But he hadn't spoken, just gone on listening.
Marcus told everything, reluctantly at first, but more freely after a few minutes. Then when Evans went in to a selection committee meeting, the reason for Connon's presence that night, Dalziel had had a long talk with Gwen. They were obviously telling the truth about themselves. Too many details fitted. The affair had been going on for nearly two years. 'I bet he's been dying for an audience,' Dalziel said to Pascoe. 'It must be hell having a woman like Gwen and not to be able to strut around in public possession. Mark you, it might have worked both ways. Perhaps it was the secrecy that made Marcus acceptable to Gwen, eh? Christ, Arthur was no oil-painting, but he was like the Winged Victory compared with himV And where does that place you in the beauty stakes? thought Pascoe. But what's it matter? Hell, in one day I've been jealous of a sour-faced moron like Dave Fernie and of a little tub of lard like Marcus Felstead! Dalziel shook his head finally in dismissive amazement at the inscrutability of woman. 'It can't be true,' he said. 'It's a bloody lie all of it. Only, Marcus wouldn't dare to tell a lie like that unless it was true.'
'Irish,' said Pascoe.
'You know what I mean,' said Dalziel. 'More important,' said Pascoe, 'is, where does it leave us? Does it put us any further forward?' 'It teaches us humility,' said Dalziel pompously. 'No other revelation in this case can possibly surprise us after this.' 'Not even if it turns out to be an intruder?' asked Pascoe. 'Not even if your intruder turns out to be Jack the Ripper. I'm off to my bed now. I might even go to church in the morning. Good night.' He lumbered away shaking his head. Pascoe watched him go with a feeling he was disgusted to find almost resembled affection. But as he climbed into his own bed in his little tworoomed flat half a mile from the police station his mind was occupied still with the case. He wished he had one of those 'feelings' which Dalziel had so efficiently mocked. But he hadn't. All he had was the certainty that whatever steps had been taken that day had led them in one direction only.
He switched off the light and fell into an uneasy sleep troubled by dreams in which Gwen Evans, Sheila Lennox and Jenny Connon blended and merged into one.
Chapter 7.
There were three days left till Christmas. The weather was dark, misty. The sky was low and constantly shifting as different layers of grey and black cloud were dragged around by gusty winds. Guiding stars were rarely seen. In any case, no one had much time to look. The greatest money-spending competition on earth was coming to its climax. The streets were thronged all day with compulsive shoppers, intermittently spattered with hard-driven rain and tinted by the glow of festive lighting. And a constant background to everything was the music: carols, pop, sentimental, classical; now near, now far; on tape, on record, and occasionally even issuing from a real, live, human throat. It was a strange unsettling atmosphere. No one could remain unaffected by it.
Some were hardened by it.
'I haven't given or received a Christmas present for more than a dozen years,' said Dalziel. 'Bloody idiots.'
Some were softened.
Should I have tried to go home this year? wondered Pascoe guiltily. Home meant a suburban semi, two hundred miles away, grossly overcrowded for the holiday by his grandmother, his two elder sisters, their unsympathetic husbands and their four even more unsympathetic children, in addition to the normal complement of his parents. He hadn't spent a Christmas there for three years. It was nearly time to try it again.
But not this year.
Some were worried by it. 'He's looking worse than he did when it all happened/ said Jenny. 'Perhaps it's Christmas. I think they always made a special effort at Christmas. For my sake as well, I suppose. He looks awful.'
'Is he seeing the doctor?' asked Antony.
'No. But I'm going to send for him. He had that knock on his head, I don't think he's recovered from that yet.' 'No,' said Antony staring out of the window into the front garden.
Some were made hopeful by it.
'Look, girl,' said Arthur Evans. 'I know we've had some bad times recently and a lot of it's been my fault. But let's make an effort, shan we? It's Christmas, eh? Let's see what we can make of ourselves, eh?' 'Yes,' said Gwen. But her eyes did not shift from the book she was looking at. And the atmosphere of hectic unreality made some resolute. Marcus Felstead whistled a Christmas medley to himself as he carefully packed his suitcase. But in a house in the heart of the Wood field Estate there was no whistling as a man searched the streets for the fourth time for his child, then finally, belatedly, picked up a telephone and rang the police.
'It's happened,' said Dalziel.
'What?' said Pascoe, standing at the threshold of the room. 'Mickey Annan. Aged eight. One hundred and three, Scaur Terrace, Wood field. Didn't get home from school last night. They broke up yesterday, had a bit of a party. It's the usual story. His parents thought he'd gone to a friend's house in the next street. He usually does on that night. But this time it was different, they were all going off for Christmas as soon as their kid arrived. So Mickey wasn't asked. So he wasn't missed till nearly ten.'
Pascoe raised his eyebrows. 'That's late.'
They breed 'em hard in Wood field. Anyway, they always kid themselves. Never admit that anything can be wrong until they've got to.'
'What's happening now?'
The usual. One of his mates thinks he said he might go up to the Common. Someone had told him there might be some snow there. He was mad keen on snow.'
'Oh, Christ.'
The Common was the local term used to describe an area of several acres on the western boundary of the Wood field Estate. It was unfit even for grazing purposes and its main function in human terms was that its near edges provided a useful if unofficial dumping ground for anything and everything. The Common contained a disused quarry, two ponds and a steep-sided stream, all of which had been fenced off after years of complaint. But not even a full-time repair unit could keep up with the constant breaching of the fencing. 'We've got a full-scale search going on now. County are standing by with frogmen.'