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“I would like that, too; but first, I need you.”

Patrick raised a surprised eyebrow at her.

The color on Kathryn’s cheeks deepened in embarrassment. “What I mean is, I need your help.”

He smiled at her. “What can I do for you, my fair maiden?”

Kathryn raised her face to meet his eyes. “Nana needs some more herbs for her hands.” The color started to fade from her skin as she spoke. “I asked Master Daniel if he could find someone to go with me to pick them, but he didn’t have anyone to spare. He suggested that I come ask you.”

“Gladly,” Patrick said, raising her hand up to kiss it before releasing her. “Where would you like to go?” Turning, he grabbed his leather doublet from where he’d tossed it over the edge of the table.

“There’s a willow stand down near the lake.”

“I’m not sure where it is,” Patrick admitted as he pulled on his coat, “but if you can guide me to it, I’ll be glad to take you.” He held his arm out for Kathryn to take.

“Certainly.” She wrapped her hand around his arm, and they started out towards the bailey. “So what did you want to tell me?”

Patrick drew in a deep breath before letting it out very slowly. “I think that’s a conversation best had when we reach the lake.” He looked around for signs of the other young maidens. It was nice that they were being kind to him today, but he really didn’t want them overhearing his confession. It could cause major issues. As it was, he was already taking a huge risk telling Kathryn, but he couldn’t give in to his feelings until she knew the truth.

“As you wish,” Kathryn answered. They walked on in silence, both preparing for the conversation that would take place once they reached the lake.

“My Lord.”

Patrick turned to look at the man coming across the bailey with his horse. Apparently, Daniel had already anticipated this trip. “Thank you.” He took the reins the man held out and released Kathryn. It took only a moment for Patrick to swing up into the saddle. “Shall we?” He held his hand down to the maiden.

She looked at the empty place at his waist. “Shouldn’t you have a sword?” Reaching out, she took Patrick’s hand and let him pull her up to the creature’s back.

“Maybe.” He didn’t really need it. It wouldn’t do him any good against the rogue dragon, and he was much more dangerous than any bandit they might meet, but if it made her happy…

Patrick looked around for the man who had brought him his horse. “My sword.”

The man nodded and loped off to gather the missing weapon. It took him a few minutes, but he quickly came back and handed it up to the waiting pair.

Patrick took the leather scabbard. “Thank you.” He tied it to the strap on the side of the saddle where he could draw it out if needed. “Are we ready now?” he asked Kathryn with a grin.

She smiled shyly and nodded.

Turning his attention back to the man, Patrick nodded. “We’ll be back shortly.” Holding Kathryn tightly in front of him, he pulled on the reins, wheeling the horse around. A swift tap with his heels set the animal into a smooth trot. “So where are we going, My Lady?” Patrick held her steady as the horse moved. He could easily get used to the feel of her against him.

* * *

Kathryn leaned back into the warm embrace. He felt so good pressed into her back. How could she ever have thought him self-centered and arrogant? She would enjoy just staying in his arms forever. Surprised by the directions her thoughts had gone, Kathryn sat up slightly so she wasn’t pressed into him so hard. When had she stopped hating him?

“My Lady?”

Patrick’s voice pulled Kathryn from her thoughts. “Yes?” she asked.

“Where are we going?”

She could hear the grin in his voice. It made her blush again. “That way.” Kathryn pointed off to the right, in the direction of the huge lake just past the town. “It’s a fair walk down the shore of the lake.”

“Then we shall get there in no time,” Patrick said before kicking his horse into a faster run. They cantered through the town and towards the lake.

The horse’s ground-eating pace soon had the stand of aged willows in sight. “There.” Kathryn pointed to the trees.

Patrick eased up on the horse and let the creature slow to a restful walk as they drew near. “Here?” he asked.

“Yes.” Kathryn looked over the trees. Four willows stood clumped together in a neat circle.

Pulling the horse to a stop, Patrick carefully lowered Kathryn to the ground. Dismounting, he pulled the bit from the animal’s mouth so it could graze on the soft, green grass. “Shall we?” He held his hand out, encouraging Kathryn to lead the way.

With a deep breath, Kathryn turned towards the grove. Picking a healthy-looking tree, she carefully pulled the shaggy bark off in strips, making sure not to take too much, lest she hurt the tree. She could feel Patrick's gaze on her. “So what did you want to tell me?” she asked. Maybe if she could get him talking, this would go a little easier.

Kathryn glanced up at him as she worked. There was a tension there that he normally didn’t have. Was he nervous? Patrick drew in a deep breath, and the tension eased from him as he let it out. She could see he was committing himself to whatever decision he made.

“Even though it’s only been a short time, I find I care greatly for you.” His words were softly spoken as he walked towards her and the trees. He pushed his leather jacket off his shoulders as he moved. “But there are things that you should know about me.” Folding it up, he laid the coat on the ground next to her tree.

Kathryn focused on keeping her breathing steady as she watched Patrick pull off his leather belt. Was he getting naked?

Patrick rolled his belt up and dropped it on top of his coat. “I am not a normal man.” He caught the heel of one boot with the toe of the other and pulled it loose.

Kathryn’s breath caught as he took off his shoes. Oh yes, he was most definitely getting naked, but what should she do about it? “What do you mean?” she asked, trying to keep her eyes on her task and not on the slowly stripping lord.

“You already know that I was raised by the queen.” Patrick crossed his arms over his loose shirt as he spoke. “Do you remember when I said that not all dragons were bad?”

Kathryn turned and looked at her lord, considering him. The only articles of clothing he had left were his shirt and pants, but she had a feeling those would be coming off soon, too. “Yes,” she answered carefully. She had an uneasy feeling that her earlier thought about Patrick and dragons was turning out to be correct.

“Well.” Slowly, Patrick came over, took the willow bark from her hands, and set it on the ground. He pulled on her hands until she stood in front of him. The look in his eyes was intense as he said, “I’m a dr—”

* * *

The splashing of water and a roar was the only warning Patrick had. Grabbing Kathryn in his arms, he slammed them both to the ground and shifted to his grand form on top of her. His wings burst out in a fray of ruined material, and he cupped them around her as the first licks of dragon fire grazed across his back. He held her tightly, protected under his fireproof scales.

When the raging inferno behind him ceased, he sprang off the terrified woman. Careful not to catch her under his sharp talons, Patrick turned to face the black dragon dripping in lake water. His tail thrashed back and forth in anger. “Mine!” Patrick hissed in dragon with his head dropped down and wings held wide, protecting Kathryn.

Maiden!” the black dragon roared. Its chest bulged as it drew in a breath, stoking its fire for another attack.