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The village was quiet as Patrick and Kathryn made their way to the center of town. Shutters creaked as eyes watched through holes in the wood. The stench of fear was everywhere. Coming to the center of town, Patrick sat back on his haunches and curled his tail around his feet.

Kathryn stroked her hand down his side. “I’ll be back,” she soothed him and left.

Patrick turned his head to watch her go. Drawing in a deep breath, he let it out slowly. He would stay until someone grew brave enough to face him. His eyes scanned over the homes, catching movement from doors and shutters. There were people here, and they were watching. He just had to wait them out. The sound of a door opening drew his attention, and he shifted to face the brave soul. It was Eustace.

“Stories are told of a time when dragons walked as men,” the old man said as he left the safety of his home. “Are you friend or foe?”

Bowing his head, Patrick closed his eyes. At least the old man was willing to talk to him before breaking out the pitchforks. But he would need to shift back to talk with the town elder. Of all the things he had considered while they walked back, standing around naked in the village square hadn’t been one of them. He would just have to buck up and hope his dignity could stand the humiliation.

“Friend,” Kathryn said as she ran back into the square. Shaking out a sheet, she flung it over Patrick’s back.

What a clever girl! Purring his delight, he lowered himself to the ground and shifted. The thin material draped over him, covering him from view. It took a few moments to work the cloth into place, but he stood up with the thing wrapped toga-style around him.

“Thank you.” He touched Kathryn’s hand before turning to face the old man. The surprise on his face made Patrick smile. “I am not your foe.” He looked around as the shutters on the houses were pulled back. Amazed people looked out.

“The dragon has been dealt with,” Patrick announced, raising his voice so it echoed through the town square. “He will not bother you again.”

A commotion from the castle drew his attention, and he raised his hand out to the line of maidens streaming from the gates. “The maidens he took are safe.”

Eustace turned to see the women come racing into the square to greet Kathryn before a few went to find their families. “Are they well?” the town elder asked as doors were flung open and the girls were embraced.

Patrick nodded. “They are well.” He glanced around at the happy scene and drew in a deep breath. Here came the tricky part. “My men and I will remain at the castle and work to repair her defenses. We are dragons, but we will offer you no harm.” He looked around at the faces of the villagers. It was hard to tell what they were thinking. “We offer you our protection and help until you ask us to leave. At that time, we will make arrangements for a new protector and go without question.”

Seeing no answer was coming, he bowed to Eustace. “If you will please forgive me, it has been a long day and there is still much to do before I can rest.” Turning, Patrick held his head high and started off towards the castle.

Kathryn glared at Eustace before hurrying to catch up with Patrick. She took his arm and leaned into his side.

Patrick let out a contented sigh and leaned into her. As long as she stood by him, he could handle anything else.

“My Lord Dragon,” Eustace called before they could get out of the square.

Stopping, Patrick turned to face him.

“Tell me…” The older man paused as he studied the dragon lord. “The first day you turned the dragon, could you have killed the beast and saved the town from his terror?”

Patrick paused, considering the elder's words. A wrong answer here could change the outcome of the whole day. “Yes,” he answered honestly. “My men and I could have killed your dragon on the first day, but the ladies would have paid the price for that action with their lives.” He looked at the maidens they had saved. “I stand by my decision to spare the dragon that day.”

A rustling of material drew his attention as the first of the girls kissed her family and came to stand next to him. Soon, all the maidens were circled around him.

Eustace let out a laugh. “Well, My Lord Dragon, I will bring this up with the other elders, but I think the maidens have spoken. No one is going to challenge your right to be here and risk the wrath of so many women.”

Isn’t that the truth! Patrick looked at the ladies around him warily. “No, you don’t want to risk that. Unhappy women make for a miserable life.”

Most of the girls blushed and looked away from the man they had harassed. The ones he had saved gave him inquisitive looks.

Eustace raised a curious eyebrow. “I see.” None of the girls would meet his eye. He let out a laugh. “Go on, My Lord Dragon, you have earned both your rest and our respect. No one here will question your place as lord.”

Patrick bowed to him. “Thank you, my good man. My men and I are at your service should ever you need us.” With that, he straightened, turned around, and left. The swarm of maidens followed him. After a few steps, he stopped and looked to the ladies. “You are safe now. Feel free to return to your lives.”

The woman stared at him expectantly, but they didn’t leave.

“Patrick,” Kathryn pulled at his arm, gaining his attention, “their things are still at the castle,” she reminded him. “Besides, most of these girls lost everything to the dragon.”

Enlightenment dawned on Patrick. How dumb could he be? These girls weren’t the only maidens left in the town, they were the maidens left without protectors. It would be shameful to turn them away in their time of need. Not to mention it would be a horrible mark against him in the very fragile beginning. Letting out a sigh, he nodded. “Any who wish to stay at the castle, may.”

Joy passed over the ladies’ faces as they started off to their new home, giddy.

What had he just agreed to? Patrick turned and followed behind the group of excited girls.

Kathryn pressed into his side. “Plus, if we left, who would take care of you?”

Patrick chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he walked. “I’m not sure how much more care I can handle,” he teased.

“We could always go back to the village and let you men fend for yourselves,” she huffed at him.

“Anything but that.” He squeezed her to his side. “Your leaving is the one thing I could not handle.” Letting out a deep sigh, he released his tight hold on her. “Give me a few minutes to send some messages to Prince Kyle, and the rest of the day is yours,” he promised. “I will tell you the things you need to know.”

Kathryn looked up at him. “But aren’t you tired?”

He was sure all the trials of the day were etched into his face. “Exhausted,” he admitted. What he truly wanted was a nice long nap, preferably with Kathryn in his arms.

“Then rest,” she urged. “I will watch over you as you sleep.”

Patrick chuckled. “As you wish, My Lady.” Sleep would do him a world of good. And then, he would make sure she understood everything about dragons.


“You have a letter from the prince.” Kathryn held up the note that had just arrived.

Patrick smiled at her. A single, red scale hung by a thin chain at her throat. His scale. A scale that matched the patch on her shoulder where she had accepted his bonding.