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Naw no kidding but I mean fuck sake — two hundred quid man and you dont even take your mate for a bevy! I’ve been sitting in the house for a fortnight!

You’re right man sorry, I should’ve.

Fucking think so too! And Christ sake you’re no telling me you’re skint? Fucking two hundred quid!

Sssh. . dont tell every cunt.

Okay. Okay. Billy grinned and went on: So what’re you taking me for a pint or what?

You taking me for one?

Christ — Tammas, you’ve no lost it all back already, eh?

Tammas looked at him. Then he smiled: Come on ya bastard! He took his cigarettes out as he walked to the door and he handed one to him and struck the match. When they were both smoking Billy said, You putting a line on?

Eh naw, I’m no going to bother. Bad race for betting. What about you?

Ah fucking skint man. Serious, I just looked in to see if anybody was here.

Hh! And you found me ya cunt!

Billy laughed and pulled open the door, standing aside to let Tammas exit first. And out on the pavement Tammas started walking in the direction opposite where Simpson’s lay. I’m fucking sick of Simpson’s, he said.

Ach come on! Billy smiled. We’ll get a game of doms. Auld Roper’s in — I saw him fucking limping along ten minutes ago. And McCann’ll be there as well.

Nah I dont fancy it man.

Ye kidding? What’s up?

Fuck all up.

Well come on then!

Look Billy it’s me that’s fucking buying the drink. . Tammas shook his head and turned away, inhaling on the cigarette.

Billy sniffed. He stepped to the edge of the pavement and spat into the gutter. He returned the cigarette to his mouth and put his hands in his jeans’ pockets. Going to tell me something, he said, is this to do with McCann?


Is that how you dont want to go into Simpson’s?

Naw, fuck. Naw.

You sure?

Aye Christ — how?

Cause he thinks you’re fucking avoiding him.


Aye I’m no fucking kidding ye man, every time I bump into him, he’s wanting to know if I’ve seen you!

If you’ve seen me?


Hh, Christ sake.

Billy dragged on the cigarette and asked, Is it cause of Peterhead?

Peterhead. What d’you mean?

Billy shrugged. I dont know. Just cause you never went. .

Never went! Fuck sake Billy it was me waiting for him, no the other way about. That’s how I ended up taking the start in your auld man’s place. Christ, I was getting sick of fucking hanging around.

Aw thanks!

Naw, sorry man nothing against the job or fuck all.

Billy smiled.

Naw, honest Christ I would’ve stuck it I mean. . Tammas shrugged. It was just cause, ach, I dont know Billy I’m just getting fucking sick of factories, getting stuck inside all day. That’s how Christ, Peterhead and that man I really fancy it — I do. . Tammas had been about to add something but he stopped and moved out the way of a man who was hurrying into the betting shop. And he glanced along the road. Naw, he said, it’s me that fucking wants to go but he keeps saying it’s too soon.

Aye well maybe that’s what it’s about then, maybe it’s time now.

Tammas nodded.

I mean he’s saying he doesnt even see you at the broo whereas yous used to always go the gether.

Hh! Fuck sake. Tammas shook his head: I’m no even getting broo money.

Aye but you’re signing on.

Aye, Christ but I’m no getting fuck all cause of that six week rule about chucking your job.

Aye fair enough but I mean. . Billy shrugged.

I’m no even getting social security money.

Hh; how no?

Dont know man — it’s just no coming through or something.

Mm. Billy nodded. He glanced sideways and sniffed. Where d’you fancy going then? The Inn?



Tammas shrugged. I’m no bothered. If you really want to go to Simpson’s then we’ll fucking go to Simpson’s.

Well I’m no desperate.

Naw but if you want to go we’ll go.

It’s alright.

You sure?

Billy shrugged. It’s your fucking cash.

We’ll go.

I’m no bothering but, honest.

I’m no bothering either. Tammas shrugged. It was just a change; I just felt like a change.

Aye fair enough. Billy stepped aside as another guy came rushing up and into the betting shop, and as the door banged open and shut the voice from the extel speaker was quite audible; the runners for the 1.30 race were coming under orders.

Come on, muttered Tammas, I dont want to hear this commentary.

Billy smiled.


McCann was in. He was sitting at one of the rear tables, not far from the darts’ area. Auld Roper was beside him; also a postman by the name of Freddie; and the three of them were playing dominoes. Tammas paused at the head of the bar to order the drinks but Billy continued on.

A moment later came the cry: Hey Hotfoot!

Tammas ignored it. The cry was repeated. It was Roper who was responsible. And when he arrived at the table with the two pints of heavy the elderly man again cried: Hey Hotfoot!

He laid down the pints and glanced at Billy: Thanks for telling every cunt in Glasgow.

Billy laughed.

Is that how you’ve stopped coming in? cried Roper. You’ve been feart to show your face!

Show his feet’s more like it! The postman laughed and leaned over the table to see down at them. Are they recuperating?

Fucking patter! said Tammas. He rubbed his hands as he sat down on a spare chair.

Aye! Auld Roper pursed his lips and shook his head, he raised his half pint of lager and muttered, The copper works — no an easy job eh!

The postman nodded. I’ve heard that myself.

Billy grinned.

Then McCann was tapping the edge of the table and saying, Are we supposed to be playing fucking dominoes here!

Hh! Roper shook his head: Listen to moaning face.

Aye well I’ve fucking forgotten who’s turn it is there’s been that much fucking yapping!

Me it is. . The postman leaned to study the dominoes already lying on the board.

Tammas swallowed a mouthful of beer and sat back on his chair; he glanced at McCann and lifted his beer again, and he said, How’s it going Brian?

Ah no bad Tammas no bad — yourself?

Aye, okay.

Nice wee turn you had the other week.


And kept out of every cunt’s road till he’d spent the money! grunted Auld Roper to the postman.

Ah well you couldnt blame him for that, replied McCann. No with a bunch of begging bastards like you going about!

Hh! Will you listen to who’s talking! Ya cunt ye McCann the next time you buy anybody a drink’ll be the first time. Eh? The elderly man glanced round the table at the others.

Billy grinned: This is getting serious.

You shut up and all, muttered Roper, taking days off your work when half the country cant fucking get any! Eh Freddie? The postman shook his head. Keep me out it, I’m neutral.

Neutral! Hh! Roper reached for his half pint of lager and sipped from it.

After a moment McCann asked, Who’s to fucking go?

Me, said Freddie.

Aw you’re chapping ya cunt give us peace!

How d’you know?

Cause I fucking looked at your hand.

Aw, okay.

Auld Roper sighed and tapped his fingers on the edge of the table Going to get this fucking game moving eh! my rent’s bloody due next week.

Tammas had grinned; he pushed back his chair and stood up swallowing down most of the remainder of his beer. What yous wanting? he asked.
