Rabinovitz, Lauren.
Points of Resistance: Women, Power and Politics in the New York Avant-garde Cinema, 194371
. Urbana/Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Schwartz, David.
Independent America: New Film 19781988
. A catalogue for a film show at the American Museum of the Moving Image, OctoberNovember 1988. New York: American Museum of the Moving Image, 1988.
Silverman, Kaja.
The Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema
. Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1988.
Bruce Baillie
Brakhage, Stan. "To Bruce Baillie." In
Brakhage Scrapbook,
ed. Robert A. Haller, pp. 146155. New Paltz, N.Y.: Documentext, 1982.
Callenbach, Ernest.
Bruce Baillie
. A Film in the Cities Monograph. Minneapolis/St. Pauclass="underline" Film in the Cities/Walker Art, Center, 1979.
Film Culture,
no. 6769 (1979). Includes a sixty-four-page Baillie section: letters by Baillie, essays by Ken Kelman, Paul Arthur, Anthony Bannon.
Fischer, Lucy. "
Castro Street:
The Sensibility of Style."
Film Quarterly
29, no.3 (Spring 1976): 1422.
Sitney, P. Adams.
Visionary Film
. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974, chaps. 6, 7.
Whitehall, Richard. "An Interview with Bruce Baillie."
Film Culture
47 (1969): 1619.
Williams, Alan. "The Structure of Lyric: Baillie's
To Parsifal." Film Quarterly
29, no. 3 (Spring 1976): 2230.
James Benning
Benning, James. "Sound and Stills from
Grand Opera." October,
no. 12 (Spring 1980): 2245.
Page 439
Lehman, Peter, and Stephen Hank. "
11 × 14:
An Interview with James Benning."
Wide Angle
2, no. 3 (1978): 1220.
Rosenbaum, Jonathan.
Film: The Front Line/1983
. Denver: Arden Press, 1983, pp. 4961.
Lizzie Borden
Borden, Lizzie. "Trisha Brown and Yvonne Rainer."
11, no. 10 (June 1973): 8081.
De Lauretis, Teresa.
Technologies of Gender
. Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987, chap. 8. Also available as "Rethinking Women's Cinema: Aesthetics and Feminist Theory," in
Issues in Feminist Film Criticism,
ed. Patricia Erens.
Ehrenstein, David.
Film: The Front Line/1984
. Denver: Arden Press, 1984, pp. 114119.
Fusco, Coco. "Working Girls: An Interview with Lizzie Borden."
(U.S.A.) 14, no. 5 (December 1986): 6-7.
Jackson, Lynne. "Labor Relations: An Interview with Lizzie Borden."
15, no. 3 (Fall 1987): 49.
Judge, Maureen, and Lori Spring. "An Interview with Lizzie Borden."
8 (Spring 1987): 6976.
Robert Breer
Breer, Robert. "Robert Breer on His Work,"
Film Culture,
no. 42 (1966): 112113.
. "Robert Breer: On Two Films."
Film Culture,
no. 2223 (19631964): 163164.
. "A Statement."
Film Culture,
no. 26 (1962): 57.
. "A Statement."
Film Culture,
no. 29 (1963): 73.
. "What Happened."
Film Culture,
no. 26 (1962): 58.
Burch, Noel. "
Image by Images, Cats, Jamestown Baloos, A Man and His Dog Out for Air." Film Quarterly
12, no. 3 (1959): 5557.
Cote, Guy L. "Interview with Robert Breer."
Film Culture,
no. 27 (19621963): 1820.
Film Culture,
no. 5657 (Spring 1973): 2372. A special section in honor of Breer's receiving the Eleventh Independent Film Award, includes the award announcement; P. Adams Sitney, "Robert BreerFrom 'The Visionary Film-makers,' " pp. 2438; Jonas Mekas and P. Adams Sitney, "An Interview with Robert Breer Conducted by Jonas Mekas and P. Adams Sitney on May 13, 1971in New York City," pp. 3955; "An Interview with Robert Breer Conducted by Charles Levine at Breer's Home, Palisades, N.Y. Approximate Date July 1970," pp. 5569; "Letter from Robert Breer to Jonas Mekas 5/25/70," pp. 6970; and Robert Breer, ''Robert BreerFilmography" (annotated), pp. 7072.
Page 440
Fischer, Lucy· "Independent Film: Talking with Robert Breer."
University Film Study Center Newsletter
7, no. 1 (October 1976): 57.