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The man sat, leaning against the wall, oblivious.

Pulling an arm over his shoulder, Daniel yanked the unconscious man to his feet and dragged him into Kathryn’s room. Dumping him onto the bed, he growled, “If you care about this man at all, tend him,” and stormed out. He was usually a patient man, but he’d had enough idiocy for one night.

* * *

Smoothing her hands over her rumpled hair, Kathryn watched Daniel leave. She turned to look at Patrick, sprawled on her bed. What had she gotten herself into? A knock on the open door drew her attention.

“Need help?” Bethany asked. A few of the other maidens stood there waiting.

Kathryn smiled at them. “Please.” Maybe this wouldn’t be such a long night after all.


Patrick groaned as consciousness found him again. He felt horrible. Maybe losing one’s self in a bottle of mead hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had. Rolling over, he stuck his face into the pillow, trying to block out the light filtering in. He drew in a deep breath, trying to clear his head. Something wonderful filled his nose. Patrick knew that scent. Pulling in a second lungful, he tried to identify the tantalizing smell. It tickled his back brain and made his dragon part curl in contentment. Whatever it was, he wanted to wake up to it more often.

Movement in the room drew Patrick’s attention. He cracked an eye to see what was there but quickly shut it when light stabbed into his head, making it pound. This was not his room. Patrick stilled as he tried to figure out where he was. He tracked the sound of material rustling across the room.

“Good morning, My Lord.”

Patrick’s heart skipped at the sound of Kathryn’s sweet voice.

“I have your breakfast.”

The bedding shifted as she sat on the edge of the bed and reached for him. Her fingers slipped into his hair, pushing it up away from his face. Now he knew what that alluring scent was. This wasn’t his room or bed—this was hers. He turned his head slightly into her touch. It was heavenly. An angel’s palm, sent to soothe his pains away.

Snaking an arm out, he caught her around the waist and pulled her to the bed. Kathryn squeaked in surprise as he rolled her in his arms. She struggled to get free, but the arms he’d wrapped her in pinned her back to his front. Growling, he buried his nose into the hair at the back of her neck.

Seeing she wasn’t about to break his hold, Kathryn stopped struggling.

Patrick drew in a deep, contented sigh.

“My Lord?” Kathryn asked as she felt him relax behind her. The air from his breath tickled on the back of her neck.

“I’m sorry,” he said, nuzzling deeper into her hair. “I’m not sure what I did, but I am sorry.”

Kathryn relaxed in his hold. “No, My Lord.” She sighed. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I didn’t hear you out, and for that I apologize.” She shifted around in his arms so she was looking into his eyes. “I didn’t mean to cause you so much grief.”

Patrick studied her beautiful face. It was a sight he could get used to seeing in the morning.

“Master Daniel set me straight.”

He let out a short snort of amusement. “What did Daniel say?” His voice was rough with sleep.

“That you’re not a prince.”

A sigh slipped from him as a hint of a smile curled his lips. He shifted in the bed, stretching a little. “No, I am no prince.”

“He said you were an orphan.”

The smile turned slightly ironic. “My parents were killed when I was just a babe,” Patrick explained. “I was given into the care of the queen, but that does not make me anything. What else did Daniel tell you?”

Kathryn shifted in his arms, a little uncomfortable that he held her so close. “Just that you have a complicated life.”

He searched her eyes, looking for something. “Yes,” Patrick nodded slightly, “I do have a complicated life. I care about you greatly, but there are things you need to know about me. No matter how much I want you, I have to proceed with caution in matters of the heart.” He paused, still searching her eyes for a reaction.

Kathryn waited patiently for him to finish.

Patrick’s lips went thick with indecision. He wanted to tell her, but he was afraid she would have the same reaction she did when he’d told her he was the king’s adopted son. “I want to tell you something,” he said tentatively. “It’s something that could hurt me greatly if it got out. Can I trust you to keep my secret?”

* * *

Kathryn tensed in his arms again. This was it. If she didn’t promise, he would let her go, and they would be done. If she did agree, then she would be sworn to keep his secret, no matter how bad it was.

He waited as she weighed her options.

Slowly, she nodded. Her heart told her he was a good man and she could trust him.

Closing his eyes, he let out the breath he’d been holding. “I just have one thing to ask of you.” Patrick opened his eyes and pinned her with them. “Give me the chance to explain this time.”

Kathryn smiled at him. “Of course.” She had been a fool to jump to conclusions before. She would hear all he had to say this time.

“Kathryn, I am a—”

Pounding on the door stopped his words.

“Lord Mylan?”

A male voice made them both freeze.

Yes?” Patrick yelled back. His voice held a note of anger in it.

“The dragon is back!”

“I’ll be right there,” he called back and looked into Kathryn’s eyes again. “I promise to finish this later.” Leaning in, he kissed her quickly on the lips before releasing her and sitting up.

Kathryn rolled over and stood up from the bed, straightening her dress. She needed something to distract her from the feelings bubbling through her. That quick kiss had done odd things to her. Like having a swarm of butterflies set loose in her stomach. It scared her a touch.

“I brought you breakfast, My Lord.” She busied her hands as he pulled himself from the bed. He was mostly dressed except for his boots and belt.

“No time,” he grumbled as he tried to shove his foot into the wrong boot.

Kathryn snickered when he discovered his error and switched feet. “At least drink this.” She held out a cup to Patrick.

Taking it up, he swallowed a large gulp from it and coughed, nearly spitting the dark liquid out. “What is that?” He looked into the cup. “It tastes like dragon dung.”

Kathryn looked at him with concern. “Master Daniel said it would help with your head.” What had Daniel put in that cup?

Patrick looked up at her. “He did, did he?”

She nodded.

“Could be anything, then.” Sighing deeply, Patrick drained the rest of the cup with a shudder. “Thank you.” He gave the cup back to her waiting hands and went for his other boot.

Kathryn cradled the cup as she watched Patrick dress and leave. She was almost glad the dragon had come to interrupt them. The possibilities of what Patrick had wanted to say terrified her, but she would do as he asked. She would listen.

Setting the cup on the tray next to his untouched breakfast, she glanced back at the door. Patrick looked a shambles this morning. His rumpled shirt and cowlicked hair made her want to take him in her arms and hold him until he felt better. A hard night of drinking never did a man good. Hopefully, he was well enough to face off with the dragon today.

* * *

Patrick looked up at the black dragon. Another sack of gold rested by its leg. “The maidens aren’t for sale.” Sighing, he pushed his wet hair back out of his face. A rain barrel had provided a convenient place to stick his head before coming out to face the dragon.