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When they had taken the money off the table Murdie lifted his two cards, and asked for a twist, he was dealt a 10. He threw down the cards.

Tammas collected them in silence, left them on the centre of the table. He came out from behind the table and sat down on the bench next to Murdie, bending to take his shoes out from beneath it. He unknotted the laces on his boots, exchanged them for the shoes. Murdie had been doing likewise; now he paused a moment, and he said: Fancy a last hand?

Tammas looked at him.


It’s a waste of time man your luck’s right out. Anyway, I’m still waiting for the twenty quid.

You’re getting the twenty quid. Dont worry about it.

I’m no.

Murdie paused. Come on, he said, last hand.

Naw, no point.

No point! What d’you mean no point? the fucking money I’ve lost the night!

Tammas inhaled twice on his cigarette, the last deeply, and he laid it on the floor and ground it out beneath the sole of his shoe.

Okay, said Murdie, a cut. One cut — double or clear.


Come on a cut, just one cut.

Christ sake Murdie.

Murdie was about to say something in reply but stopped. The dayshift teaboy had entered and was sitting noisily down on the edge of the bench near to the exit. He grinned over at them: Yous still here yet!

Naw, said Murdie, we’re some fucking place else.

The chargie’s standing down at the gaffer’s office.

Murdie glanced at Tammas: Come on eh? one cut, double or clear.

After a moment Tammas shrugged. And Murdie nodded; and he reached for the cards from the table and he passed them to Tammas: It’s still your deal.

Tammas shuffled quickly.

Plus a tenner, Murdie added.

Plus a tenner?

Aye. . double or clear, plus a tenner.

Fuck sake.

Aw come on Tammas I’m losing a fortune, a fortune, no kidding ye.

Tammas shook his head but he shuffled again, and held the pack towards him. Murdie took it and cut immediately; showing a 3; and when Tammas cut an 8 to win his eyelids flickered shut and he made a sound which resembled a chuckle. The teaboy had been watching it all and now he took a step closer, and he said: Was that for thirty pound?

Neither answered. Tammas was already up from his seat and lifting down his jerkin from one of the nails on the wooden board attached to the wall above the table. And he also lifted the jacket hanging next to it and gave it to Murdie. They left the smoke-area together, walking the length of the section without speaking. Most of the machines were now in operation. At one of the silent ones a man was wiping down a flat bit with a paraffin soaked rag; he glanced at the two and laughed: Did yous sleep in!

They ignored him. They continued on to the timecard board and they clocked out without appearing to glance in the direction of the gaffer’s office where the chargehand was standing; he had a cigarette in his mouth, he inhaled and took it out of his mouth, blowing smoke towards the floor. On through the doorway they walked down the sloping corridor, down into the yard and across to the big gate at the works’ entrance. They passed out by the window of the timekeeper’s office.

When they reached the street they slowed then halted on the pavement. Murdie made as if to speak but he sniffed instead, he stayed silent. A group of primary schoolchildren and three women was approaching. Once they had gone he sniffed again, before saying: I’ve not got the full thirty Tammas.

Aw Christ.

I thought I did have.

Tammas turned away.

Okay if I owe you it?

What d’you mean the full thirty?

Murdie nodded.

Aw for fuck sake man.

Honest Tammas I just. .

Tammas turned away from him, he strode down towards the main road. A bus was standing at the traffic lights. He broke into a run for the nearest bus stop.


One of Betty’s wee brothers answered the door and shouted back inside: It’s him! Come in Mister.

Tammas followed him along the lobby into the front room. The other brother and Betty’s two younger sisters grinned at him then stared back at the television. The first boy rushed in and then back out again, and he was shouting: He’s got a wee box of chocolates with him. Hey Betty, he’s got a wee box of chocolates with him.

The younger sister turned round to say, She’s ben the room doing herself up.

He nodded.

She takes ages.

Will I take her in the chocolates? asked the boy.

Ha ha, said Tammas. And then you eat them!

Naw I wouldnt.

Aye you would, said the girl.

Naw I wouldnt.

I’ll give her them myself, said Tammas. He brought out a packet of cigarettes and he lighted one. The older girl suddenly rose from the settee and switched channels, and sat down immediately, gazing at the screen. Tammas got an ashtray from the top of a glass display cabinet and he drew over a dining chair to sit on; then the sound of the first boy running along the lobby floor and in he came.

She says she’s just coming Mister.


The boy grinned and stood where he was for a few moments, before walking to the edge of the settee and bouncing down on it next to the girls. The older one cried: William!

He jumped off, laughing, and sat down on the floor. The other girl and boy were also laughing and they turned to look at Tammas who shook his head and smiled. He put his hand in his trouser pocket and took out some loose change which he held out to the older boy. Here son, he said, away and get a couple of bottles of ginger and some packets of crisps.

The boy grinned with his mouth shut tightly and he made a face at the younger sister when he stood up from the settee. Once he had left the room the first boy jumped up from the floor and said: Can I go with him Mister?


The boy laughed and rushed out after the other one. The outside door banged shut soon after. Minutes later Betty entered; she walked to behind the settee and placed her hand on the back of it. What’s on? she asked.

The older girl replied, Nothing. That film was rubbish.

Anything coming on after?

The girl shrugged; the other one made no response at all. But then the two of them glanced quickly at each other, they were grinning. Betty turned and said to Tammas, Coming ben?

When they were outside in the lobby she closed the door and whispered, Listen Tammas I’m awful sorry but I’ve got to stay in the night and babysit.


My mammy and daddy asked if I would and I said aye — they’ve no been out for ages. But I thought it would be alright. We can go in the bedroom; the record player’s in there. . She looked at him.

Och that’s fine Betty.

Are you sure?

Aye, it’s fine. Here. He gave her the chocolates and she leaned to him, they kissed briefly.

An electric fire was on in the bedroom and the record player sat on a chair beside it; a selection of LP’s were on the bed and the floor, and Betty put one to play. When the music started she turned to him and they kissed until the outside door banged open and shut. The footsteps down the lobby was followed by voices coming back the way and then the bedroom door opened.

Tammas dropped his hands immediately. It was the two boys. Betty cried: Dont come barging in here without chapping!

The older one held up the two bottles and the other one was carrying the crisps. Tammas nodded. Away ben and share it out, he said.

You no wanting any?


What about you Betty?

No, just go through.

When the door was shut he smiled at her and moved nearer. They were standing beside the electric fire and soon they had to move away; they sat down together on the edge of the bed, arms round each other’s waist. Betty said, Are you sure you dont mind staying in?