. Pp. 129140.
Andrew Noren
Cahmi, Gail. "The Films of Andrew Noren."
Film Culture,
no. 7071 (1983): 100118.
Carson, L. M. "Introduction" to
David Holzman's Diary
(screenplay). New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1970. Pp. viiiix.
Hoberman, J. "Lust for Light."
Village Voice,
March 12, 1979. "Streets of Fire."
Village Voice,
Oct. 6, 1987.
Kardish, Larry.
Of Light and Texture: Andrew Noren and James Herbert
. A catalogue for a retrospective of the two filmmakers. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1981.
Mekas, Jonas. "On Andrew Noren, the Master of Texture." In
Movie Journal,
by Mekas, pp. 369371. New York: Collier Books, 1972.
Yoko Ono
As one of the world's most visible personalities, Ono has been interviewed many times about a wide variety of projects and about John Lennon. This listing focuses on her film work only.
Hanhardt, John, and Barbara Haskell.
Yoko Ono: Objects, Films
. A catalogue for a show of films and objects at the Whitney Museum, Spring 1989. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1989.
Hendricks, Jon.
Fluxus Codex
. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988, pp. 415426.
Mekas, Jonas. "Films of Yoko Ono and John Lennon." In Movie Journal, by Mekas, pp. 411ndash;413. New York: Collier, 1972.
Ono, Yoko. Filmscripts. In Scott MacDonald, "Yoko Ono: Ideas on Film (Interview/Scripts),"
Film Quarterly
43, no. 1 (Fall 1989): 1621.
. Tokyo: Wunternaum Press, 1964. Reprinted, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1964, 1970. A paperback edition was published by Simon & Schuster/Touchstone in 1971.
Museum of Modern FArt: Yoko OnoOne Woman Show
. A catalogue for an installation at the Museum of Modern Art, Dec. 115, 1971. New York: Yoko Ono, 1972.
. "Yoko Ono" (interview). In
The Guests Go In to Supper: John Cage, Robert Ashley, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Charles Admirkhanian, Michael Pepper, K. Atchley,
ed. Melody Sumner, Kathleen Butch, Michael Sumner, pp. 169213. Oakland, Calif.: Burning Books, 1986.
. "Yoko Ono on Yoko Ono."
Film Culture,
no. 4849 (Winter-Spring 1970): 3233.
Page 444
Ono, Yoko, and John Lennon. "John Lennon, Yoko Ono: Our Films."
Filmmakers Newsletter,
no. 6 (June 1973): 2527.
This Is Not Here
. A catalogue for a retrospective show at the Everson Museum, Syracuse, N.Y., 1971. Syracuse: Everson Museum, 1971.
Yvonne Rainer
An extensive listing of publications by and about Rainer and her films was compiled by Patricia White for
The Films of Yvonne Rainer
(Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989), which includes the scripts for
Lives of Performers, Film About a Woman Who . . . , Kristina Talking Pictures, Journeys from Berlin/1971,
The Man Who Envied Women,
along with "Yvonne Rainer: An Introduction," by B. Ruby Rich; "Impossible Projections," by Bérénice Reynaud; and "Interview with Yvonne Rainer," by Mitchell Rosenbaum.
Camera Obscura,
no. 1 (Fall 1976): 5375. Includes "Yvonne Rainer: An Introduction" and "Appendix: Rainer's Descriptions of Her Films."
Carroll, Noel. "Interview with a Woman Who . . ."
no. 79 (Fall/Winter 1980/81): 3768.
De Lauretis, Teresa.
Technologies of Gender
. Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987, chap. 7.
Fischer, Lucy.
. Chap. 10.
Lippard, Lucy. "Yvonne Rainer on Feminism and Her Film." In
From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women's Art,
by Lippard, pp. 265279. New York: NAL-Dutton, 1976.
Mekas, Jonas. "Interview with Yvonne Rainer."
Village Voice,
April 25, 1974, p. 77.
Rainer, Yvonne. "Annotated Selections from the Filmscript of
Kristina Talking Pictures." No Rose
1, no. 3 (Spring 1977).
. "Beginning with Some Advertisements for Criticisms of Myself, or Drawing the Dog You May Want to Use to Bite Me With, and Then Going On to Other Matters."
Millennium Film Journal,
no. 6 (Spring 1980): 57.
. "Conversation Following Screening at Cinematheque of
Kristina Talking Pictures,
April 6, 1978."
78, nos. 34 (1978): 1617.
. "Incomplete Report of the First Week of the Edinburgh International Film Festival, August 1730, 1980 and Musings on Several Other Films."
nos. 910 (Winter 198081): 26.