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Federalist Papers, 139-140

The Federal Pillars, i42f

Federal Writers Project, 306

The Feminine Mystique (Friedan), 370-371

Ferguson, Niall, 2

Ferguson, Plessy vs., 216-217, 336-337 Fields, Barbara Jeanne, 5 Film, movie industry

detective, crime stories, 308-309 Hays Code, 296 history of generally, 248 Jazz Age, 295-296 McKinley at Home, 247-248 The Monroe Doctrine, 248-249 portrayals of America by, 296, 308 Spanish-American war, 253, 254-255f women, portrayal of, 296-297, 298-299^ 308 First Bull Run/Manassas, 177, 179 First Continental Congress of 1774, 100 First Great Age of Discovery, 14 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 285-286, 287 Florida, 144, 174-176 Fonda, Jane, 362-363

Forbes, John Murray, 182-183, 206 Ford, Henry, 283-284, 286, 297 Fordism, 297

Foreign policy. See also Imperialism Panama/Colombia conflict, 260 Spanish-American war, 252f, 251-252,

254-255f 256-257 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 209f Four Freedoms

Rockwell, 3i7f, 316-317, 318 Roosevelt on, 314-316 Fourteenth Amendment, 194 France

as American ally in Revolutionary War, 124-125

conversion of indigenous peoples by, 7I-72

settlement of New World by, 46-47 Seven Years’ War (the French and Indian War), 83 Franklin, Benjamin on aid to poor, 94-95 Albany Plan of Union biography of, 418-419 on colonial union, 93-94 as Federalist, 139 founding of libraries by, 146-148 on lawyers, 96

Poor Richard’s Almanacks, 94-95 Freedmen’s Bureau, 209-210 Freedom in development of identity, 6-7 Freedom Rides, 343 “Freedom Road” (Hughes), 320-321 Freedom Train, 329-330, 33if, 368-369 Free Soil Party, 164, i67f French and Indian War (Seven Years’

War), 83, 97-98 French Huguenots, 20 Friedan, Betty, 370-371 Fuch, Klaus, 333

Fuller, Margaret, 267-268, 419-420 Fundamental Constitutions, 77-78 Fundamental Orders (1639), 77 Fussell, Paul, 323

Gag Rule, 162, i63f Garbo, Greta, 296-297 Gardner, Ava, 33if Garfield, James A., 242 Garrison, William Lloyd, 162, i67f Gast, John, 187

Gaylord, Augustus, 195-196 Gay rights 373, 374f General Allotment (Dawes) Act of 1887, 239,307-308 Generali Historie of Virginia,

New-England, and the Summer Isles (Smith), 30-31 Georgia lynchings in, 217 overview, 74t settlement of, 77

slave, immigrant population increase in,


slavery in generally, 114 succession of, 174-176 Germany

Blitzkrieg, 310

U-boat campaign, WWI, 269-271 in WWII. (See World War II)

Gettysburg, battle of, 266 G.I. Bill of Rights, 341 Gideon vs. Wainwright, 352-353 Gilbert, Humphrey, 18-20 The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today (Twain),

198-199 Ginsberg, Allen, 341-342 Globalization, 379-380 Goldwater, Barry, 349-350, 350f Gone With the Wind, 308 Go Tell it on the Mountain (Baldwin), 336 Grant, Madison, 290-291 Grant, Ulysses S.

anti-racism policies, 206 on the Colfax Massacre, 214-216 performance as president, 207-209 Great Awakening, 85 Great Britain. See England Great Depression

Dust Bowl drought, 306 economic basis of, 300-301 equality of expectation basis, 301 Hoover’s response to, 301 New Deal. (See New Deal) public perception of Hoover’s response, 301-302 stock market crash, 300 triumph over adversity ideas, 308 veterans, attack on, 301-302 WWII ending of, 310-311 The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald), 287 Great Migration (Puritan), 52-53, 54f, 77

Great Sioux Uprising (Dakota War), 191 Great Society program, 358-359 Great White Fleet, 264, 265f Greeley, Horace, i67f Green Bay Tribes, 195-196 Grenville, Richard, 18-19, 23-24 Guam, 252f, 251-252, 254-255^ 256-257 Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 356-357

Haiti, 154

Hakluyt, Richard, 21-23, 33 Hale, Edward Everett, 318-319 Hale, John, 85 Half-Way Covenant, 59, 61 Hamer, Fannie Lou, 348 Hamilton, Alexander biography of, 420-421 economic policies of, 149-151 as Federalist, 139 Federalist Papers, 139-140 Hancock, John, 139 Harding, Warren death of, 281 reform policies, 281 release of Eugene Debs by, 272 Unknown Soldier, internment of,

276-277, 277f 287 Hariot, Thomas, 24-27, 34, 45 Harlem Renaissance, 295 Harper’s Ferry, 169, 191 Hartford Convention, i6i Hawaii, 253, 310, 3iif Hay, John

Haymarket Riot, 222-223, 236 “Headright” system, 35-36, 63-64 Hearst, William Randolph, 252f Heith, John, 22o-22if Hemingway, Ernest, 287 Henderson, J B, 245 Henry, Patrick, 98, 139 Henry VIII, 14

Higher Education Act of 1965, 358-359 Hippies, 360

Hiroshima, Nagasaki bombings, 328, 33if Hispaniola, 12-13 Hiss, Alger, 333

Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr., 256, 279, 293, 421-422 Homestead Act of 1862, 190 Homosexuality, fears of, 333-334 Hooker, Thomas, 72, 77

Hoover, Herbert, 297, 301 Hoover, J. Edgar, 280-281, 332-333,


Hose, Sam, 219-221 House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 203-204 The House of Mirth (Wharton), 264-265 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 332-333 Howard, Oliver Otis, 243 Howell, William Dean, 225 How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York (Riis), 227

Hughes, Langston, 295, 318, 320-321

Hull House, 262, 410-411

Hungary anti-Communist uprising, 339

Hunt, Thomas, 52

Hurricane Katrina (2005), 378

Hurston, Zora Neale, 295

Hussein, Saddam, 377

Hutchinson, Anne, 56, 72

Huxley, Aldous, 299-300

Idaho, 190

Identity (American) formation

conflict as unifying force, 266-267,

277-278, 377-378 conflict in, 71-72, 78-80, 83, 90-91, 118-119 Constitution in, 136 Crevecoeur on, 81-82 focusing of by Civil War, 180-182 freedom in development of, 6-7 gender inequalities in, 88 globalization in, 379-380 immigration in, 82-83, 231-233, 236-237 incarceration in, 375-376 industrialization in loss of individuality, 287 overview, 5

patriotism vs. nationalism in, 117-118 Reconstruction, 198, 201-204 slavery in development of, 114-116 time span in development of, 82 “true Americanism” concept, 260-261 warfare-identity link in generally, 6 Illinois, Escobedo vs., 352-353 Immigrant ghettos, 225, 227 Immigrants

in American identity formation, 82-83, 231-233, 236-237 assimilation, Americanization of, 291, 292

in civil rights movement, 373-375. (See also Civil rights movement) Cleveland’s defense of, 230 Coolidge on, 291 Davis on, 291

early vs. Gilded Age, Bryce on, 224 eugenics in worthiness of, 292. (See also Eugenics) exploitation of immigrant labor, 235-236

federal immigration restriction laws, 229-230, 290-292 Haymarket Riot, 222-223, 236 as immoral and corrupt, 225-227, 228-229, 290-292 Lincoln on, 223 literacy tests for, 230 Old World soul of, 229 as perceived cause of moral decay, 222, 237, 250 reality of life for, 225, 226-227^ 235-236, 263 as reminders of the past, 230, 23if settlement houses for, 262 statistics, 223t, 223-224 in urbanization, 224 as victims in class war, 279-280 Immigration Act of 1924, 292 Immigration and Nationality Act of i965,


Immigration Restriction League, 230, 272 Imperialism. See also Foreign policy fear of disease motivation, 259^ 259-260

immigrant impact motivations, 249-250 inculcation of foreigners into

Anglo-Saxon ethos, 259^ 259-260 nationalism motivations, 251, 258 naval power in, 249-250 overview, 249 Panama Canal, 260 Panama/Colombia conflict, 260 “soldier’s faith” in, 256, 266-267 Spanish-American war, 252f, 251-252,

254-255f 256-257 “true Americanism” concept, 260-261 Incas, 14-15

Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, 293 Indian Civilization Act of 1816, 239 Indian New Deal, 239-241, 307-308 Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) of 1934, 307-308 Indian Wars, 238

Industrialization in loss of individuality, 287

The Influence of Sea Power upon History (Mahan), 249 Inherit the Wind, 294 Intolerable (Coercive) Acts of 1774, 100, 101-103, 109 Involuntary sterilization laws, 293-294 Iowa, 144 Iraq War, 377 Ireland, 19-20

It Can't Happen Here (Lewis), 306-307 Iwo Jima, Battle of, 3iif, 322f, 321-322,