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“So what did you do?” Ally asked curiously.

“After Jo-anne went overseas, I took a job on a ranch in Colorado and started thinking about what I really wanted to do with my life, which was join the military and become a chopper pilot. And then eventually acquire my own ranch. When I told Jo-anne, she thought it would be great. After all, she was all for adventure and living life out of the ordinary. And we figured we could both request assignments overseas and see the world together that way…”

He swallowed hard. “Things were finally back on track between the two of us. I had almost saved enough money to go and visit her for a couple weeks and then…she got killed in that terrorist bombing.”

Ally understood a lot about grief and guilt. “And you had a hard time forgiving yourself,” she presumed softly.

He nodded. “We wasted a lot of time arguing about things that could have been worked out a whole heck of a lot easier, if the two of us had just figured out what we had to have to be happy and been willing to compromise sooner.”

Ally bit her lip. “There’s one thing I don’t understand. If your parents knew you were already thinking about enlisting, then…”

“I hadn’t told anyone but Jo-anne of my plans, or her reaction. After she was killed, I didn’t want to talk about what might have been, just what I was going to do next.”

That made sense. Ally studied Hank’s tortured expression. “So your mother thinks…”

“The same thing my dad thinks-that I need the family’s help if I’m going to achieve anything-whether it be in ranching or romance. And that’s why Dad is always stopping by the ranch to see if I need his help with anything, and why Mom is trying to help our relationship along.”

“Because your dad wants to know you’re okay, business-wise, and she’s concerned about your personal life, and…for whatever reason…wants to see the two of us together.”

Or, as his sister had said, the family just wanted to see Hank with someone again, settled down with a family of his own to love.

He grimaced. “It would appear so.”

Ally thought about that on the rest of the drive home. It was nice that she had the approval of the McCabe family, or guessed she did-otherwise they wouldn’t be pushing Hank and her toward each other. However, it was not so nice that once again she wanted what she could never seem to get-the sense that she was more important to those closest to her than Mesquite Ridge ever would be.

As they walked into the ranch house, she and Hank stopped in the kitchen to check on Duchess and the pups. All were sound asleep.

They continued on into the living room, where Ally saw the message light blinking red, and a big shopping bag from Neiman Marcus underneath the unadorned tree.

His expression abruptly serious, Hank shrugged out of his coat. “We still haven’t talked about what upset you while I was gone,” he reminded her kindly.

No, Ally thought, they hadn’t. And at this point she wasn’t sure she wanted to. After all, she had no official claim on Hank, or he on her. It didn’t matter that the two of them had kissed a few times and recklessly made love once. They were both single, and she’d made it clear she was selling the ranch to the highest bidder and leaving Laramie on December 24. If Hank wanted to see someone else, especially with Christmas on the horizon, that was his business.

Hanging on to her pride by a thread, she fibbed, “I think I just had a touch of cabin fever. I’m not used to being out here all alone.”

Hank looked at her dress, the way she’d gone all out with her hair and makeup and hooked his thumbs through his belt loops. “Now why don’t I believe that?” Anxious to keep from spilling the truth, Ally looked at the answering machine. “Maybe we better see what that message is about.

“Let’s not.”

Ignoring his frown, Ally stepped forward and pushed the button, anyway.

As she had feared, Lulu’s voice rang out loud and clear. “Hank, where are you? I’m so excited! I want to know when we’re going to get together next! Hopefully, tomorrow. Call me, will you, honey? And do it soon!” Click.

Jealousy reared its ugly head.

Hank lifted a hand in damage control. “I know how that sounds, but it’s not what you think.”

Ally sure as heck hoped not!

Nevertheless, before she could stop them, words came pouring out of her mouth. “Well, now that we’re on the subject, honey, messages like that one might have something to do with my pique.”

Astonishment mingled with irritation on his handsome face. “Lulu and I are just friends.”

“Uh-huh.” Ally folded her arms and pinned him with a withering look. “Such good friends you spent the night in a hotel with her in Dallas last night?” The minute the accusation was out, Ally regretted it. For the sake of her pride, she had never meant to let on that she knew. But now the reckless words were out, there was no taking them back.

Recognition turned Hank’s eyes a deeper blue, and he deliberately closed the distance between them. “First of all, Lulu and I weren’t together, not in the way you’re obviously thinking. And second of all, how did you know that?”

“The machine. She called here, looking for you, last night at dinnertime.” Probably accidentally on purpose, so I’d know, Ally thought resentfully. “Is that why you went out with Penderson this evening?” Hank looked at her as if he wanted nothing more than to make love to her, then and there. “Because you wanted to make me as jealous, as you are obviously feeling?”

“I went out with Penderson because he asked me to go.” Ally spoke as if to a dimwit. “So he could apologize for putting the pressure on me regarding the sale of the ranch.”

“And make another offer,” Hank added tersely.

“And make another offer,” Ally confirmed. “Just as you said he would.”

Hank paused and searched her face. Once again he seemed able to read her mind. “Did you accept it?”

“I’m still hoping something better will come in,” she replied honestly.

“Me, too.” He smiled as if he knew a secret.

Ally recalled what Emily had said about Lulu getting a substantial financial settlement from her divorce. She shifted uneasily. “Back to Lulu…”

Hank gave her a stern look. “I repeat, she is just a friend.”

“Who had a crush on you all through high school.”

The tension in his broad shoulders eased slightly. “We never dated.”

“To Lulu’s lament.”

Hank scrutinized Ally with unremitting interest. “There’s nothing for you to be envious about,” he insisted.

She scoffed. “I’m not envious. Just curious.” As to why he still hadn’t explained what exactly what was going on between him and Lulu…and why they had been together in Dallas the night before. Was Lulu the client Hank had been ferrying about for the last two days? Or had the two of them just happened to be in the Metroplex on business at the same time, and decided to have dinner together? And what were he and Lulu going to see each other about next that had her so excited?

Hank studied Ally, looking impossibly handsome and determined in the soft light. He gestured amicably. “Okay. If that’s the case,” he challenged audaciously, “then prove it.”

Ally pushed away another wave of desire and held her ground with effort. Why did she suddenly feel she had a tiger by the tail? “How?” she asked, just as casually.

Hank held his arms wide. “Come here and kiss me like you mean it.”

Chapter Eleven

“Kiss you?” Ally echoed.

Hank came closer, until they were near enough to feel each other’s body heat. “You asked me not to bother you with half-formed plans,” he stated in a soft, decisive voice that coaxed her closer still. “I haven’t and I won’t. I’m asking you to trust that, given another week or two, I will meet my objective and make a formal offer on Mesquite Ridge that tops the one you’ve already received from Corporate Farms.” He regarded Ally. “If you are willing to believe in me, in here-” he put his hand over his heart “-then demonstrate your faith in me and kiss me.”