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‘You look the part of an emissary from Prince Edward, heir to the throne, my friend,’ said Owen.

‘His Grace prefers me this way. And look at you, a little gray at the temples yet still broad at the shoulder and narrow at the waist. Still an active man, I see, though the father of three and married to one of the most beautiful women in the city, I am told, and accomplished in her own right.’

‘Lucie is that and more, Antony. And we must count Jasper, my eldest son, for he is as dear to Lucie and me as if he were of our flesh.’

‘For a man who cursed the fate that sent him north, you have made a life here, and a good one. I have heard much about you from Abbot William.’

‘I trust he has not turned you against me?’ Owen did not have the warm relationship with the current abbot that he’d come to enjoy with his predecessor.

‘He much admires you, and worries what my arrival might mean for the city if you were to join Prince Edward’s household. He has told me all about the recent troubles, and how the aldermen and sheriff counted on you to resolve them. Have you done so?’

‘There are yet a few pieces on the board.’

‘Come. Let us sit, drink wine, and talk.’

They settled in the high-backed chairs, moving them so that they faced each other with the small table between. Antony poured, handed Owen a mazer.

‘They are talking about your skill with a bow in all the taverns of the city. So you have regained your prowess.’

‘To an extent, I suppose I have.’ Owen did find it satisfying.

‘Tell me about these outlaws. I understand they committed these crimes as vengeance for their father and a young woman?’

Owen tried to be as brief as possible. ‘They will hang, of course. But Bartolf Swann misused his power as coroner, as did the steward of Galtres.’

‘A common complaint.’

‘We are at the mercy of the king’s whim in his choices for such positions.’

‘A king uses such posts as favors to those who served him well, yes. But it has ever been so. You cannot expect such a man as the king to think long on the talents necessary for such minor posts.’

‘Minor to him, not to the community.’

Antony sat back, his expression quizzical. ‘You have learned much since last we met, my friend, but you have not lost your fire.’

‘No? I wonder.’

‘Trust me, you have not. Nor have I.’ Antony refilled his mazer. ‘I imagine you are wondering how it is I am no longer with the Duke of Lancaster.’ He sat back, giving Owen an account of the years since they had last met, moving among noble commanders until he caught the attention of Prince Edward. ‘He can be a difficult man, but he has a keen mind and is curious about the world. We enjoy each other’s company. And you? Tell me about how you met your wife. I have heard rumors, but I would rather hear the truth.’

Owen found in his friend a rapt audience. But when Antony began questioning him about his duties for Thoresby, which were varied and ever-changing, with increasing responsibility, Owen finally asked why he was so curious. He hoped it was not too long before he reached the moment when it would be appropriate to introduce Antony to Michaelo. And Leufrid? Geoffrey had not yet knocked.

‘His Grace is interested in the extent of your talents. That should not surprise you. My mission is no mystery to you, though Chaucer was not privy to all I have to tell you.’

‘Hence your presence.’

‘That, and there is the matter of your taking so long to decide.’

‘The prince is impatient.’

‘He has ever been so. But at present he has cause. His father the king is ailing, vulnerable, prey to such as Richard Lyons, Alice Perrers – I will not bore you with the list, though should you join his household you will soon be apprised of those he most distrusts. In the North, it is the Neville family, a concern heightened by the appointment of Alexander Neville as Archbishop of York.’

‘A Neville in charge.’

‘As it were.’ Antony tapped his long fingers on the table. ‘For my part, I believe this might benefit us. In war it is preferable to have the enemy out in the open. But Prince Edward dislikes his father’s decision to hand the North to the Nevilles. The Thoresby/Ravenser family were more tractable.’

‘Did the prince support Richard Ravenser for archbishop?’

Antony cleared his throat, glanced toward the ceiling. ‘Tractable, but, unfortunately, weak when it comes to armed might, and therefore …’

‘Richard Ravenser would be good for the Church, but not the realm?’

Antony inclined his head. ‘Forgive me if I insult a friend. But if the Scots cause trouble, or one of the powerful Northern families thinks to take advantage of an aging king, the Thoresby/Ravenser clan would be of little use.’

He had a point. ‘Who would His Grace have chosen for York?’

‘I don’t know. He had made no decision, believing there was more time. He thought – unwisely in hindsight – that his wife’s visit would do Thoresby much good, extend his life.’

Owen bowed his head.

‘Yes. I know it caused you much pain, my friend. The woman … Your man …’

‘You know much.’

‘I thought I should learn as much as I might. You have made an impression, a good one, on many powerful people. And some enemies … I have heard Wykeham is your nemesis, and Thoresby made that puzzling choice to coerce the Bishop of Winchester into deeding you a valuable manor near your wife’s. Now he might consider you beholden to him. However, if you are of Prince Edward’s household, all your enemies will think twice about crossing you. The prince protects his people.’ A pause as Antony studied Owen, who worked hard to keep his expression neutral. ‘My wish is to convince you that this post in the prince’s household is an honorable undertaking, and to your benefit and that of all your family. And I believe with all my heart that is so. But I will not insult you with claims of His Grace’s perfection or ease of manner, for I know you are aware of his prejudices and sharp temper.’

‘And, knowing that, I do not for a moment believe I have any choice in this. I am commanded to serve.’

Antony raised a brow. ‘You know him well. But I can imagine you choosing to defy the prince. Is that how you wish to play this?’

Owen stood, walked to the window. ‘It has a certain appeal. And were I not a family man I might try his patience.’ He turned to face Antony. ‘I have a compromise in mind. I would be both the prince’s man in the North and captain of York’s bailiffs.’

‘Torn between two masters?’

‘I do not see it that way, but as a means to protect my family from within and without the city. Knowledge of the kingdom at large, the conflicts amongst houses, some status, and a seat at the table here in the city would, as you say, be to my benefit and that of my family.’

‘So little?’ A smile. ‘Not a knighthood?’

‘No, not that.’

‘I did not think so. But if ever you should change your mind, His Grace would be well pleased to count you among his fighting men.’ Antony shrugged. ‘He might do so in any case.’

‘I am too old.’

‘Yesterday’s victims might disagree.’

‘Ah. That is so.’

Antony’s laughter was loud in the small room, and Owen could not help but join in.

Brother Michaelo had spent his time exploring the hall of the hospitium, standing by an open window breathing in the cool air. It would rain again, perhaps by evening. He’d just turned, attracted to the sound of the emissary’s laughter. Such a sound bespoke a man at ease in the world, a good sign.

‘He is a man of good humor,’ said Chaucer, stepping into the room. The captain had warned Michaelo that he might appear.