the wound was in no danger of souring. Burns were commonplace for dragons, and this one would heal just as nicely as the rest of the burns he’d received.

He dropped his arm and glanced towards his now-shut door. Tomorrow, when he had collected his scattered control, he would thank Kathryn for both the meal and her concern. He would also have to think of an appropriate apology. He wanted some distance between them, but not a chasm he couldn’t breach. Patrick let his mind wander to the feel of her in his arms, her sweet smell, and he imagined what her lips would taste like. For tonight, he would revel in her memory and dream of how good they could be together. Tomorrow, he would take up the mantle of protector of maidens and stay as far away from her temptation as he could.

* * *

Two planks of solid wood and a corridor separated them, but Kathryn didn’t think it was enough as she leaned against her closed door. She could beat Daniel for suggesting she take that man something to eat and check on his wounds. She had only asked if he was okay because he had slept all day. Wounds such as his could fester if not treated properly. The first sign of souring was a tired patient, so she did have cause to worry.

Kathryn looked around her freshly cleaned room as she thought. Her eyes landed on the bundle of wildflowers she had gathered while they were out waiting for the sheets to dry. She had meant to take them to Patrick to sweeten his chambers, but she had forgotten them in her worry. Taking them to him now was out of the question.

Blushing, she remembered his touch. So warm and strong against her. Kathryn pushed away from the door and went to the flowers. They smelled sweet, but they did nothing to clean her mind of the scent of her new lord. Oh, he smelled good. Musky and spicy. Just the thought of it warmed her insides in a way she never knew was possible. Plucking up the bouquet of flowers, she cracked open her door. His door was shut, and no one was in the corridor. She quickly secured the bundle to his door handle and fled back to her room. Surely he would find them there and take them inside.

What should she do now? Kathryn pondered her situation. She should be indignant. Hadn’t her lord just suggested she pay for his service with her body? But she found that she wasn’t. Her mind kept remembering the feel of his body against hers, his warm breath on her face, and the closeness of his lips. What would it be like to kiss him? She almost wished she had closed that gap and found out. No one had ever held her like that before, and she couldn’t think of anyone she had ever wanted to hold her like that. Her mind churned on the possibilities, and she quickly shook them away. She shouldn’t be thinking of romancing this man. There were nine girls she had to think about. How was she to expect them to keep their virtue when she was thinking about discarding her own?

No, she couldn’t think of Patrick that way. He was their lord and protector, but he was also a slacker. Hadn’t he left his men in Daniel’s care so he could sleep the day away? Yes, that was it. It didn’t matter if he had been severely rattled and burned, he should have been up seeing to his keep and hunting the dragon. Kathryn nodded her head and stormed out of her room, determined to be mad at him. Better mad than that other emotion swirling around and making her want to find out exactly how well they fit together.


“The men have a new limerick.” Daniel dropped himself to the seat next to Patrick.

Patrick sighed. “Surely not.” He pushed the food around in his bowl. The great hall was bustling with activity this morning.

“Oh, yes.” Daniel smiled and snatched up a biscuit from the table. “Would you like to hear it?”

“Is there any way to stop you?”

The grin on Daniel’s face widened. “No.”

Patrick sighed again. “Then let’s have it.”

Daniel cleared his throat as if he were going to announce the rhyme to the whole room.

Patrick cringed in anticipation.

“There once was a dragon named Patrick, whose scales and wings were fantastic. He soared through the air, with the greatest of care, and made all of the villagers spastic.” Daniel spoke in a voice just loud enough for Patrick to hear.

Shock filled Patrick’s face. “Spastic!” he hissed. “Surely they overreacted by sending the maidens here, but it wasn’t that bad.”

Daniel chuckled. “There have been no less than five dragon sightings since yesterday,” he said as if he were proud of that fact.

Five!” Patrick snapped. He was going to have to crack some heads if they were showing themselves so openly.

Another laugh bubbled out of Daniel. “One was a cat in a tree, three were leaves in the wind, and one was a very ferocious-looking bush.” He drew in a deep breath, sobering up. “I’ve had to send more men out to the village to check on these claims. The people are seeing dragons everywhere now.”

Great. And entirely his fault. Drawing in a deep breath, Patrick ruffled his hand through his hair, thinking. “The people will calm down after a few days.” He prayed that was true. “We’ll just have to wait them out. Have the men continue to check into these claims to reassure the village. In the meantime, I want no one in wings.” Lifting up his head, he gave Daniel a serious look. “We can’t afford to panic the people more.”

“But what about the search for the dragon?” Daniel asked.

Patrick sighed. “It will have to be done on horse.” It would take them longer, but his scouts were good. They would locate the dragon’s lair. They had to.

“I’ll pass on the word.” Daniel bit into his biscuit. This was not going to make the men happy.

The dragon is back!” The words echoed around the great hall as the doors banged open. Everyone froze for a moment before exploding into action.